Character Building in Humans as an Effort for Application of IPS Learning in the School Environment (Analysis of the Culture of the Losarang Indramayu Dayak Tribe)

  • Syaoqi Akbari Jamaludin Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: Character, Custom, Ritual


Humans are unique creatures because they have different characters from one another. Character is a strong trait in humans whose a formation is influenced by culture in harmony with the branch of social science, namely Sociology. The Losarang Dayak tribe of Indramayu Regency is a unique custom that is located in an urban environment. Its uniqueness includes how to dress, how to communicate, how to worship and make sense of life. The push and pull factors that make them survive in the indigenous community are several rituals, namely: a)the Kungkum ritual, b) the pepe ritual, c) ngaula ning of the rabbi's son, d) the ruatan princess ritual of the palace, e) self-purification, and f) kliwon friday night ritual. The lack of public education hinders the global challenge for the realization of a democratic society. The method used in this research is qualitative. Because this research process is more artistic (less patterned), and is called an interpretive method because the research data is more related to the interpretation of the data found in the field. The implication of this research is that students are expected to be able to adapt to the surrounding environmental conditions.

Articles - Ecopedagogy in Social Studies & History Education