Teaching Indonesian Maritime History: an Ecopedagogy Approach

  • Yuni Maryuni Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
  • Tubagus Umar Syarif Hadi Wibowo Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
  • Hilma Rosdiana Universitas Indonesia
Keywords: Teaching, Maritime History, Ecopedagogy Approach


Maritime history is a humanistic study of many aspects of human relation by the sea. Eco-pedagogy can be used in marine history learning and education to increase public awareness of eco literacy, in this case the community actively engages students and educators in literacy about the importance of preserving the marine environment, social activities of coastal communities associated with history and tradition. Eco-pedagogy is an academic effort to educate students so that they have understanding, awareness, and life skills consistent with conservation. The eco-pedagogical approach in the learning of maritime history can develop the character and critical understanding of students to realize that human beings essentially have a relationship with nature, and this awareness is manifested by sensible behavior towards their natural environment. With regard to the learning of maritime history, the eco-pedagogical approach can explore the values that concern the cultural heritage in relation to the natural maritime environment. The aim of using an eco-pedagogical approach by learning Indonesian maritime history is for students to implement maritime cultural heritage, traditions and technology that develop in their environment. The results show that the importance of applying an eco-pedagogical approach to learning maritime history is reflected in the ability of students to re-practice their learning outcomes obtained from their natural environment.

Articles - Ecopedagogy in Social Studies & History Education