Urgency of Usul Nahwi Course

Arabic Language Education Student Perspective

  • Yunita Laila Zulfa Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Maman Abdurrahman Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Asep Sopian Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: Arabic language education, student, ushul


This article aims to see the urgency of studying Ushul Nawi according to Arabic Language Education students who have studied Ushul Nahwi as a subject in lectures. We choose students who have studied so that the participants understand Ushul Nahwi so that they can give a more accurate perspective. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative, data collection using interviews. The results we found were three benefits that were felt after learning Ushul nahwi, namely 1. Knowing the history and origin of nahwu, 2. Knowing the currents in nahwu, and 3. Knowing the methods used in determining nahwu law. Whereas the participant Ushul Nahwi is important to learn for teachers or prospective Arabic teachers, while for students there is an opinion that says it is important for reasons that can make students' thoughts and opinions not absolute to one opinion and make students more open, while some say it is not  important because can confuse students with differences.
