Construction of Environmentally Minded History Learning Through Infographic Media to Increase Students’ Ecopedagogy

  • Ainun Munawar Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: Infographics, History Learning, environmentally minded


The importance of environmental awareness in studying history is to build an understanding of human life. Human life as a historical actor cannot be separated from its habitat, environment and other living things. The era of visual digitization is at least one of the challenges that needs to be overcome to develop innovative learning content. Environmentally-minded history learning content is one of the cognitive fields that must be optimally absorbed by students in order to have a sense of empathy for the surrounding environment, so methods and media are needed so that the content can be absorbed optimally. The method used in this research is research and development which adapts the ADDIE development model research (Analyse, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation). Pre-tests and post-tests will be used to get students' interest in learning and environmental awareness gained through history learning. Assessment of historical infographics containing environmental insights has been declared appropriate for use in history learning by experts, and the conclusion is that there are differences between students' learning interests and environmental awareness using infographic media and classes that do not use.

Articles - Ecopedagogy in Social Studies & History Education