Effectiveness Of Project-Based Learning Models in 11th Grade Biology Subject At SMAN 3 Serang City

  • Zaniar Kahfi Syaira Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Salmah Hidayani Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Laksana Dewa Putra Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Ahmad Satibi Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Yulda Yulda Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Novita Novita Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: biology subject, education, project based learning


The purpose of conducting this research is to determine the effectiveness of the collaboration of various learning methods, one of which is the application of Project Based Learning (PjBL) methods at SMAN 3 Kota Serang. This research was conducted on May 5 2023 at SMA Negeri 3 Kota Serang involving 2 grade 11 students and 1 biology teacher who taught biology in grade 11. This research used a qualitative method because it only stated what happened in real and natural terms. The qualitative approach prioritizes the observation of the phenomenon under study. The data collection technique used in this study is the technique of collecting interviews and documentation during observation. Observations were carried out by interviewing the resource person, namely the Biology Teacher at SMAN 3 SERANG CITY and also some students who were teaching biology subjects. Data analysis and processing was carried out using qualitative methods, where researchers conducted interviews, asked questions related to the topic. The research results from this observation show that currently SMA Negeri 3 is Implementing Project Based Learning (PjBL). Some of the projects that have been completed by SMA Negeri 3 students are projects to paint parts of organs on material on human organ systems. Apart from painting the organs, the project that has been completed is learning through the Canva application. In its application, it indirectly involves students' ideas and creativity so that they can convey their learning through art. The application of biology learning combined with art has proven effective, because students can better understand the material so that the demands of the learning process are met. The learning model and the existence of collaboration that makes learning not monotonous is a must for a teacher to be able to understand the characteristics and abilities of students. Then there are several problems/obstacles that are felt by students, namely the lack of learning time is the biggest obstacle. In SMA Negeri 3 there are often various events outside of learning that require students to participate, so the biology lesson schedule is abolished. Furthermore, they experience obstacles to learning resources. They are facilitated by the school, namely textbooks that are loaned, but in reality the information is often incomplete so that we are forced to look for other sources which are sometimes difficult for us to get.
