History Learning Based on Ecopedagogy: Family History Narrative Culture of Environmentally Friendly Transportation for High School Students of South Sulawesi

  • Fitriani Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Nana Supriatna Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Ilham Samudra Sanur Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: Learning history, Ecopedagogy, Narrative of family history, Culture of transportation, South Sulawesi


Ecopedagogy is one approach in history learning that can be applied by history teachers to improve students’ ecological intelligence. This paper aims to describe the environmentally friendly transpotation culture of student at South Sulawesi High School in their daily lives. The location was carried out in three schools, namely SMAN 17 Bulukumba, MA Baytul Mukarromah Bone and SMAN 5 Maros. By using a qualitative descriptive approach. The data analysis technique was carried out by collecting data in the form of student writing narrations about the culture of environmentally friendly transportation and interviews. This study shows that students in the three schools use private vechicles more than public transportation to school because the distance from students homes to school is quite far and public transportation does not pass through the front lane of the school. Excessive buying of vehicles in one family is not because of need, but desire. Some students get motorbikes from their parents as prizes for their achievements. There are some students who use bicycles and walk to school due to economic factors, the density of vehicles at school causes the sports field to turn into a parking lot. In conclusion, students’ ecological awareness is still very low. The culture of environmentally friendly transportation has not been implemented properly in the daily life of each student’s family.

Articles - Ecopedagogy in Social Studies & History Education