Oral History and Dialogic Education in History Learning

  • Tsabit Azinar Ahmad Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Nana Supriatna Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: Dialogical Learning, Oral History, History Learning


Dialogic education is a teaching and learning approach that aims to engage students in classroom dialogue filled with equality, collectivity, reciprocity, and accountability. In history learning, dialogical education is carried out by accommodating alternative narratives in the classroom. So, what are the practices and ideas for developing dialogical education in history learning? With this in mind, this paper aims to (1) analyze the practice of dialogical education in history learning. (2) Initiating innovation in dialogical education in history learning with oral history. This study uses a phenomenological approach to history teachers at public high schools in Central Java. The study results show that dialogical education has several relevances in history learning. It is demonstrated by developing a more flexible curriculum and making students the benchmark. It is also driven by the government’s policy of implementing an independent curriculum that impacts differentiated learning. One strategy for implementing dialogic education in history learning is through the application of oral history.Oral history is interpreted in two ways: as an alternative source and as a method of collecting historical knowledge.

Articles - Dialogic Pedagogy in Social Studies & History Education