Imagine the History of the Robin George Collingwood Way

  • Ali Wahyudi Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: Historical Imagination, Imagine, History


Robin George Collingwood is an English philosopher and historian. He tries to separate how to well understand natural phenomena and historical phenomena. He assumes that both phenomena have different characters and searching for the truth leads him to a method of how to approach history. He thinks that history could not be understood without re-enacting the thinking of historical personage in historiography. His thought is categorized as the historical imagination which is a result of a combination between interrogating and interpolating. In addition, Collingwood’s view on man and history will be explained in this paper and the method of “imagination” will be the main concern of this paper. To sum up, it is also described that the main aim of history, based on Collingwood’sview, gains the liberty.

Articles - Edutainment in Social Studies & History Education