Ecological Values of Cikondang Indigenous People and its Impact for the Community

  • Wawan Darmawan Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Yeni Kurniawati Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Iing Yulianti Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Faujian Esa Gumelar Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: Cikondang Indigenous People, Ecology, Ecomuseum


The Cikondang Indigenous People are ethnically Sundanese people who still hold noble values from time to time. The values that are firmly held are related to local wisdom in preserving the surrounding environment. The main problem faced by the Cikondang Indigenous People is related to the erosion of local culture that occurs in Indonesia, especially in the younger generation. The indicators can be seen in the young generation's lack of understanding of the local culture that must be maintained and the increasingly incessant new popular culture that is more popular than that culture. As for the literature review, the researcher included two concepts, the first relates to the characteristics of the Cikondang Indigenous People, who are an agrarian social society who open fields using the concept of palm oil . The method used is the netnographic method which is seen as a method of cultural studies, especially computer-mediated communication. Results and Discussion refer to the values of the Cikondang Indigenous People which can be implemented in the process of environmental preservation. Conclusions and implications referring to the values of the Cikondang Indigenous People can be used as a solution in responding to challenges related to environmental damage that has occurred in various regions in Indonesia. The limitations of this research are related to oral sources, due to the limited time of the researchers.

Articles - Ecopedagogy in Social Studies & History Education