International Conference on Lesson Study <p>These proceedings represent the work of researchers participating in&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The 13th Indonesia Conference On Lesson Study (ICLS)</a> which is being hosted by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. ICLS is an event on the international research conference agenda and provides a valuable platform for individuals to present their research findings, display their work in progress, and discuss conceptual and empirical advances in the areas of lesson study. <span class="VIiyi" lang="en"><span class="JLqJ4b ChMk0b" data-language-for-alternatives="en" data-language-to-translate-into="auto" data-phrase-index="0">Proceedings of <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The 13th Indonesia Conference On Lesson Study (ICLS)</a> Published Once a Year</span></span></p> Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Education en-US International Conference on Lesson Study A Design of Evaluation for Lesson Study Program Based on Guskey^s Evaluation Model of Professional Development <p>Abstract</p> Harry Firman Nahadi Harun Imansyah Copyright (c) 2023 2023-03-31 2023-03-31 1 1 1 6 Profile of Critical Thinking Skills of Students on Hydraulic Pump Theme Learning in One of the Junior High Schools in Sumedang Regency <p>This study addresses students' critical thinking skills profiles in learning about hydraulic pumps under a STEM Quartet Instructional Framework using a problem-based learning approach. This study was implemented in a VIII class at one Indonesian junior high school. Data collection and analysis considered learning observations, teacher interviews, document studies, and recordings (audio and video). The learning design is problem-based, consisting of two school-based activities and homework projects. The learning of hydraulic pump design uses a contextual problem related to the student's daily life in Sumedang Regency, where the students live. The discussion allowed students to demonstrate critical thinking indicators. The profile of students' critical thinking skills is seen from the appearance of indicators of critical thinking skills. The highest indicators of student critical thinking skills occurred in the first face-to-face meeting: asked questions (203 times), identified concepts (124 times), and delivered assumptions (188 times). The highest Indicators of critical thinking skills at the second face-to-face meeting are: described data or information (227 times), delivered assumptions (148 times), and asked questions (125 times). The indicators reflect differences in the stages of the first and second sessions. Meanwhile, the least indicator of critical thinking skills at the first and second face-to-face meetings was ‘conveying the goal’. The lack of appearance of that indicator was influenced by the low attention of students to the goal. The results were influenced by the learning phases and individual and group characteristics.</p> Santy Nurmalasari Sumar Hendayana Asep Supriatna Copyright (c) 2023-08-31 2023-08-31 1 1 7 16 Application of Creative Problem Solving Learning Model to Problem Solving Ability in Chemistry Material <p>This study aims to determine the effect of applying creative problem solving (CPS) learning models on students problem solving abilities in chemistry on acid-base material. This study uses a quasi experimental research design with a pretest-posttest control group design. The population of this study was class XI MA As adiyah Tolai Parigi Moutong Regency as many as 2 classes consisting of 44 students. The sampling technique in this study was saturated sampling, so class XI A was the control class and XI B was the experimental class, each of which consisted of 22 students. Data collection using a problem solving ability test instrument. The results showed that the level of problem solving ability in the control class using conventional learning models obtained an average value of 70 while the experimental class using creative problem solving learning models obtained an average value of 82. Analysis of each indicator of problem solving ability showed that students had able to understand the problem, plan problem solving, and carry out the solution plan well. However, students have not been able to re examine the results of problem solving properly. The analysis of hypothesis testing using t test shows that the value of sig-(2-tailed) obtained is 0,004 less than 0,05 so that it shows the effect of applying creative problem solving (CPS) learning models on students problem solving abilities in acid-base material.</p> Iqbal Rahmat Zurajman Kasmudin Mustapa Ratman Dewi Satria Ahmar Copyright (c) 2023 2023-08-31 2023-08-31 1 1 17 25 Science Teachers View and Peer Involvement in Reflective Practice: Based on Learning Experience in School <p>The practice of reflection for teachers today is one of the keys to innovation and learning improvement. This is because reflective practice aims to promote analytical thinking from the teachers learning experience for better teaching and ultimately better learning and can be done collaboratively with peers. This study explores more deeply how the understanding of science teachers includes the involvement of peers in their reflective practice. Appointed based on the teaching experience conducted by 16 science teachers in junior high schools in Kendari City, Southeast Sulawesi. The analysis procedure uses data organization through interviews, documents, or observations. The results indicate that the teachers views on reflective practice are divided into 4 understandings: (1) The process of rethinking what has been learned whether it has going well or not, (2) Evaluating the problems faced in learning and teaching process, (3) Self-awareness in assesing in learning and teaching process and use it to improve the next one and (4) Consideration about strategies, tools/media used, material content and student understanding during learning. Most of the reflective practices carried out by science teachers themselves, without involving colleagues or other related parties, also without any supporting instruments or evidence. This study suggests that reflective practice and reflective forums can become a mandatory policy for every school in order to develop science innovation and learning in the future.</p> Selvi Eslea Babutta Riandi Hendayana S Kaniawati Ida Copyright (c) 2023 2023-08-31 2023-08-31 1 1 26 30 Improving Teachers’ Ability to Implement Hybrid Learning Based on Competency Difference Using The Professional Learning Community (PLC) Model <p>This study aims to improve the teachers abilitiesin implementinghybrid learning based on competency differentiation. To achieve this goal, Best Practice research results have done to improve the ability of teachers to do hybrid learning based on competency differentiation using the PLC model.The research subjects were all twenty teachers of SMA Budi Istri Bandung. There were three main things from the teachers’s abilities measured after doing hybrid learning based on competency differentiation through the APSTCIRA PLC model,: (1) measuring the implementation of the PLC model APSTCIRA stages, (2) measuring the development of competency differentiation including: critical reasoning, creative, independent, reflecting and appreciating and (3) measuring the differentiation of digital application competencies. In addition to measuring the ability of teachers, the impact on students is also seen, including: learning activity, critical reasoning, creative, reflecting, appreciating, and student learning outcomes. Data analysis is in the form of qualitative interpretation and descriptive summary. The results showed that there was an increase in the teachers’ abilities to do hybrid learning based on competency differentiation after implementing the APSTCIRA PLC model. The improvement of the teachers’abilities has an impact on increasing learning activities, critical reasoning, creative, reflecting, appreciating, and student learning outcomes.</p> Yudhi Saparudin Copyright (c) 2023 2023-08-31 2023-08-31 1 1 31 37 Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Interaktif Berbasis Android dengan Pendekatan Multipel Representasi pada Topik Jaringan tumbuhan <p>The existence of a pandemic has made the learning system in schools inevitably change. The existence and understanding of using simple applications is no longer new for students and teachers alike, but a necessity. There is no learning media about networks used at the high school level that represents network concepts macroscopically, submicroscopically and symbolically and is adapted to online learning. For this reason, the development of Android-based interactive learning media with a multiple representation approach on the topic of plant tissue exists with the hope that students can understand the concepts of tissue as a whole. The purpose of developing this media is to develop Android-based learning media and find out its feasibility. Based on the validation results, it shows that the media is very suitable for use by meeting the percentage of 83.7%, so based on this assessment the media is very suitable for students to use as a learning resource in class.</p> Nova Jessyca Aruan Copyright (c) 2023 2023-08-31 2023-08-31 1 1 38 45 Development and Implementation of Sharing and Jumping Task Learning Designs on the Topic of Salt Hydrolysis Using Natural Materials Indiactors to Develop Students’ Collaborative Skills <p>The study, titled "Development and Implementation of Sharing and Jumping Task Learning Designs on the Topic of Salt Hydrolysis Using Natural Materials Indicators to Develop Students’ Collaborative Skills," aimed to obtain an overview of the learning designs implementation and profiles of collaborative skills that grow based on the learning design of sharing and jumping tasks on the salt hydrolysis topic using natural ingredients indicators. The challenges of 21st-century talents, one of which is collaboration skills, motivated this research. Learning in schools remains teacher-centered, has not improved collaborative abilities, and material delivery is not contextual with everyday life, technology, and green chemistry/ESD. The method employed in this study was qualitative, involving transcript analysis and Student Worksheets (LKPD). The salt hydrolysis concept study sheet in textbooks and ebooks, the Lesson Plan (RPP) study sheet and teaching materials used by the teacher, interview guidelines, learning design validation sheets, LKPD analysis sheets, and data collection on learning through audio and video recordings, and modified learning observations in transcript form were the instruments used. According to the findings of this study, the learning design, which included student problems, predicted student responses, and anticipation/teacher support was created in three stages: introductory, core, and closing activities. The application of the learning design demonstrates that learning is student-centered. The profile of students' collaborative skills that increase in the implementation of learning designs that appear most frequently in sharing tasks 1, 2, and 3 is indicator 2, on sharing task 4 is indicator 1, on sharing task 5 is indicator 1, and indicator 3, and on the jumping task is indicator 2.</p> Dwi Ajni Shafarwat Asep Supriatna Sumar Hendayana Copyright (c) 2023 2023-08-31 2023-08-31 1 1 46 55 Developing and Implementing the Sharing and Jumping Tasks Learning Designs on the Topic of Electrolyte and Non-electrolyte Solutions with Environmental Literacy to Foster Students’ Collaborative Skills <p>The research, entitled Developing and Implementing the Sharing and Jumping Tasks Learning Designs on the Topic of Electrolyte and Non-electrolyte Solutions with Environmental Literacy to Grow Students' Collaborative Skills", aimed to develop sharing and jumping task learning designs and foster students' collaborative skills during learning through the implementation of the learning design. The needs of 21st- century learning, one of which is that students develop collaborative skills, motivated this research. According to field research, learning in schools has been concentrated on students but has not been successfully implemented, has not improved collaborative skills, and the material has not yet been supplied with environmental literacy. The qualitative method was applied in this study. The assessment sheets for the concept of electrolyte and nonelectrolyte solutions in textbooks and ebooks, interview guidelines, lesson plans utilized by teachers, and learning design validation sheets were used as instruments. The learning design yields results consisting of student situations/issues/problems, predictions of student responses, and anticipation/teacher assistance organized in three parts, namely introduction, core activity, and closing. The profile of collaborative skills that grow in the implementation of sharing tasks is indicators 1 and 2 with 100% each, and the jumping task is indicator 2 with 82.35%.</p> Novi Rukhyatul Alawiyah Asep Supriatna Sumar Hendayana Copyright (c) 2023 2023-08-31 2023-08-31 1 1 56 61 Development of Sharing and Jumping Task Lesson Design on the Topic of Balancing Chemical Equations to Identify Student’s Collaborative Skills <p>Many students have difficulty studying balancing chemical equations due to the lack of collaborative skills, which are supported through the content of the 21st-century theme, environmental literacy. This research aims to obtain lesson design, receive information about implementation results, and the profile of collaborative skills that grow in students through the implementation of sharing and jumping tasks on the topic of balancing chemical equations. The method used in this research is a descriptive qualitative using didactical design research (DDR) conducted on 10th-grade high school students in Cimahi, Indonesia. The data were collected using observation and documentation study. The lessons recorded using cameras and audio tapes were transcribed and analysed using the transcripted-based lesson analysis (TBLA). The data were transformed into graphs. The developed sharing and jumping task lesson design comprise student issues/problems, predictions of student responses, and teacher anticipation/assistance. Overall, the results show that seven indicators were identified during the learning process. Indicator being able to work together to solve problems was the most often identified during learning, while sharing tasks of fellow group members well was the lowest recognized indicator.</p> Hana Aulannisa Asep Supriatna Sumar Hendayana Copyright (c) 2023 2023-08-31 2023-08-31 1 1 62 69 Development of Android-based Interactive Learning With a Multiple-representation Approach on The Topic Plant Tissue <p>Abstract</p> Nova Jessyca Aruan Copyright (c) 2023-03-31 2023-03-31 1 1 Improving the Quality of Learning through Lesson Study in STEM-based Mathematics Learning in Elementary School <p>The implementation of the MEA in Indonesia does not only affect the economic sector. The world of education has an important role in welcoming MEA. There are 4 skills that students must have in welcoming MEA, namely 21st century 4C skills consisting of Creativity (creativity), Critical Thinking (Critical Thinking), Communication (Communication) and Collaboration (Collaboration). The learning problems faced in learning in elementary schools are that students are not ready to take part in learning so that teachers use a lot of time to provide concepts with the lecture method. This condition has an impact on students' lack of creativity in the material being taught, in the end most of the students face difficulties in doing assignments, exercises, especially thematic material. Currently, there is an approach that is believed to be able to improve students' 4C skills, namely the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) approach. STEM is a multidisciplinary approach in which students learn science, technology, engineering and mathematics in one thematic lesson. The strategy used is Lesson Study. Implementation of Lesson Study aims to improve the quality of collaborative learning for elementary school teachers. Implementation of Lesson Study involves four teachers, one teacher as a model and the other teacher as an observer. Lesson Study activities include three stages of activities which are a series called a cycle, namely Plan, Do, and See. In the Plan stage, discussions are held to review the STEM learning planning (RPP) facilitated by the lecturer, in the Do stage learning is carried out by the model teacher based on the Plan's RPP results, in the See stage a reflection is carried out to examine the implementation of learning that has been carried out by the model teacher to be followed up on the next lesson. . The conclusion is that the implementation of Lesson Study can improve the understanding of the material through STEM learning by students and the class becomes more interactive than before.</p> Nurjanah Irma Suwarma Ade Rohyati Ricki Yuliardi Copyright (c) 2023 2023-08-31 2023-08-31 1 1 70 74 Fostering Elementary School Students Engineering Skills Through Ethno STEM Approach <p>Problem-solving will run well if there is an engineering activity. Thus, students engineering skills become essential in problem solving. This research aims to assess and analyze the engineering skills of elementary school students who experienced the Ethno-STEM approach through the pounding technique eco print compared to those with the conventional approach. This research uses a quasi-experiment research method with a non-equivalent pretest-posttest control group design. The lesson is implemented with a blended learning system by integrating several subjects: enviromental education, science, and mathematics. The sample of the research is 48 fourth-grade students in Purwakarta. The students engineering skills test instrument is used to obtain data before and after learning. Results show that the improvement of engineering skills of elementary school students who received the Ethno-STEM approach through the pounding eco print is better than those who experienced conventional lessons.</p> Fitri Nuraeni Wulandari Hafiziani Eka Putri Zhaza Nabila Zahra Copyright (c) 2023 2023-08-31 2023-08-31 1 1 75 82