Develop Moral Values in the Story "Ka'e Bobi No'o Azi Dari" from the Book Punu Nange

  • Fransiskus Xaverius Rema Universitas Flores
  • Dentiana Rero Universitas Flores
Keywords: Fairy Tales, Ka'e Bobi Azi Dari, Moral Values


This study is a qualitative analysis. The data was collected using a literature review obtained through an online search of articles while the regional stories were obtained from the book Punu Nange (a story from So'a, Flores published in 1999) which had been written by Adriaan Mommersteeg and Margaretha H. Dirkzwager along with 32 other stories which were original oral stories from the area. Fairy tales are fictional stories that are told orally from generation to generation and whose existence begins to fade with time. In fairy tales, many moral values can be used as advice or in the form of values to the reader so that they can be a reference for views in life. In fairy tales, the form of moral values is usually created because of friction between characters, or it can be said that interaction between humans in dealing with life's problems. With the interactions and life problems that must be solved by a character in a fairy tale, a life guide is needed so that there is no power struggle, or in other words, morals become a reference to avoid the law of the jungle. The results of the analysis show that there is a match between the daily life of the community and the moral values contained in the folklore of ka'e Bobi and azi Dari which are integrated with learning so that it is necessary to develop stories so that they can be known by the next generation, especially to students through learning local history. Given the importance of moral control in social life, every child needs to be provided with moral education from an early age so that later when children reach adulthood they can grow and develop properly. Therefore, the strong foundation of folklore is to provide important moral education to children. The moral values contained lead to human values such as the value of honesty, the value of compassion, the value of wisdom, and the value of hard work.

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