Ecological Intelligence in Learning History Through Local Wisdom in Kampung Kuta Ciamis

  • Resti Utami Pangestu Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: Kampung Kuta, Local Wisdom, History Learning


This study aims to determine aspects of ecological intelligence based on the local wisdom values of the indigenous people of Kampung Kuta to develop ecological intelligence in learning history. Kampung Kuta Ciamis is a hamlet located in Karangpaninggal village, Tambaksari district, Ciamis district. In Kampung Kuta itself, local wisdom values are still preserved and are still trusted by the community, especially in terms of ecology in Kampung Kuta. Among them is the preservation of water resources through a protected forest called Leweung Gede. From the values of local wisdom that can be used as a source of learning, especially in learning history. This study uses a qualitative method with a literature study method design. Data collection through observation from books, journals, articles, and other text sources. The results of this study indicate that the preservation of Leweung Gede in Kampung Kuta can be used as a source of teaching materials for history subjects, which can be linked to the historical relationship between humans and nature to increase ecological intelligence. From the results of the research, it was concluded that there are many aspects of the local wisdom values of the people of Kampung Kuta that can be used as a source of historical learning that can be used as character education, and also to develop ecological intelligence.

Articles - Ecopedagogy in Social Studies & History Education