International Seminar on Social Studies and History Education <p align="justify">The International Seminar on Social Studies and History Education (ISSSHE) is an annual academic forum organized by the History Education and Social Studies Education programs at the Faculty of Social Sciences Education, Indonesia University of Education. ISSSHE aims to provide a platform for academics, including lecturers, researchers, practitioners, and students, to express ideas, present research findings, share experiences, discuss ongoing academic work, and provide updates on the latest conceptual, theoretical, and empirical developments in the fields of history education and social studies education. This website collects a compilation of articles that have been presented during ISSSHE events and are published as seminar proceedings. It is hoped that this activity will contribute to the accumulation of knowledge and foster an academic culture within the Indonesia University of Education community.</p> en-US International Seminar on Social Studies and History Education The Role of Arab Descendants During The National Movement: Implementation of Multiculturalism in History Textbooks <p align="justify">This paper was developed from research on the development of textbook supplements on the role of minority groups in Indonesia during the national movement. The minority group in question is people of Arab descent. This study is based on the principle of multiculturalism regarding the importance of building a complete reconstruction of the role of all community groups in Indonesian history. So far, the existing studies have mainly focused on overseas Chinese or Chinese descendants. In contrast, studies on other descendants groups, in this case, Arabic, have rarely been the focus of study in history textbooks. This study seeks to examine, examine, and describe the role of Arab descendants in the history of Indonesia, especially during the struggle for Indonesian independence, which can then be used as a supplement in history textbooks. Development of the reconstruction of the role of the Arab descendants during the movement up to the proclamation in the form of a textbook supplement is hoped that it can be a source of learning for students and enrich the repertoire of insights about the role of all elements in Indonesian society. Thus, it is expected to build a complete reconstruction of historical events that can produce information, perceptions, and historiography of the role of all elements of Indonesian society in Indonesian history.</p> Iing Yulianti Yeni Kurniawati Sumantri Copyright (c) 2023-05-02 2023-05-02 2 1 59 75 Values of Nationalism in Local Learning of ke-NUan and Muhammadiyahan for Students <p align="justify">In the current era of globalization, many young people, especially school age, are starting to lose their sense of national identity and are less interested in Indonesian culture due to the influence of globalization which has caused the younger generation to be more interested in western culture. Indonesia is a large country with a diverse population in terms of race, ethnicity, culture, language and even religion. The process of globalization has allowed radical Islamic organizations to develop. The threat to the future of Indonesian Islam is actually raised by the existence of radical Islamic organizations. The sense of unity of the Indonesian nation is greatly helped by nationalism. Bearing in mind that Indonesian society is experiencing a major moral decline due to various factors, including modernization, a sense of nationalism is very important to rekindle a sense of love for the Indonesian homeland. which influences how foreign cultures enter Indonesia and influences the preferences of Indonesians to study or increase interest in foreign cultures. Children can interact socially with their peers and teachers or staff at school other than in the actual school environment. The main educational process in schools even includes student interactions with school members, so this study looks at how national values are instilled through local learning in Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah schools.</p> Khairuman Agus Mulyana Copyright (c) 2023-05-02 2023-05-02 2 1 76 96 Teacher's Role to Implement Multiculturalism in History Learning <p align="justify">This article aims to provide an understanding of multiculturalism and the prospects for its application in history learning. Indonesia is often hit by conflicts and violence between communities that can cause divisions, both ethnic conflicts and conflicts between religious adherents. The diversity that exists often results in discrimination that leads to conflict and violence. The importance of the aspect of multiculturalism considering the diverse conditions of Indonesian society requires mutual tolerance, respect and appreciation for these differences. The results of the researchers' observations show that the understanding of multiculturalism in society, including in schools, is still not enough. This is due to, among other things, the limited hours at school. This obstacle should not occur considering that there are many subjects that can be inserted with the content of multiculturalism, one of which is the subject of history. This article uses a literature review approach that examines various articles related to multiculturalism and historical learning. The results of the literature review show that the teacher's role in instilling aspects of multiculturalism in history learning can be done through learning tools that have been designed by the teacher and the teacher observes student activities outside of history class hours. This means that teachers in making history learning tools must apply aspects of multiculturalism starting from lesson plans to aspects of assessing students. Meanwhile, student activities outside of learning can be carried out and observed through extracurricular activities that are participated in by students.</p> Triasih Kartikowati Kurniawati Nurzengky Ibrahim Copyright (c) 2023-05-02 2023-05-02 2 1 97 112 Multiculturalism Education in Learning History Class X Students of SMA Kebangsaan <p align="justify">This study aims to find out how multiculturalism education is integrated with history learning and a habit in SMA Kebangsaan. As for this study, the researcher uses a literature study approach to answer the problems studied based on relevant reading sources, including books, documents, articles, magazines, and so on. The existence of multiculturalism education is not a persistent issue, but it should indeed be feasible to be integrated into a student nursery, especially in the education arena. In this case the National School. The integration of multiculturalism education carried out by curriculum developers is not only carried out through a series of Learning Implementation Plans in the classroom. However, the values of multiculturalism are also combined with historic podiums around the students' closest environment, namely in their locality, where the place is used as a place for knowledge as well as a historical tour that is not only visited by Lampung residents but also visitors to Java and other areas. The place is known as the ancestral cemetery, namely Radin Intan II the patriotic who was willing to sacrifice his life to defend the Motherland from the invaders.</p> Citra Rafika Utari Erlina Wiyanarti Helius Sjamsuddin Copyright (c) 2023-05-02 2023-05-02 2 1 113 122 Literature Review: Comparative Analysis of Multicultural Education in America and Indonesia <p align="justify">The purpose of this study is to compare the history and policies of multicultural education in America and Indonesia. Writing this literature review article uses library research methods sourced from database searches such as Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, Taylor &amp; Francis Online and other academic online media. The results of the study show that from a historical point of view, Multicultural Education in America emerged in the 1960s because of the reform movement that discussed the issue of discrimination between whites and darkskinned groups (black), while in Indonesia it was marked after the collapse of the New Order period in 1998 which opened democratic shell about the idea of pluralism and multiculturalism due to the politics of uniformity and monoculturalism. Meanwhile, in terms of Multicultural Education policy, in America it is part of social assimilation for immigrants, while in Indonesia it is the development of local cultural contexts in each respective region.</p> Rahyudi Dwiputra Dadang Sundawa Copyright (c) 2023-05-02 2023-05-02 2 1 123 132 Multiculturalism Values in Thailand History Textbook <p align="justify">Education is a process of "humanizing humans" where humans are expected to be able to understand themselves, other people, nature and their cultural environment. On this basis, education cannot be separated from the culture that surrounds it as a consequence of the purpose of education, namely honing taste, initiative and work. Education that has a multicultural basis will be one solution in developing human resources who have a strong character and are tolerant of other cultures. Thailand is a multicultural country in which there are various ethnic, ethnic, religious and cultural elements. Based on the analysis that has been done. The purpose of this research is to find out the meaning of multiculturalism, to know the purpose of multiculturalism education and to know the values of multiculturalism contained in high school history textbooks in Thailand. The author finds several paragraphs that implicitly contain the value of multiculturalism such as the value of tolerance, the value of mutual respect and understanding, the value of mutual acceptance, the value of interconnectedness, the value of justice and the value of friendship. This value is conveyed through various examples in historical events.</p> Saleema Ahama Agus Mulyana Leli Yulifar Copyright (c) 2023-05-02 2023-05-02 2 1 133 142 Social Media and Digital History in History Learning <p align="justify">In education, several studies have looked at the potential of social media. Social media provides a platform for intellectual exploration, exchange of ideas, and joint project building. In history learning, social media is a part of digital history. Digital history is interpreted as an interdisciplinary activity and study that combines information systems and computerized technology in the historical field to give rise to new perspectives, concepts, and approaches to understanding and representing the reality of society in the past. From here, this study aims to analyze the potential of social media in digital history and its use in historical education. In history class, social media often provides alternative sources that spark students' curiosity. Social media often becomes a trigger for controversy. Using social media in learning can be done with a flipped classroom. A flipped classroom is defined as the translocation of educational activities to be carried out at home and school. Flipped learning is included in the hybrid learning model. An educational structure in which traditional teaching methods and technology are integrated. This method supports problem-based, collaborative, inquiry-based and active learning theories.</p> Suwito Eko Pramono Tsabit Azinar Ahmad Copyright (c) 2023-05-02 2023-05-02 2 1 143 150 Oral History and Dialogic Education in History Learning <p align="justify">Dialogic education is a teaching and learning approach that aims to engage students in classroom dialogue filled with equality, collectivity, reciprocity, and accountability. In history learning, dialogical education is carried out by accommodating alternative narratives in the classroom. So, what are the practices and ideas for developing dialogical education in history learning? With this in mind, this paper aims to (1) analyze the practice of dialogical education in history learning. (2) Initiating innovation in dialogical education in history learning with oral history. This study uses a phenomenological approach to history teachers at public high schools in Central Java. The study results show that dialogical education has several relevances in history learning. It is demonstrated by developing a more flexible curriculum and making students the benchmark. It is also driven by the government’s policy of implementing an independent curriculum that impacts differentiated learning. One strategy for implementing dialogic education in history learning is through the application of oral history.Oral history is interpreted in two ways: as an alternative source and as a method of collecting historical knowledge.</p> Tsabit Azinar Ahmad Nana Supriatna Copyright (c) 2023-05-02 2023-05-02 2 1 151 159 Teacher's Ability in Making Higher-Order Thinking Skill Questions in 21st Century Historical Subjects <p align="justify">This article aims to determine the ability of history subject teachers in making HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) based questions. The method used in this paper is a literature study, the use of relevant sources that are used as data sources to broaden the perspective in this pape21st-century learning requires higher-order thinking skills including critical thinking, communication, collaboration, ion and creativity known as the 4Cs. The teacher in this case plays an important role in encouraging the cognitive growth of students through history learning. One way that can be done is through HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) based assessments, where the questions made by the teacher must be able to improve the cognitive abilities of students in terms of analyzing, evaluating, and creating. Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) based questions can help students discern ideas or opinions, learn more deeply, argue well, solve problems, construct explanations, make hypotheses, and understand complex things more clearly.</p> Devi Wahyuni Nana Supriatna Copyright (c) 2023-05-02 2023-05-02 2 1 160 170 Influence Teacher Certification Against Competency of History Teachers in Region 4 West Java <p align="justify">This study aims to observe the influence of the teacher certification program to over the teachers competencies who have followed the program. The teacher is one of the important elements in education, which required to have qualified when applying their job, because the teaching profession is full of responsibility over the quality of human source in the future, moreover after Indonesia was experiencing by the Covid-19 pandemic for 2 years, and learning process are done at home, this phenomenon make students in Indonesia experienced “learning lost” because they study without guidance from the teacher. From this phenomenon, We can see how the importance role of the teacher in the educational process, then the teacher profession must truly become attention of the Indonesia government. Indonesia Government should facilitate teachers to increase his competence. Besides that, behavior and habit of teacher, indeed will influence behavior and habit of student. With more consideration about the importance from profession a teacher, then the teacher certification program presents as proof seriousness of the government Indonesia for developing as well as advancing education programs in Indonesia. This teacher certification program consists from a number of types, including: (1) Giving certificate Educator Directly (PSPL), (2) Portfolio, (3) Education and Exercise Teacher Profession (PLPG) and (4) Education Teacher Profession (PPG). This study uses quantitative approach with survey method. Data collection technique is questionnaire and analyzed with SPSS. The results of this study show that the teacher certification program does not take effect to enhance history teacher competence in region 4 West Java.</p> Sarah Fazriyah Copyright (c) 2023-05-02 2023-05-02 2 1 171 178 The Effectiveness of Puzzle Media to Increase Knowledge About Pancasila Symbols in Elementary School Students <p align="justify">This study aims to describe it the difference that uses the media puzzles with classes that use the image media and improvement of student learning outcomes in the class using the media puzzle with a class that uses media. The type of research used in this study was Quasu Experiment in class II of 22 student. The data collection used in this research was about the everage multiple choice test instrument. Data analysis used is normality test, homogeneity test, t test, and n-gain test. The results of the study showed there ware difference in the posttest result in the class using the media puzzles and there is increase in student learning outcomes in the class that use the media puzzles. Based on the results of the analysis that the t-test shows Tcount (2.75) &gt; Ttable (2.086), so it can be concluded in learning outcomes between the control class and the experimental class after treatment (posttest). While the n-gain test shows that the control class learning outcomes obtained are 0.27 while the experimental class learning outcomes obtained are 0.52, so it can be concluded that there is an increase in PPKn learning outcomes between the control class and the experimental class.</p> Mia Zultrianti Sari Agus Gunawan Diah Dewi Yulianti Copyright (c) 2023-05-02 2023-05-02 2 1 179 192 Inanimate Object Introduction to Dialogic Pedagogy in Historical Learning <p align="justify">This article discusses dialogic in historical education, where historical narratives can bring life to an inanimate object, in the hands of creative and innovative teachers it can also provide meaning from historical narratives that are brought to life on an inanimate object. some history teachers still hegemony historical knowledge without providing sufficient opportunities for students. History learning must provide natural thinking opportunities for students. This aim is to find a way to provide freedom of perspective on the importance of providing history in learning for students. The method used in this research is literature study, both technical and non-technical literature. The result is that freedom of thought in history learning can make the learning process effective and efficient. The history of thinking from inanimate objects can develop students' logical and systematic reasoning abilities because different interpretations of<br>freedom of diversity make the learning process run in a dialogical manner.</p> Rahman Abidin Nana Supriatna Copyright (c) 2023-05-02 2023-05-02 2 1 193 201 Design and Implementation of Team-Based Learning Models as an Effort to Develop 21st Century Skills <p align="justify">This paper explores the design and implementation of the team base learning model in the Social Studies Education Study Program of FIS UNNES. In particular, we focus on how to design learning with a team base learning model and how to implement it in learning in the classroom. The method used is by in-depth interviews, observations and literature reviews. The results of this study found (1) the process of designing a team base learning model was carried out by a team of lecturers involved in lectures to identify course characteristics, design an assessment system, identify student characteristics and design semester learning plans; (2) the implementation of the team base learning model is carried out by paying attention to groups that must be formed and managed properly, students need to be conditioned to have a sense of responsibility for individual and group work, group assignments must be able to build collaboration, students must receive feedback quickly and regularly from lecturers. The 21st century skill indicators owned by students have been well achieved through the implementation of this team base learning model.</p> Fredy Hermanto Asep Ginanjar Noviani Achmad Putri Aisyah Nur Sayidatun Nisa Copyright (c) 2023-05-02 2023-05-02 2 1 202 211 The Use of I La Galigo E-Books as a Social Studies Learning Resource to Increase Students' Learning Motivation <p align="justify">Teachers as educators must be able to use the right teaching materials so that the desired learning objectives can be achieved. The rapid development of technology produces a variety of applications that can be used to develop teaching materials that are integrated with the value of local wisdom so that they are useful for students' provision. The purpose of this article is to examine the use of the ebook containing I La Galigo as a social studies learning resource to increase the learning motivation of junior high school students. The method used in this paper is a qualitative research method. Data collection techniques include interviews, observation and documentation. The results of the study found that the use of ebooks could be developed by creative teachers to increase students' learning motivation at SMP Negeri 13 Makassar. Social studies teachers package teaching materials by improvising the I la Galigo in the form of illustrated stories as visualization media, and animated film media.</p> Hasni Nana Supriatna Sapriya Murdiyah Winarti Jumadi Copyright (c) 2023-05-02 2023-05-02 2 1 212 219 The Impact of Household Consumption Expenses and Government Expenses on the Jambi Province's Economic Development and Education Index <p align="justify">The purpose of this study is to test and evaluate the significance of the effect of household consumption expenditure and government spending simultaneously on the Jambi Regency Human Development Index on the Jambi Regency Human Development Index, as well as the significance of the effect of household consumption expenditure and government spending partially on the index. This study relies on secondary data gathered through documentation methods from BPS Jambi Regency and the Regional Finance and Asset Division of Jambi Regency. A semi log multiple regression analysis was used to look at the data. The findings revealed:a) The Jambi Regency Human Development Index is significantly influenced by household consumption expenditure, which is derived from expenditure for both food and non-food consumption; (b) The Jambi Regency Human Development Index is not significantly affected by government spending, which is derived from spending on education and health. (c) The Jambi Regency Human Development Index is significantly impacted by both household consumption expenditures and government expenditures.</p> M. Ari Kuwoto Lely Yulifar Nana Supriatna Copyright (c) 2023-05-02 2023-05-02 2 1 220 236 People of Creative History Teachers in Indonesia <p align="justify">This research is motivated by the fact that some history teachers still teach history conventionally, which only presents material chronologically to students. This situation of course makes it difficult to achieve the noble ideals and goals of history education which is able to provide inspiring learning to students. As for the literature review, the researcher included three main concepts, namely the first related to creative pedagogy, namely a way to inspire students to think and act more creatively during the learning process. Second, regarding the creative teacher profile whose contents describe various teacher attributes in behavior, appearance, speech, and strategies in the learning process and second is learning history which explains the interactions created between students and their environment that have something to do with history subjects. The method used is a qualitative method, which is a method that is carried out in depth by observing phenomena and examining more into the substance of these phenomena. The results and discussion refer to creative pedagogic concepts that facilitate and encourage cognitive playfulness through fun learning so that students become active, skilled, capable, agile in finding out and critical. The conclusion is that creative learning designs designed and managed by teachers will also provide creative learning experiences for their students, and can even create a fun learning atmosphere in class.</p> Nana Supriatna Yeni Kurniawati Somantri Faujian Esa Gumelar Noerhadi Pratomo Copyright (c) 2023-05-02 2023-05-02 2 1 237 253 Utilization of E-Modules Based on The Application in History Learning <p align="justify">Many factors influence the achievement of student learning success goals, including teaching materials. Teaching materials commonly used by teachers generally still use conventional teaching materials, which tend to be monotonous and not interactive. Educators must develop their creativity in compiling ICT-based teaching materials, one of which is E-Modules. The method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative research method that describes the teacher's efforts in creating and using e-modules based on the application. Book Creator is a simple "tool" to create an attractive and interactive book. The developed e-module contains rhyme text, motivational text, images, photos, audio, youtube videos, an attendance list google form, and a competency test (evaluation) google form. Making E-Modules is supported by several factors: technology, availability of facilities and infrastructure, availability of free time, willingness to create new things, and a particular interest in E-Modules.</p> Tarunasena Denti Nurfitria Wildan Insan Fauzi Iing Yulianti Sindya Umar Windiana Copyright (c) 2023-05-02 2023-05-02 2 1 254 267 A Analysis of "Academic History" Writing in the 2013 Curriculum History Learning <p align="justify">The writing of history books, including history textbooks/modules, cannot be separated from the spirit of the period in which they were written. According to the development of historiography in Indonesia, there are at least three forms of historical writing, namely ideological, inheritance, and academic, which are the result of how a period affects the composition of historical texts. Academic history is a term to describe how historical texts are processed from a rigorous methodological stage of historical research, or what is known as historiography. The method used in this research is content analysis method. This method works by collecting and analyzing the meaning content of a text. The analysis focuses on the historiography of historical textbooks used in schools, especially the 2013 Curriculum History Module issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture in 2020, how the module correctly reconstructs events or how they are arranged based on the principles of historical science. Some scientific requirements such as the source of the facts used, the truth of the facts, the approach to the facts, the spatial aspect, the time aspect, whether those have been fulfilled properly or not.</p> Masyithoh Nurul Haq Nurzengky Ibrahim Copyright (c) 2023-05-02 2023-05-02 2 1 268 275 Literature Review on Minority and Majority in Community as Times Developed <p align="justify">This study aims to describe the literature review about the minority and the majority in society over the times. Minorities and the majority in Indonesia are closely related to religious groups, however, this study examines minorities and the majority in general, whether gender, race, ethnicity, culture and so on. So that several classifications of minorities emerged, namely religious, ethnic, linguistic and different gender expression groups. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with a literature review approach. The research stages were carried out starting from article collection, article reduction, article display, discussion, and conclusion. The source of research data is in the form of national articles for the period 2013-2022. The results of this literature review show that it is true that in previous years, Indonesia was still hard on discrimination against minority groups. However, as time goes by and the efforts of resistance and selfdefense from minority groups, eventually they are slowly able to convince the majority to be accepted and treated fairly without discrimination, whether discrimination in the form of verbal or non-verbal, directly or indirectly.</p> Liza Dwi Eftiza Khairunniza Nana Supriatna Copyright (c) 2023-05-02 2023-05-02 2 1 276 283 Critical Thinking in Jong Sumatranen Bond Materials Through Learning History in XI Class of SMA Sukabumi <p align="justify">Jong Sumatranen Bond (JSB) is a movement pioneered by young Minangkabau students, which is oriented towards the progress of Sumatra and ultimately as one of the pioneers in the national interest, namely encouraging the development of national political awareness and no longer on the interests of certain tribes or certain regions. This attitude of nationalism is evidenced by the organization's desire to change its name to Pemuda Sumatra. The organization which was founded by the youth of Sumatra in Jakarta on December 2, 1917 in the STOVIA building aims to strengthen the bond between students from Sumatra. They instill confidence that someday they will become leaders, and participate in building knowledge to learn about Sumatran culture. The results of this achievement can be seen from the implementation of the Youth Congress 1 (1926) and II (1928) which has broken down the barriers of regional nationalism and gave birth to the mainstream of national organizations. History learning aims to create a generation of people who are educated and have a nationalist, wise and wise attitude. For this purpose, it can be realized through education in schools. Textbooks in schools become a reference in learning, in this case the subject of history accommodates these goals. The history textbook contains material related to the implementation of past national values for today's needs. One of the important points in the application of this textbook is the cultivation of character values that build a strong nation in unity, namely Nationalism. The author's aim is to analyze the content of nationalism character values in history textbooks for class XI. The results of the research that have been analyzed show that there is an instillation of the value of nationalism in history textbooks in the organizational material of the early Indonesian movement and also the youth oath.</p> Pambudi Nana Supriatna Copyright (c) 2023-05-02 2023-05-02 2 1 284 291 Internalization of Nationalism Values in Non-Formal Education Institutions in Learning History <p align="justify">The learning process is always tied to the values that want to be conveyed or applied, in historical learning the values of nationalism have always been teaching materials to explain how the condition of the nation is, seeing today's phenomena with the development of the era has resulted in the sense of nationalism being eroded, especially in the student environment. This study aims to find out how non-formal educational institutions carry out the historical learning process and internalize the value of nationalism in the learning process, this study uses the naturalistic inquiry method to obtain original data on the object of research starting with observation, interviews, and documentation to obtain data to be presented in the form of descriptions thus the results of this study can be known and concluded the results.</p> Septian Minurdin Nana Supriatna Helius Sjamsuddin Copyright (c) 2023-05-02 2023-05-02 2 1 292 296 Militarism in Indonesian and Turkish History Textbooks <p align="justify">The present article discusses militaristic narrative found in Indonesian and Turkish history textbooks. The analysed textbooks are history textbooks that is currently in use for twelfth grades. The aim of this analyses is to clarify our understanding of the nature of textbooks and history teaching in Indonesia and Turkey. This study will be focusing on militaristic narratives in history textbook in each country on the levels of text and discourse. Two textbooks are compared with corpus-based Discourse Analysis Method. The aim is to find if discourses pertaining to militarism dominate each country’s textbook. The results, however, find out that militaristic discourse does dominate Turkish textbook, but not Indonesian one.</p> Muhammad Irham Didin Saripudin Wawan Darmawan Copyright (c) 2023-05-02 2023-05-02 2 1 318 325 Obstacles to the Development of Science and Technology in Indonesia During the Old Order and New Order: Is it Because of the Education Factor? <p align="justify">The acceleration of research and technology development in Indonesia is urgent because technological advances play a significant role in changing industrial structures and global competition. The solutions to research and technology problems in Indonesia during Indonesian history are to build an agency or institution. This paper describes the relationship between political, social, and economic factors that influence the development of science and technology in Indonesia. The research approach used is a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) which describes the writings of various experts (history, sociology, economics, and politics) that examine the factors causing the stagnant development of science in Indonesia. Searching the various kinds of literature shows the complexity and interconnectedness of various factors inhibiting technological progress in Indonesia. The unclear state planning further exacerbated these various factors in technology development during the Old Order and New Order eras.</p> Wildan Insan Fauzi Yon Machmudi Abdurakhman Copyright (c) 2023-05-02 2023-05-02 2 1 326 351 Reviewing the National Historiography: The Study of the Narrative of the Indonesian National History Textbook in Critical Pedagogy Perspective <p>The main objective of this study is to reveal the narrative content of Indonesian National History textbooks, studied from a critical pedagogical perspective. This research was conducted using the method of literature study. In the study of literature or research data obtained by conducting a review of books, journals, academic works (dissertations), as well as various reports relating to the problem to be solved. While the approach used is hermeneutics, which is an auxiliary science that is used to understand and interpretation texts or information. The results of this study indicate that the narrative and historical knowledge that is told in Indonesian National History textbooks cannot be separated from the existence of certain interests and ideologies determined and coab instilled by the State. In textbook narratives, the state dominates knowledge about the formation of the nation (nationalism), the perspective of militarism is so strong due to the influence of regime power and the emergence of discourses of de-succession. In the Indonesian National History textbooks, it is also revealed that it only provides a very minimal place for ordinary people as historical actors. Indonesian National History mostly shows big figures present as heroes, while ordinary people are ignored from their history. There has been elicitation in telling historical events and figures in Indonesian National History textbooks.</p> Ahmad Sohabudin Wawan Darmawan Tarunasena Copyright (c) 2024 International Seminar on Social Studies and History Education 2024-06-26 2024-06-26 2 1 297 317 Women's Narrative in High School History Textbooks <p align="justify">The emergence of critical theory which gave birth to critical pedagogy with the basic framework of post modernism philosophy seeks to criticize the conventional education system which perpetuates the hegemonic power of those in power. Among the issues put forward by critical theorists are issues of race and gender. So far, the role of women in history has only served as a complement, it has not become the main narrative in determining changes in the nation, including in the depiction of women in historiography. Textbooks which are a form of historiography used in education must have constructions on the role of women who have made a major contribution in the journey of the nation. This study examines how a textbook represents the interests of groups that have played a major role in the nation's journey but tend to be marginalized in historical records. Using a literature study, this study shows that there are still gaps in women's narratives, and the strong dominance of men in the historiographical narratives of high school history textbooks.</p> Euis Iskantini Copyright (c) 2023-05-02 2023-05-02 2 1 352 363 Psychohistory in History Education: Between Urgency and Problems <p align="justify">Psychohistory is the study of motivation. Learning history in this postmodernist era should not only emphasize patriotism or nationalism. Learners should be more critical and concerned about the inner feelings of fellow humans across time to become moral human beings for the present and the future, without abandoning nationalism and patriotism. The concept of history and psychology or psychohistory can be an important approach to finding out the nature of previous human beings and what the after-effects of this nature are for the level of historical events. This research is a literature study that uses book sources and scientific articles that are relevant and certainly theoretical and empirical. The purpose of this article is to break the old habits by juxtaposing psychology without leaving nationalism through history learning. This article presents the definition, historiography of the psychohistory approach, urgency for students, challenges and contradictions as well as solutions, and manifestations of psychohistory in the classroom.</p> Andromeda Aderoben Didin Saripudin Copyright (c) 2023-05-02 2023-05-02 2 1 364 378 Subaltern Narrative Through Bakhtin's Dialogistic Theory in History Learning <p align="justify">This study is a discourse on the analysis of subaltern concepts in postcolonial theory and their relevance to historical learning. Subaltern narratives developed with the emergence of critical theory. Subaltern becomes a study that needs to be inserted into history learning because it is a critique of the history curriculum which is oriented to the grand narrative in Indonesian historiography and the official history being taught. The process of linking and bridging subaltern narratives can be done through the Bakhtin dialogue theory approach. Bakhtin's dialogue method is divided into two categories including the carvival method and the heteroglossia method, both of which illustrate that subaltern narratives can be taught in critical history learning. This certainly provides an emancipatory opportunity for the subaltern position in historical studies.</p> Rikza Fauzan Nana Supriatna Copyright (c) 2023-05-02 2023-05-02 2 1 379 386 Historical Imagination Through Writing Historical Poetry in History Learning <p align="justify">This study aims to examine: 1) the development of historical imagination in history learning, (2) the use of poetry in history learning, and (3) the relationship between the use of poetry in history learning affects the historical imagination of students. This research uses literature review methods and qualitative research with secondary data in obtaining data sources for its preparation. The results showed that 1) the development of writing historical texts (historiography) cannot be separated from the art of storytelling which contains imagination as expressed by historians in the form of poetry or prose; 2) the importance of historical imagination in the writing of historical texts through the writing of historical poems as an effort to return ideality to the consciousness of reality; 3) as Hegel points out that the writing of history must be on two important sides, namely critical and poetic. The activity of writing historical poetry can improve the ability of historical imagination.</p> Rita Nengsih Agustinah Copyright (c) 2023-05-02 2023-05-02 2 1 387 400 Strategies of High School Historical Teachers in Facing the Challenges of Indonesian Education in the Society 5.0 Era <p align="justify">At present we have been faced with the era of industry 4.0 and also the emergence of society 5.0. Theera of society 5.0 occurred because of the impact of the 4.0 revolution. Era Society 5.0 is the triumph of the digital world. Almost all aspects of human life today are very much in need of and dependent on digital technology and the internet, including education. Thus becoming a challenge for history teachers in doing the learning process at school. The world of education should reform to progress and develop according to the demands of the times. The formulation of the problem in this study is how the strategy of history teachers in facing the challenges of education in the era of society 5.0. This research will discuss how history teachers use strategies to respond to the challenges of the society 5.0 era. So the author did a literature review technique to explore data on the challenges high school history teachers facing the era of society 5.0. This research aims to find out the strategy of history teachers who can improve their competence and skills in learning at school by taking advantage of the advancement of digital technology. The teacher must create a learning process in such a way that can stimulate students to learn effectively and dynamically in meeting and achieving the expected goals.</p> Afrida Yenni Copyright (c) 2023-05-02 2023-05-02 2 1 401 407 Historical Literacy and Digital Literacy Using West Java Local History E-Books in History Learning <p align="justify">This study aims to identify and describe students' historical literacy and digital literacy skills in history learning through the use of West Java Local history e-books which can be used as learning resources, especially in history learning. Study this using qualitative method with design method literature study. Collecting data through observations from books, journals, articles, and other text sources. From the results of the study, it was concluded that there are many aspects of using the West Java Local history e-book that can be used as a source of history learning and can improve students' historical literacy and digital literacy skills<span class="fontstyle2">. </span><span class="fontstyle0">By maximizing digital literacy in history learning, it is hoped that students will more easily understand the concepts of complete history learning. Learning history with digital literacy will stimulate students to be able to learn independently, and be able to manage learning activities by the competency needs of the current world of work.</span></p> Acep Angga Nugraha Copyright (c) 2023-05-02 2023-05-02 2 1 409 423 Integration of Social and Science Studies in Kurikulum Merdeka <p align="justify">Human life, the primary study of social studies, is primarily influenced by natural life as a human living space. Humans are multidimensional beings who will continue to relate to fellow humans and nature as a place to live. Humans are also the main subject in making decisions on using and managing natural resources. So in the application, social studies cannot be separated from strengthening the study of nature and vice versa. This strengthens tried to be realized in the learning process by combining social education studies and natural education in one subject called natural education science and social science (red: IPAS) in Kurikulum Merdeka. This study aims to examine IPAS subjects from the aspect of material content, implementation in classroom learning, and supporting activities within the scope of Kurikulum Merdeka using documentation and participatory observation techniques at Insan Amanah Elementary School in Malang. The results showed that in terms of the learning topics, the independent curriculum separated the strengthening of science concepts in the first four topics and social studies concepts in the following four topics. However, in the classroom learning process, Kurikulum Merdeka provides ample space for teachers to integrate science and social studies concepts through reflection questions, project activities, and the dimension “Profil Pelajar Pancasila,” which are the basis for learning development in the independent curriculum.</p> Isvina Unaizahroya Enok Maryani Neiny Ratmaningsih Copyright (c) 2023-05-02 2023-05-02 2 1 424 437 Freedom to Learn and Differentiate in History Learning <p align="justify">Freedom to learn is a government curriculum program in the 21st century. Freedom of learning gives freedom to the way students learn so that they find independence in learning. The process of teaching and learning in the 21st century in the world of education through differentiation learning. Differentiated learning gives flexibility to students to increase their potential according to the learning readiness, interests, and learning profiles of these students. In learning history with a differentiated learning model utilizing various learning resources such as museums, laboratories, and historical sites. In addition, it train students' ability to think about historical and historical sources. This study aims to analyze various scientific journals, articles, and information related to the theme of writing in this paper. The method used in this study is a literature review. The results of this research analysis, differentiated learning in history learning, the majority of the diversity of learning resources used by teachers. It is clear from the findings of scientific journals in the implementation of differentiation learning provides media and learning resources according to the type and learning style of students.</p> Nuraeni Copyright (c) 2023-05-02 2023-05-02 2 1 438 453