The Use of Edutainment Media in History Learning to Improve Student’s Understanding of Digital Literacy

  • Annida Syahida Nurdiantie Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Nana Supriatna Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: Edutainment, Digitization, Literacy


Learning activities or learning processes that are dominated by the role of the teacher in them often make learning activities tend to be boring or less fun. The teacher-centered learning process or teacher center confirms that the teacher is the main role in the teaching and learning process. Meanwhile, the real learning process is how to position teachers and students into a single entity that can make science develop. Life in an all-digital era like this is expected to make it easier for us to get what we need and one of them is the need for education. The use of e-edutainment media as a learning process is expected to be able to create a harmonious and fun learning environment by combining education and entertainment and providing experiences for students to be directly involved in learning activities. Not only that, in the era of digitalization like today, the importance of understanding digital literacy is also an urgency that should not be ruled out because skills in digital literacy which include the use and utilization intelligently, wisely, and appropriately are important provisions in this digitalization flow.

Articles - Edutainment in Social Studies & History Education