Multiculturalism Education in Learning History Class X Students of SMA Kebangsaan

  • Citra Rafika Utari Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Erlina Wiyanarti Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Helius Sjamsuddin Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: Multiculturalism Education, History Learning, Habituation


This study aims to find out how multiculturalism education is integrated with history learning and a habit in SMA Kebangsaan. As for this study, the researcher uses a literature study approach to answer the problems studied based on relevant reading sources, including books, documents, articles, magazines, and so on. The existence of multiculturalism education is not a persistent issue, but it should indeed be feasible to be integrated into a student nursery, especially in the education arena. In this case the National School. The integration of multiculturalism education carried out by curriculum developers is not only carried out through a series of Learning Implementation Plans in the classroom. However, the values of multiculturalism are also combined with historic podiums around the students' closest environment, namely in their locality, where the place is used as a place for knowledge as well as a historical tour that is not only visited by Lampung residents but also visitors to Java and other areas. The place is known as the ancestral cemetery, namely Radin Intan II the patriotic who was willing to sacrifice his life to defend the Motherland from the invaders.

Articles - Multiculturalism in Social Studies & History Education