The Role of Arab Descendants During The National Movement: Implementation of Multiculturalism in History Textbooks

  • Iing Yulianti Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Yeni Kurniawati Sumantri Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: Enrichment Materials, Learning History, Arab Breeds, Minority Groups


This paper was developed from research on the development of textbook supplements on the role of minority groups in Indonesia during the national movement. The minority group in question is people of Arab descent. This study is based on the principle of multiculturalism regarding the importance of building a complete reconstruction of the role of all community groups in Indonesian history. So far, the existing studies have mainly focused on overseas Chinese or Chinese descendants. In contrast, studies on other descendants groups, in this case, Arabic, have rarely been the focus of study in history textbooks. This study seeks to examine, examine, and describe the role of Arab descendants in the history of Indonesia, especially during the struggle for Indonesian independence, which can then be used as a supplement in history textbooks. Development of the reconstruction of the role of the Arab descendants during the movement up to the proclamation in the form of a textbook supplement is hoped that it can be a source of learning for students and enrich the repertoire of insights about the role of all elements in Indonesian society. Thus, it is expected to build a complete reconstruction of historical events that can produce information, perceptions, and historiography of the role of all elements of Indonesian society in Indonesian history.

Articles - Multiculturalism in Social Studies & History Education