Utilization Green Environment in Junior High School 5 Cimahi as Ecopedagogic on Social Studies

  • Farras Fadlurrahman Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: Ecopedagogic, Environment, Responsibility, Social Studies Education, Space Interaction


Based on the around environment of JHS Negeri 5 Cimahi which is one of the schools in Cimahi City which has such a large area of land which then this large land can be used by school residents, especially students in the learning process. However, this green environment certainly needs consistent care and is carried out jointly by all parties, including the students themselves. However, the use of this environment was stopped due to the implementation of Online learning as a impact of the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, as a result the school was empty for almost 1 year. For this reason, it is necessary to reorganize the environment around JHS Negeri 5 Cimahi involving students, in this case the role of social studies appears to keep the interaction of space well maintained. 7 th class social studies material regarding spatial interaction has a very important role in preserving the environment for students to live, including in the school environment itself, the role of ecopedagogics also appears to provide direction and education about the importance of protecting the school environment and how to make students have a caring attitude to protect the environment. and care for the existing environment. The responsibility for caring for the school environment is not only part of the school custodian and the deputy principal in the field of management, but is a shared responsibility because those who use the environmental facilities share the same.

Articles - Ecopedagogy in Social Studies & History Education