Child-Friendly Digital Visualization as an Effort to Enhance Multicultural Values in Banten State Museum

  • Aisyah Sinta Balqis Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Fanesya Adzqya Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Mia Ismiya Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Rahma Sayyida Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Rizka Maria Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Syifa Faujiah Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Creativity and adaptation are the keys to the development of museums in Indonesia.  The era of digitalization has brought many changes in various industries, including the museum industry.  For young children, digitalization in museums can provide a more interactive and interesting learning experience.  Digital visualization in early childhood has an important urgency in supporting their development.  Modernization of museums for early childhood involves the use of technology and design approaches that appeal to children.  It is important to ensure that this modernization retains the essence of education and hands-on experience in dealing with real artefacts and objects.  In Indonesia, several museums have used digital visualization in presenting their collections, there are 5 museums that have implemented visual technology, including the MACAN Museum (Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Nusantara) - Jakarta, National Museum - Jakarta, Angkut Museum - Batu, Malang, the Geological Museum – Bandung and the Puppet Museum – Jakarta.  This study aims to determine the implementation of digital visualization in the form of a hologram at the Banten State Museum in increasing child-friendly multicultural values.  Through this system, visitors can view and listen to various information related to the history of Banten.  The benefits of media through visualization are useful in attracting attention and fostering motivation to learn in alpha generation children who are sensitive to visual stimulation.  So that researchers are interested in examining the extent to which the use of child-friendly digital visualization in increasing multicultural values.  This study uses a qualitative research method with a case study approach.  Qualitative research begins by exploring a particular area, collecting data, generating ideas and hypotheses from the participant data of teachers, users and museum employees.  The results obtained are an overview of the implementation of digital visualization contained in the Banten State Museum in the form of a hologram.  With digital visualization, children will be more interested in learning Banten historical values displayed in the Museum.
