Towards SDGs with Ecopedagogy Approach and Application of Entrepreneurship Value in IPS Learning

  • Marleni PGRI University of West Sumatra
  • Nana Supriatna Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: SDGs, Ecopedagogy Approach, Entrepreneurship, Social Studies Learning


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a global action plan agreed upon by world leaders to end poverty, reduce inequality and protect the environment. The SDGs principles are important to be applied in learning to improve the quality of human life now and in the future so that they are able to process in global competition. Education is an important sector that is expected to improve the quality of human resources. The development of learning processes in accordance with the needs of the SDGs includes developing entrepreneurial values with an integrated ecopedagogy approach in the learning process. This study aims to integrate the principles of SDGs in social studies learning with an entrepreneurial vision with an ecopedagogy approach. This article is a literature review of various scientific study articles and books related to ecology, agroecology, and entrepreneurship. Literature study shows that social studies learning with an ecopedagogy approach is oriented to students, making the environment a source of learning and can improve students' critical thinking skills and grow awareness of the environment. Meanwhile, education with the application of entrepreneurial values can develop a disciplined, enthusiastic, active, creative attitude, and care about the potential that exists in the environment around them, as well as trained in their entrepreneurial spirit.

Articles - Ecopedagogy in Social Studies & History Education