Values of Nationalism in Local Learning of ke-NUan and Muhammadiyahan for Students

  • Khairuman Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Agus Mulyana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: Nationalism, Globalization, Education


In the current era of globalization, many young people, especially school age, are starting to lose their sense of national identity and are less interested in Indonesian culture due to the influence of globalization which has caused the younger generation to be more interested in western culture. Indonesia is a large country with a diverse population in terms of race, ethnicity, culture, language and even religion. The process of globalization has allowed radical Islamic organizations to develop. The threat to the future of Indonesian Islam is actually raised by the existence of radical Islamic organizations. The sense of unity of the Indonesian nation is greatly helped by nationalism. Bearing in mind that Indonesian society is experiencing a major moral decline due to various factors, including modernization, a sense of nationalism is very important to rekindle a sense of love for the Indonesian homeland. which influences how foreign cultures enter Indonesia and influences the preferences of Indonesians to study or increase interest in foreign cultures. Children can interact socially with their peers and teachers or staff at school other than in the actual school environment. The main educational process in schools even includes student interactions with school members, so this study looks at how national values are instilled through local learning in Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah schools.

Articles - Multiculturalism in Social Studies & History Education