Utilization of Styrofoam Waste as Learning Media

  • Yenni Friska Br Tarigan Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: Social studies learning media, creative thinking, ecoliteracy, inorganic waste, environment


This study aims to see the development of learning media by utilizing inorganic waste to improve students creative thinking and ecoliteracy skills. This research uses descriptive analysis method, the instruments in this research are journals, books, and articles. The data collection technique used in this research is through literature study. The results of the analysis show that the movement to reduce waste by utilizing inorganic waste as a learning media has been carried out. Various creations and innovations have been carried out by students and teachers in utilizing waste as a learning media. Utilization through project based learning activities and the development of design modules regarding waste recycling. The impact of non-recyclable waste is that people have to think creatively and innovatively to find solutions for the accumulation of waste around their environment. the development of learning media by utilizing inorganic waste can increase the ecological intelligence of students when addressing problems related to waste.

Articles - Ecopedagogy in Social Studies & History Education