Ecopedagogy in Family History: Ngaliwet and Tumpengan Traditions as Local Food Preservation

  • Jihan Jauhar Nafisah Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Nana Supriatna Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: Ecopedagogy, family history, traditions local food


This journal article describes the implementation of family history in compulsory history learning in ecopedagogy-based schools. Researchers hope that with this ecopedagogical learning in family history it can provide actual understanding to students accompanied by sensitivity to the environment and nature around it. The discussion of this journal article arises because it is still rare for teachers to provide ecopedagogy lessons during history lessons, teachers tend to provide critical learning or critical thinking without being balanced with awareness of the surrounding natural environment. Even though with the current globalization, students should be able to maintain their natural environment properly. The formulation of the problem in this study is “How are eco-pedagogy efforts in family history in an effort to maintain the ngaliwet and tumpengan traditions as local food preservation?” The process of this study uses historical methods, with data sources in the literature, the results of open questionnaires and in-depth interviews (deep interviews) with students, especially SMA Sumatra 40 Bandung. The results of this study are that students at SMA Sumatra 40 tend to be hedonistic. But students at SMA Sumatra 40 Bandung have good consumption patterns and are still able to maintain local food and culture in their surroundings amidst the onslaught of globalization and modernization.

Articles - Ecopedagogy in Social Studies & History Education