The Application of “Life Cycle” Through Family Historiography to Nurturing Ecological Awareness in History Learning

  • Tiur Nurmayany Raharjo Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: ecopedagogy, life cycle, teaching history, family historiography


The concept of "Life Cycle" was introduced by Prof. Helius Sjamsuddin in the Seminar on Social and History Education in 2017. According to him, "Life Cycle" is a simplification of what we call history education—it is the duty of history teachers in teaching history. In the "Life Cycle" there are four sequences, namely Doing History, Teaching History, Learning History, and Exploring the Meaning/Value of History. History learning with "Life Cycle" is the making of family historiography with a focus on consumption patterns that nurture ecological awareness. The concept of "Life Cycle" through family historiography has been carried out by the author in the process of learning history at a school in Bandung. As a result, students can have ecological awareness by being able to express their ideas which contain an analysis of family consumption patterns that have an impact on the environment. With the concept of "Life Cycle" through family historiography (Doing History), students were able to produce history, namely family historiography, teachers used family historiography and directed students to analyze it (Teaching History), students analyzed family historiography related to family consumption patterns (Learning History), and students got values of ecological awareness contained in family historiography (Exploring the Meaning).

Articles - Ecopedagogy in Social Studies & History Education