Concept Sentence Learning Model to Improve the Ability of Writing News in Sundanese Language.
This research is motivated by the lack of ability of students in writing news. The purpose of this study is to describe the ability to write news students before and after using the model of learning concept sentence, increase or not after using the models of learning concept sentence, and the differences using the model of learning concept sentence. The method used in this research is quasi-experimental method, using pretest and posttest design. Sources of data in this study were 36 students of SDN 1 Baleendah Class V Academic Year 2022/2023. Techniques used are test techniques, while the instrument is a writing test news. The results of this study are (1) the ability to write news using the model concept sentence up the value of (52,4); (2) the ability to write news after using the concept sentence learning model on average to get the value of (81,1); (3) there is an increase in the ability to write news after using concept sentence model, from (52,4) to (81,1), and (4) there is a difference between the writing ability of news before and after using the Concept Sentence model. Based on statistical tests of significance values (Sig-2 tailed), namely (0,000 < 0,05) or less than 0,05. Which means that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. This shows that the model of concept sentence learning can improve students' writing ability of SDN 1 Baleendah Class V Academic Year 2022/2023.