Implementasi TQM Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Performa Akademik pada Salah Satu Perguruan Tinggi
Abstract. Implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM) and Student Satisfaction of Academic Performance, Private universities (PTS) must be continuously improved in terms of quality and quality. Various potentials and advantages possessed by universities will be mobilized as much as possible and become a positive selling point. This problem also occurs in private universities, especially the Pos Indonesia Polytechnic. There was a decrease in the number of students by 254 people in 2017. Pos Indonesia Polytechnic implements the best Total Quality Management (TQM) to obtain an ISO 9001: 2015 Certificate from Tuvrheinland on March 20, 2018 with Certificate No. 82410017091. ISO 9001: 2015. Total Quality Management according to Fandy Tjiptono and Anastasia (Octaria, 2015: 11) is an approach in running a business that tries to maximize the competitiveness of an organization through continuous improvement of its products, services, people, processes and environment. Pos Indonesia Polytechnic. The independent variable in this study is Total Quality Management (TQM) seen from dimensions, namely: Commitment to the Principle of TQM, Curriculum Development and Faculty, Running the University, Faculty and Staff Resources for the TQM, Evaluation, and Commucations. While the independent variable is Student Satisfaction of Academic Performance. Total Quality Management (TQM) affects Student Satisfaction of Academy Performance, both partially and simultaneously.
Keywords. ISO 9001:2015 ; Managing Service Quality ; Student Satisfaction of Academic Performance ; Total Quality Management (TQM)
Abstrak. Implementasi Total Quality Management (TQM) dan Student Satisfaction of Academic Performance,. Perguruan tinggi swasta (PTS) harus terus diperbaiki dalam segi mutu maupun kualitasnya. Berbagai potensi dan keunggulan yang dimiliki perguruan tinggi akan dikerahkan semaksimal mungkin dan menjadi nilai jual yang positif. Permasalahan ini juga terjadi di Perguruan tinggi swasta, khususnya Politeknik Pos Indonesia. Terjadi penurunan jumlah mahasiswa sebanyak 254 orang pada tahun 2017. Politeknik Pos Indonesia mengimplementasikan Total Quality Manajemen (TQM) yang terbaik sehingga mendapatkan Sertifikat ISO 9001:2015 dari Tuvrheinland pada tanggal 20 Maret 2018 dengan Certificate Register No. 82410017091. ISO 9001:2015. Total Quality Management menurut Fandy Tjiptono dan Anastasia (Octaria,2015:11) merupakan suatu pendekatan dalam menjalankan usaha yang mencoba untuk memaksimalkan daya saing organisasi melalui perbaikan terus menerus atas produk, jasa, manusia, proses, dan lingkungannya. Politeknik Pos Indonesia. Variabel bebas dalam penelitian ini adalah Total Quality Management (TQM) yang dilihat dari dimensi yaitu : Commitment to the Principle of TQM, Curriculum Development and Faculty, Running the University, Faculty and Staff Resources for the TQM, Evaluation, serta Commucations. Sedangkan variabel bebasnya adalah Student Satisfaction of Academic Performance. Total Quality Management (TQM) berpengaruh terhadap Student Satisfaction of Academy Performance, baik secara parsial maupun simultan.
Kata kunci. ISO 9001:2015 ; Managing Service Quality ; Student Satisfaction of Academic Performance ; Total Quality Management (TQM)