Everyone is a Teacher Here Method is Edutainment-Based as an Alternative to Improve Student Activity in History Learning

  • Sarah Setianingsih Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Nana Supriatna Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: Edutainment, Active Learning, Everyone is a Teacher Here


To build an ideal education, there must be good cooperation from each component in it. Likewise in history learning. History learning is considered boring learning, teachers must be able to create a pleasant learning atmosphere so that students are actively involved in learning. The concept of edutainment is defined as fun learning. This concept blends the concepts of education and entertainment harmoniously to create a pleasant learning atmosphere. In the concept of edutainment, there is an active learning model that concentrates learning on students and requires more students to explore, think critically, and of course be actively involved in learning. One method of active learning is Everyone is Teacher Here which provides opportunities for students to act as teachers. Thus this method requires students to be active, and responsible.

Articles - Edutainment in Social Studies & History Education