Historical Literacy and Digital Literacy Using West Java Local History E-Books in History Learning

  • Acep Angga Nugraha Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: E-book, Historical Literacy, Digital Literacy


This study aims to identify and describe students' historical literacy and digital literacy skills in history learning through the use of West Java Local history e-books which can be used as learning resources, especially in history learning. Study this using qualitative method with design method literature study. Collecting data through observations from books, journals, articles, and other text sources. From the results of the study, it was concluded that there are many aspects of using the West Java Local history e-book that can be used as a source of history learning and can improve students' historical literacy and digital literacy skills. By maximizing digital literacy in history learning, it is hoped that students will more easily understand the concepts of complete history learning. Learning history with digital literacy will stimulate students to be able to learn independently, and be able to manage learning activities by the competency needs of the current world of work.

Articles - Kurikulum Merdeka in Social Studies & History Education