The Food Consumption Behavioral Values Utilization of the Indigenous People of Cireundeu to Improve the Students’ Local Food Diet Pattern

  • Peggi Pratiwi Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: Cireundeu traditional village, local food, local wisdom


The 3f (fun, food, fashion) concept has been very attached among the community, especially for students. The concept of fun, food and fashion gradually became an identity and lifestyle of the people. It often becomes a place to express oneself to be seen by others. The students who are viewed from their growth phase classified as teenagers are often targeted by the concept of fun, food and fashion. Adolescence is a period when teenagers do not have yet a strong stance to hold in their life, unstable and easily influenced by others as they are still on the stage of finding their identity, as a result teenagers easily follow the developing fashion and trends, especially in the imported or modern food field. Cireundeu traditional village local wisdom is one of the traditional villages which still hold the cultural values firmly in the midst of technological advances and the times. One of the uniqueness of the Cireundeu traditional village is cassava (local food) used as the indigenous people staple food. The food culture system (food) includes the production, distribution, and consumption of food implied to meet human, social and cultural needs in order to carry out life and improve oneself, family, and society welfare. The local food-based culinary tradition is a form of local wisdom as an illustration of community life patterns which are able to present a collectivity identity and socio-cultural representation in conceptualizing food and food social function in the midst of the crush and influence of the foreign cultures food modernization. This research uses the literature study method, whose definition is a collection of various theories relevant to the chosen problem. This paper has used data sources from the relevant literature.

Articles - Ecopedagogy in Social Studies & History Education