Jam’u Taksir Translation Strategy in Al-Quran Juz 30

  • Nisa Awaliatul Faoziah Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Mohamad Zaka Al Farisi Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Maman Abdurrahman Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: jamak taksir, translation technique


Differences in grammatical structure between Arabic as the source language and Indonesian as well as Sundanese as the target language requires translator to determine the appropriate translation strategy to create a more natural translation result that can be easily understood by the native speaker of the target language. In Arabic, there is a form of word called jamak taksir. jamak taksir are Arabic words that have many patterns and it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between pattern of these word and others because the pattern of jamak taksir is similar to other patterns such as mashdar or isim fail. In this study, the researcher examined the translation strategy used to translate jamak taksir of the Quran juz 30 in the Indonesian translation Quran by Kemenag RI and Sundanese translation Quran by Al Amin. This research was conducted using a qualitative descriptive approach with an embedded research method. The result showed that in both of the Quran translations, there are several techniques used to translate jamak taksir. Those are: literal, description, general equivalence, transposition, and adaptation translation. While the most frequently used technique in the two Quran translations is a literal translation technique, which indicates that the translations highly emphasized on the source language.
