International Conference on Elementary Education <p>These proceedings represent the work of researchers participating in <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The International Conference on Elementary Education (ICEE)</a> which is being hosted by the Elementary Education Study Programme School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. ICEE is an event on the international research conference agenda and provides a valuable platform for individuals to present their research findings, display their work in progress, and discuss conceptual and empirical advances in the areas of Elementary Education. <span class="VIiyi" lang="en"><span class="JLqJ4b ChMk0b" data-language-for-alternatives="en" data-language-to-translate-into="auto" data-phrase-index="0">Proceedings of the International Conference on Elementary Education Published Once a Year</span></span></p> Elementary Education Study Program School of Postgraduate Studies Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia in collaboration with UPI PRESS en-US International Conference on Elementary Education 2829-0976 Indigenous knowledge in Smart Society 5.0 for Merdeka Curriculum of Elementary School <p>The development of the times and technological advances in the era of society 5.0 cannot be avoided, so a shift in life situations from traditional to modern occurs, and the impact can erode existing indigenous knowledge. This is the basis for conducting research in Sintang Regency, West Kalimantan, Indonesia, which aims to screen existing indigenous knowledge so that it can be preserved by becoming part of the Merdeka curriculum so that it can be implemented at the educational level, one of which is elementary school. This qualitative descriptive research uses a survey with interview methods with primary informants, keys informants, and recommendations informants. The research results show that there are 12 areas of indigenous knowledge with a total of 105 sub-coverages that can be part of the Merdeka curriculum and implemented at the basic education level by utilizing technological collaboration.</p> Adriana Gandasari Dinn Wahyudin Asep Herry Hernawan Markus Iyus Supiandi Thomas Joni Verawanto Aristo Ursula Dwi Oktaviani Anastasia Selvi Fiony Mawardi Copyright (c) 2024 Adriana Gandasari, Dinn Wahyudin, Asep Herry Hernawan, Markus Iyus Supiandi, Thomas Joni Verawanto Aristo, Ursula Dwi Oktaviani, Anastasia Selvi, Fiony, Mawardi 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 1 12 The English Teachers’ Perceptions Using English Child-Friendly Songs in Teaching English for Young Leaners <p>English Child-friendly songs as teaching media for young learners are a type of learning material that utilizes song lyric as a tool to teach English skill. This research aims to explore teachers’ perceptions in using English child-friendly song in teaching English to young learners. The method of this study used descriptive method (case study) and this study used Interviews as instrument to collect the data. The instrument were involved with two novice teachers and one senior teacher who use English child-friendly songs in teaching English to young learners in the classrooms.&nbsp; The result showed that the teachers informed positive views of using the songs when teaching English to young learners such as helping young learners increasing young learners’ vocabulary mastery, and increasing young learners' memory, and increasing young learners’ overall enjoyment of learning English in the classroom.&nbsp; This research concluded that the using of English child-friendly song is effective to enhance learning quality in teaching English to young learning.</p> Alamsyah Copyright (c) 2024 Alamsyah 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 13 19 The Improving Elementary School Teachers' Skills in Scientific Publication Writing through Coaching Clinics <p>The ability to write scientific publications among elementary school teachers is still relatively low as a result of the lack of basic skills and self-confidence of teachers in writing as well as the lack of facilities and media for scientific publications in the school, necessitating the need for coaching that one of which can be done through a coaching clinic program. To understand and analyze the role and implementation of coaching clinics in writing of scientific publications, this research was conducted by applying action research methods to elementary school teachers which included two research cycles. The results found that implementing a coaching clinic for writing scientific publications can be carried out as long as the Principal has the commitment and ability to carry it out. Apart from that, the Principal must also ensure that his actions can bring about the desired changes, especially to quickly improve teacher’s competence and performance. The application of this coaching method can improve teachers' skills in writing scientific papers, compiling ideas and developing better linguistic structures in writing. Thus, it can be concluded that the implementation of a coaching clinic for writing scientific publications can play a positive role in improving the writing skills of elementary school teachers.</p> Alviani Afrilianti Risbon Sianturi Deni Kadarsah Copyright (c) 2024 Alviani Afrilianti, Risbon Sianturi, Deni Kadarsah 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 20 29 Improving the Teaching Quality of Elementary School Teachers through the Implementation of E-Education Based on the JIBAS Application <p>The efforts to improve the quality of learning carried out by elementary school teachers are not enough just to carry out certain directions and supervision, the implementation of which is very limited, but must also be supported by an evaluation system that can be monitored at any time by the Principal. Therefore, optimizing the use of JIBAS e-Education technology is expected to assist School Principals in carrying out supervision and providing input in improving the quality of learning. To determine the role of e-Education based on the JIBAS application in improving the quality of learning which is carried out by elementary school teachers, This research was designed by applying action research methods to elementary school teachers which included two research cycles. The results of this research found that implementing e-Education based on the JIBAS application can be carried out as long as the school is prepared for it. The school must ensure that the facilities and infrastructure are adequate and the school's human resource elements are able to use these technological devices. Through the implementation of this application, teacher’s mastery of material and skills in learning process has increased significantly. Thus, it can be concluded that the implementation of JIBAS e-education has a positive impact on improving the quality of elementary school teachers in the student learning process.</p> Alviani Risti Afrilianti Risbon Sianturi Deni Kadarsah Copyright (c) 2024 Alviani Risti Afrilianti, Risbon Sianturi, Deni Kadarsah 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 30 39 The Impact of Economic Literacy to Enhance the Entrepreneurial Interest of Primary School Students <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Economic literacy and interest in entrepreneurship are two important aspects that can help elementary school students face economic challenges in the future. Someone who is skilled in economics is able to make wise decisions regarding their finances, while entrepreneurship can help create many jobs and grow the economy. The aim of this research is to examine the influence of economic literacy on elementary school students' interest in entrepreneurship in the city of Bandung by applying the Project Based Learning method. Simple regression approach used in this study while data collected by questionnaire. The population in this research is elementary school students in Bandung City. The sampling technique used a purposive sampling approach, so the total sample was 96, namely elementary school students in Bandung City. The analytical tool used is simple linear regression analysis. The research results show that economic literacy has a significant effect on increasing the entrepreneurial interest of elementary school students in Bandung City using the Project Based Learning (PJBL) learning model. With model capability of 43.2%, while the remaining 56.8%, the entrepreneurial interest of elementary school students in Bandung City using the Project Based Learning (PJBL) learning model is influenced by other factors not examined in this research.</span></p> Amalia Listiana Disman Copyright (c) 2024 Amalia Listiana, Disman 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 40 48 Implementation of The School Literacy Movement in One of Elementary School in Bandung <p>This research aims to describe the implementation of the School Literacy Movement (SLM) program in one of the elementary schools in the city of Bandung. The School Literacy Movement (SLM) program is an effort to make all school residents into literate human resources, as stated in Ministerial Regulation Number 23rd of 2015 concerning Moral Development, which includes habituation to a literacy culture. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The instruments used were interview guides, observation guidelines and learning documentation guidelines. The research results show that the implementation of the SLM program in this school has not been implemented optimally because there are still several obstacles that have not been resolved so that it has not had a positive impact on students' interest in reading and literacy skills. This is indicated by the lack of student reading activity during learning in the school environment and the lack of adequate facilities, infrastructure and facilities.</p> Annisa Nabilah Tatat Hartati Copyright (c) 2024 Annisa Nabilah, Tatat Hartati 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 6 1 49 56 A Comprehensive Systematic Literature Review on Opportunities, Challenges, and Implementation Strategies of Artificial Intelligences for Indonesian Primary Schools <p>This study, employing a systematic literature review (SLR) of nine carefully selected studies from an initial pool of 180 on Google Scholar, investigates the benefits and challenges of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in primary education, particularly for making recommendation for the Indonesian context. Utilizing the PRISMA 2020 framework for selection, the research highlights AI's potential to revolutionize education by personalizing learning experiences, enhancing pedagogical methods, and improving assessment and administrative efficiencies. However, it also identifies significant challenges, including concerns about academic integrity, ethical and privacy issues, and the digital divide. Crucially, the study offers targeted recommendations for the effective implementation of AI in Indonesian primary schools, emphasizing the need for equitable technology access and comprehensive teacher training. These recommendations aim to mitigate the challenges while maximizing the benefits, thereby facilitating a more adaptive, inclusive, and forward-looking educational environment. This study provides valuable insights for policymakers and educators, underlining the importance of a strategic approach in integrating AI into primary education systems.</p> Arie Insany Gun Gun Ahmad Gunari Copyright (c) 2024 Arie Insany , Gun Gun Ahmad Gunari 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 57 70 The Effect of Using Game Based Learning Quizizz Media on Increasing Student Motivation and Learning Outcomes of 6th grade in science subjects at 125 Taruna Karya Elementary School Bandung <p>This study&nbsp; aims to determine the effect of using Quizizz on the motivation and learning outcomes of 6<sup>th</sup> grade students at SDN 125 Taruna Karya Kota Bandung in science subject by using Quizizz media based on game based learning. The research method in this study is the a Pre-Experimental method which observes a main group and intervenes throughout the study without a control class. The subject of this study was 6<sup>th</sup> grade which consisted of 30 students. This research was conducted in two meetings before and after being given treatment by filling out a motivational learning questionnaires and evaluating learning outcomes. The instruments used are questionnaires and learning outcomes tests. The method used in data analysis is the quantitative description analysis method. The results showed that there was an increase in motivation and learning outcomes of 6<sup>th</sup> grade in science subjects at SDN 125 Taruna Karya Kota Bandung&nbsp; by using Quizizz media. This can be proven by using the Paired Sample T Test, there is an increase in learning motivation from an average of 41.60 to 48.93, meaning an increase of 7.33. As for learning outcomes in the cognitive aspect, there was an increase from an average value of 64.37 to 75.57, meaning an increase of 11.2.</p> Aris Mustaqim Copyright (c) 2024 Aris Mustaqim 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 71 82 The Ethnomathematics in Fraction Numeracy Ability of Fifth-Grade Students in The Merdeka Curriculum <p>Efforts to improve educational services in the 5.0 era have been developed by implementing a Merdeka curriculum. In its implementation, learning is expected to be student-centered with the hope that each student will achieve minimum competencies, including numeracy and literacy competencies, without losing national identity. Low student learning outcomes in problem-solving abilities on fractions result in an incomplete understanding of the concept, so students need to be trained in critical thinking. This research aims to describe ethnomathematics in students’ fraction numeration abilities in the Merdeka curriculum using qualitative methods with a hermeneutic phenomenology type involving five people out of 26 fifth-grade students and mathematics teachers. Data was collected using written tests and interviews with participants and processed using Moustaka’s analysis stages and Paul Ricoeur’s interpretation theory. The research results through trials and interviews show that 3 out of 5 students already understand the prerequisite fraction material and can solve simple fraction problems based on ethnomathematics. However, these five students had obstacles in solving fraction calculation operation problems. Apart from that, the results of teacher interviews show that learning focuses on cultivating concepts without contextually involving culture. Research can be concluded as a constructive reference for improving fraction numeration skills through ethnomathematics in the Merdeka curriculum.</p> Asri Ananda Afsari A Rosid Copyright (c) 2024 Asri Ananda Afsari A Rosid 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 83 91 The Implementation of Project Based Learning (PjBL) in Improving Financial Literacy of Grade 5 Students through Financial Education Materials in Elementar Schools <p>Financial Literacy Education is something that has not been well developed, both within the family, school, and community. Providing education about financial literacy is still not done seriously and planned. Financial Literacy Education is needed to educate people who are aware and understand how to manage finances wisely and according to their needs. Financial education is very important for all ages, especially children. Education on how to manage finances wisely according to needs. This qualitative research aims to explore the implementation of Project-Based Learning (PjBL) as an approach to improve students' financial literacy in elementary school through financial education materials. Through in-depth interviews, classroom observations, and project document analysis. This research aims to deeply understand the impact of PjBL on students' understanding of financial concepts and money management skills. The findings of this qualitative research are expected to provide valuable contextual insights in developing more effective financial education strategies at the primary level.</p> Astria Tristiana Nurhaliza Copyright (c) 2024 Astria Tristiana Nurhaliza 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 92 98 An Axiological Dimensions of Elementary School Teachers' Language Attitudes Towards Indonesian in Ciomas District <p>The development of a positive attitude towards Indonesian to students is carried out at least by teachers who also have a positive attitude towards Indonesian. This study aims to observe the language attitudes of elementary school teachers at SD Negeri Parakan 01 towards Indonesian. This research is a qualitative research using case study method. Data collection is done through observation and interviews. Observations andinterviewswere conducted with 13 teachers consisting of 5 male teachers and 8 female teachers at SD Negeri Parakan 01, Ciomas District, Bogor. This study found that teachers at SD Negeri Parakan 01 had a positive attitude towards Indonesian, especially in terms of writing. Although it was found to have a positive attitude towards standard written Indonesian, in the teacher's writing they still showed insufficient in applying linguistic aspects.</p> Bayu Hidayat Copyright (c) 2024 Bayu Hidayat 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 99 103 The Use of RADEC Learning Model on Student's Creative Thinking Skills through Social Studies Learning in Elementary School <p>This research was motivated by the low creative thinking skills in students in social studies learning in grade VI at one of the elementary schools in Garut Regency. This is due to the lack of creative stimulus provided in the school environment, the lack of interactive teaching models, and the lack of time and opportunities for students to easily explore. This study aims to analyze the creative thinking skills of grade VI learners after using the RADEC learning model. This study involved 18 students in one of the elementary schools in Garut Regency. The research method used is qualitative descriptive. The data collection used is observation, tests, and documentation studies. Data processing techniques use the Miles and Huberman techniques. This study obtained findings that at the <em>read</em>, <em>answer</em>, and <em>create</em> stages of creative thinking skills of students can be said to have appeared, at the <em>discuss</em> and <em>explain</em> stages of &nbsp;&nbsp;creative thinking skills of students can be said to have not appeared.</p> Brilian Sejatining Latif Disman Wahyu Sopandi Atep Sujana Copyright (c) 2024 Brilian Sejatining Latif, Disman, Wahyu Sopandi, Atep Sujana 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 104 112 The Impact of Problem-Based Learning on Student Learning Outcomes <p>The learning model is very necessary in learning science. However, the learning model used in elementary schools (SD) is not optimal, which causes students to be less motivated to learn and has a negative impact on learning outcomes. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the problem-based learning (PBL) model on student learning outcomes. This type of research is quantitative, using quasi-experimental methods, and the design used is a one group pretest and posttest design. The population in this study was all fifth-grade students at an elementary school, while the sample in this study consisted of 20 students. Random sampling was used for sampling in this study. This study will test the pre-test and post-test using the Wilcoxon matched pairs test. In carrying out the Wilcoxon test to analyze the two paired data sets, it was carried out using test analysis through the SPSS version 25 program. Based on the research and discussion, it can be concluded that the PBL learning model is effective in improving student learning outcomes in class V SD. This is supported by the Wilcoxon test results, which show that the asymptotic significance (two-tailed) is 0.000 &lt; 0.05. The implications of this research are that it is hoped that teachers can implement this PBL model in the learning process so that it can improve students' ability to understand subject matter easily and quickly during the learning process.</p> Cahyana Ari Widodo Copyright (c) 2024 Cahyana, Ari Widodo 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 113 120 Exploring Local Wisdom Values as an Effort to Maintain Javanese Culture in Elementary Schools <p>Culture in Indonesia has many varieties, one of which is Javanese culture which is rich in strong cultural values. Local culture is a national asset that needs to be seriously observed and cared for. However, local wisdom which is part of the culture is often ignored because it is seen as not in accordance with the times. This is a challenge in preserving local wisdom, especially in schools. So that the alternative solution is to include Javanese local wisdom values as an integral part of subjects or extracurricular activities in elementary schools. On this basis, this research was conducted to see how local wisdom can be integrated in teaching materials and learning activities in elementary schools. Elementary school is a very important level of education in shaping character and providing basic knowledge to students. The purpose of this research is to describe the values of local wisdom from various regions in Java that can be used in primary schools as an effort to preserve local wisdom. The research method used is literature study. With the analysis of this study, it becomes an inspiration or transfer of local wisdom values from teachers to students in elementary schools.</p> Cusni Anjani Enok Maryani Mubiar Agustin Lutfi Fitri Asylah Elisabeth Widi Manik Copyright (c) 2024 Cusni Anjani, Enok Maryani, Mubiar Agustin, Lutfi Fitri Asylah, Elisabeth Widi Manik 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 121 126 Enhancing Understanding Of Local Wisdom Stories Through An AI-Assisted Website: A TPACK Approach <p>This research discusses the implementation of the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework in the development of an Artificial Intelligence (AI)-assisted website for reading stories based on local wisdom. The aim is to create an innovative and interactive learning platform that can assist students in understanding and enjoying local stories. The method used in this research is the development method, which involves the stages of analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The AI-assisted website utilizes AI technology to provide interactive storytelling, making the local wisdom stories more engaging and relatable to the audience. The TPACK approach is used to effectively integrate technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge, ensuring the website is not only technologically advanced but also pedagogically sound. The research results show that the integration of TPACK and AI in teaching materials can increase student engagement and understanding of local stories. In conclusion, the use of TPACK and AI in the development of teaching materials opens up new opportunities in education, and significantly improves the audience’s understanding and appreciation of local wisdom stories. This study contributes to the fields of education and technology by demonstrating the potential of AI and TPACK in promoting local wisdom and cultural heritage.</p> David Eka Farana Copyright (c) 2024 David Eka Farana 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 127 135 Implementation of Storytelling Through Powerpoint in Indonesian Language Learning to Import Student's Speaking Skills Sixth Grades Elementary School <p>Speaking skills include those that are not easy and simple, either for a teacher or for a student. Careful study and consideration are needed for speaking skills. At the Indonesian school performance, Indonesian education has not yet had optimal results, particularly in improving speaking skills. Like, students feel scared and nervous when they want to talk or communicate in front of their classmates. The literacy study aims to analyze the storytelling model through PowerPoint media on speaking skills in the Indonesian sixth-grade elementary class. The storytelling model is an interactive learning model because it emphasizes the active involvement of learners during the learning process. Thus, the storytelling model could be a reference to improving a student's speaking skills in Indonesian learning; a storytelling model through PowerPoint will hopefully attract the student's learning, thus improving their speaking abilities.</p> Dewi Karimah Aan Yuliyanto Rogibah Isna Amaturrakhmah Satya Raga Diningrat Rifdha Regina Meilani Copyright (c) 2024 Dewi Karimah, Aan Yuliyanto, Rogibah, Isna Amaturrakhmah, Satya Raga Diningrat, Rifdha Regina Meilani 2024-06-26 2024-06-26 6 1 136 144 How to track the need for digital disaster learning resources for prospective elementary school teachers? <p>In the current digital era, the need for digital learning resources in education is very important and urgent to develop. It includes developing digital disaster learning resources for prospective elementary school teachers. This article will discuss SWOT analysis (Strengths [S], Weaknesses [W], Opportunities [O], Threats [T]) as an instrument for conducting a needs analysis to develop digital disaster learning resources for prospective elementary school teachers. This research uses a literature study method, with research implementation stages consisting of (a) collecting reference sources, (b) verifying literature sources, and (c) conceptualization. From the research stages that have been carried out, the needs analysis instrument for developing digital disaster learning resources for prospective elementary school teachers can be classified into four forms, namely strength analysis (S) consisting of five question items, weakness analysis (W) consisting of three question items, opportunity analysis (O) consists of two question items, and threat analysis (T) consists of two question items. Based on this, it is necessary to carry out a SWOT analysis to prepare an analysis instrument for developing digital disaster learning resources for prospective elementary school teachers. The recommendation from the results of this study is that the needs analysis instrument using SWOT analysis can be adapted for use in needs analysis instruments for developing media and other learning resources.</p> Eddy Noviana Hadriana Yustina Sri Erlinda Otang Kurniaman Intan Kartika Sari Kuntum Sharfin Putri Elin Hotmaria Raja Guk-guk Copyright (c) 2024 Eddy Noviana, Hadriana, Yustina, Sri Erlinda, Otang Kurniaman, Intan Kartika Sari, Kuntum Sharfin Putri, Elin Hotmaria Raja Guk-guk 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 145 151 The Analysis of Student’s Mathematical Problem Solving Skills on the Topics of Square and Rectangle in Elementary School <p>Mathematics learning has five aspects of mathematical proficiency that every student must have. These five aspects of mathematical proficiency are not abilities that students already have naturally, but are a combination of knowledge, skills, abilities and beliefs that students have and are obtained with the help of teachers through the learning process. One of the abilities that students must have is problem solving ability. Mathematics lessons that are closely related to everyday life are square and rectangle. The purpose of this study is to see how students' problem solving skills on the topics of square and rectangle in elementary school. This research uses the Systematic Literatul Review (SLR) method or literature review. Data collection in this study was carried out by collecting relevant articles related to students' problem solving skills in square and rectangle materials. The results of this study indicate that students' problem solving skills on the topics of square and rectangle still need to be improved. This statement is supported by various theories and research on how students' problem solving skills on square and rectangle materials.</p> Elisabeth Manik Tatang Herman Cusni Anjani Copyright (c) 2024 Elisabeth Manik, Tatang Herman, Cusni Anjani 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 152 159 The Effect of RADEC Learning Model on the Ability to Calculate the Perimeter of Flat Buildings in Third Grade Students of Elementary School <p>This study aims to determine the significant effect of using the RADEC model on the ability to calculate the perimeter of flat buildings in grade III students. This research is a pre-experimental research in the form of One Group Pretest-Posttest research. The population of this study was grade III students consisting of one class of 21 students. The research instrument used is the ability to calculate the perimeter of Flat Buildings. The data obtained were then analyzed using descriptive statistical data analysis and inferential statistical data analysis. The results of this study showed that the pretest results, the average value of student learning was 66.67 with a high category of 19.05%%, medium 33.33%, and low 47.62% and the average value of posttest results after using the RADEC model was 82.86 with a very high category 47.62%, medium 38.10%, and low 14.29%. This figure shows that there is a significant effect of using the RADEC model on the ability to calculate the perimeter of Flat Buildings. Based on the description above, it can be concluded that the RADEC model is effectively used in calculating the perimeter of flat buildings in grade III students.</p> Eneng Santi Sufyani Prabawanto Wahyu Sopandi Atep Sujana Hilma Mustika Fauziah Intan Nuaini Copyright (c) 2024 Eneng Santi, Sufyani Prabawanto, Wahyu Sopandi, Atep Sujana, Hilma Mustika Fauziah, Intan Nuaini 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 160 166 The Influence of Scout Activities on Elementary School Students' Attitudes in Leadership and Independence Aspects. <p>A teacher-centered learning process, where educators consider themselves a store of knowledge, is no longer relevant. Baden Powell has shifted the learning process to be student-centered (ask the boys-students centered) through Scouting activities. This literature review aims to determine the influence of scouting activities on students' leadership character and independence. Scouts have eight methods for carrying out their activities, including an honor code, learning to do, a group system, interesting, challenging, in the open, in the presence of adults, signs of proficiency, and separate units. One way to achieve leadership and independence is belief in one's abilities; this can be achieved through learning by doing activities, and this is the application of the scouting method. In this way, this literature review can be a reference for improving students' leadership character and independence through scouting extracurricular activities that apply scouting methods correctly and additionally apply the among system correctly. Thus, through a holistic approach involving education, independence, and extracurricular activities such as scouting, it is hoped that students can develop strong and positive leadership attitudes. The weakness of this research is that success will not be achieved if a researcher does not have Scouting skills or, in this case, does not have a Basic Advanced Course (KMD). This can happen because the researcher does not understand the existing context.</p> Fadillah Septian Aan Yuliyanto Ahmad Affandi Irawan Siti Nurkhofifah Copyright (c) 2024 Fadillah Septian, Aan Yuliyanto, Ahmad Affandi, Irawan, Siti Nurkhofifah 2024-06-26 2024-06-26 6 1 167 175 Student Entrepreneurship Skills Through the Friday Market Program in the Tahfidz Quran Natural School Curriculum Majalengka District <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This research is motivated by the urgency of entrepreneurial skills as one of the soft skills of students in social life. Entrepreneurship is also one of the areas that the government pays attention to through presidential regulation number 2 of 2022 concerning National Entrepreneurship Development to encourage entrepreneurial growth until 2024, when the ideal number of 3.95% of the total population of Indonesia can be achieved. This study aims to analyze the entrepreneurial program in the natural school curriculum. The research subject is one of the natural schools in Majalengka District. The research uses a qualitative descriptive method with data collection instruments in the form of observation, interviews, and documentation studies. Data analysis uses the Miles and Huberman technique. The results of the study found that entrepreneurial skills were formed in the curriculum through the Friday market program as a means of developing entrepreneurial skills, including believing and being optimistic, task and result-oriented, daring to take risks and like challenges, leadership, originality, and future-oriented. The program is intended for all students with class VI in charge. The Friday market program provides a real picture of market life and gives real experience of economic activities that occur in everyday life.&nbsp;</span></p> Firas Alamanda Enok Maryani Diin Wahyudin Roni Wahyu Wandani Copyright (c) 2024 Firas Alamanda, Enok Maryani, Diin Wahyudin, Roni Wahyu Wandani 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 176 183 Financial Literacy of Elementary School Students Through RADEC Learning <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This research is undermined by Indonesia's low economic independence index, which will be only 23.3% by 2022. It shows that people do not understand finance enough in terms of knowledge, attitudes, and skills to plan, manage, record, and store financial data. The method used is case studies, with data collection techniques through observations, interviews, and documentation. The subject of the study was 23 students in Bandung City. Descriptive analysis to interpret the data. Research results show that financial literacy through the RADEC model shows excellent results. Students can study the learning material with extensive resources before entering the class in the reading and answering phase. Financial literacy, which involves acquiring, spending, holding, and donating, can be integrated into material needs, desires, and abilities. The RADEC model stage gives students the opportunity to acquire and build their own knowledge either individually by visiting various resources or through discussions both within and among groups</span><strong>.</strong></p> Firas Alamanda Enok Maryani Wahyu Sopandi Atep Sujana Copyright (c) 2024 Firas Alamanda, Enok Maryani, Wahyu Sopandi, Atep Sujana 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 184 191 The Systematic Literature Review: The Effectiveness Of Implementing The Pancasila Student Profile In The Independent Curriculum And Its Implications For Students' Character Development <p>In the 21st century, there are many problems in the world of education that are complex, unstable, and uncertain. One of the problems and challenges faced is the increasingly widespread moral degradation which is triggering the decline in the character of Indonesian students today. This problem is a shared responsibility within the education unit, there needs to be policy updates so that students' character can be as expected. Character education in the curriculum that applies in Indonesia is always the main point that needs attention. Character education becomes a fortress for students to avoid phenomena and problems that occur in the students' environment. In the proposed Independent Curriculum, the Ministry of Education and Culture has confirmed 6 dimensions of the Pancasila Student Profile. The launch of these 6 dimensions shows the characteristics that students at all levels of education must have. This research aims to conduct a literature study regarding the effectiveness of implementing the Pancasila student profile in the independent curriculum and its implications for developing students' character. The research method used to carry out this research is the Systematic Literature Review method. Data was collected by reviewing publications on implementing the Pancasila Student Profile and the implications for character development. This research found that implementing the Pancasila Student Profile can develop students' character by applying it in the school, family, and community environment.</p> Fitri Fikrotussholihah Copyright (c) 2024 Fitri Fikrotussholihah 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 192 199 STUDENTS' STUDENTS' CRITICAL THINKING AND PROBLEM-SOLVING SKILLS IN SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON CONTENT IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Critical thinking and problem-solving skills are skills needed in the challenges of 21st century skills in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and as competencies that must be possessed by students. The research conducted aims to determine the real conditions in elementary schools in improving students' critical thinking and problem-solving skills in social studies learning. This research was conducted using qualitative descriptive research methods that aimed to find out and explore how teacher strategies in designing social studies learning in the classroom. While the data collection techniques carried out by researchers in preliminary studies are interviews, observations and documentation. The results of this study explain that the implementation of learning is carried out using lecture, question and answer and discussion methods, the learning model has not varied tends to be monotonous as a way to improve critical thinking and problem-solving skills but not in accordance with the correct steps</span></p> Ida Siti Faridah Copyright (c) 2024 Ida Siti Faridah 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 200 205 Systematic Literature Review: Analysis Implementation of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Programs in Elementary Schools <p>The problem of human concern for the environment is a problem in life. To support the goals of the Sustainable Development Goals SDGs launched by the UN at points 4 and 6 regarding quality education to ensure equality and quality of inclusive education to increase sustainable learning opportunities for all humans, as well as at goal point 6, namely regarding adequate water and sanitation. Worthy, through education, it is hoped that it can improve the quality of human life, including human knowledge regarding the environment. Development programs for the SDGs goals implemented in elementary school level education units are Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH). The importance of monitoring and evaluating Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) implementation activities in elementary schools to achieve the goals of the SDGs. This article aims to determine the extent of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) implementation in elementary schools. The research method uses literature studies from researchers through several related research journals. According to several research sources, the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) program in elementary schools has played an essential role in dealing with hygiene problems and health behavior among students. Still, monitoring and ongoing evaluation from program stakeholders are needed to optimize the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) program in schools to achieve the SDGs goals.</p> Indes Maharani Handayani Nana Supriatna Copyright (c) 2024 Indes Maharani Handayani, Nana Supriatna 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 206 214 The Development and Validation of RADEC Learning Model-Based Student Worksheets for Natural and Social Sciences (IPAS) Subjects <p>The RADEC learning model emerged as a revolutionary tool in Indonesian education, encouraging student engagement, self-discipline, and increased rigor. This approach enhances critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, communication, teamwork, and creativity in line with the needs of modern education. Study after study highlights the effectiveness of this approach in fostering active learning, understanding, and cooperation in the 21st century. However, using the RADEC model in sains education through the Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD) creates challenges in terms of integration and growth. This study applies a systematic approach using the ADDIE model to measure and assess the validity of the LKPD based on RADEC for secondary education. The validation results confirm the validity of the LKPD and its compliance with the RADEC model, ensuring its quality and effectiveness in enhancing the learning process. Continuous teacher professional development and an adaptable learning model are crucial in meeting the needs of students' evolutionary progress. This study highlights the importance of implementing LKPD by the RADEC model to enhance learning outcomes in science classrooms and improve student performance</p> Indra Suhendra Wahyu Sopandi Udin Syaefudin Saud Hany Handayani Nanda Wiliiam Yusup Maulana Indra Gunawan Copyright (c) 2024 Indra Suhendra, Wahyu Sopandi, Udin Syaefudin Saud, Hany Handayani, Nanda Wiliiam, Yusup Maulana, Indra Gunawan 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 215 221 The Analysis of Fifth-Grade Students' Creativity in the Subject of Maintaining Human Health through Assignments <p>Creativity is something that is very important to be a provision for students in living their lives in the future, especially in modern times like today. The purpose of this study was to analyze the creativity of students in elementary school through assignments. The method used is qualitative descriptive. The instruments used in this study were interview sheets and observation sheets regarding indicators of creativity carried out by students. The subjects in this study were grade 5 students with a total of 29 people consisting of 16 men and 13 women in one of the State Elementary Schools located in Cibatu District. The results showed that through the specific assignment of project assignments in the learning process, on the material of maintaining human health, students can show new creativity and benefit themselves. The emergence of creativity can be illustrated from the results of programs that have very interesting imagination results, the authenticity of the results of the products from the students themselves, the results of products that have very useful values and goals. Student-produced products such as drawings, poems, songs, and comics, can be viewed as simple but meaningful results of student creativity, and have useful purposes. Students are also more challenged to create something even better and truly their own work without imitating the work of others. In conclusion, the results of the analysis of student creativity through assignments can bring out the creativity of students who initially did not want to try to be more courageous trying to make simple works, Although only some students can bring it up, it can be said that project assignments can make students have a sense of responsibility and time discipline in completing their obligations in the learning process.</p> Iras Rasmiati Atep Sujana Wahyu Sopandi Copyright (c) 2024 Iras Rasmiati, Atep Sujana, Wahyu Sopandi 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 222 227 Description of Students Mathematical Understanding Ability Obtained by Problem Based Learning (PBL) and Inquiry Based Learning (IBL) Models <p>This research aims to obtain a comprehensive picture of students' acquisition of Mathematical Understanding Ability using the PBL and IBL models. The method in this research is a mixed method The sample in this research was 16 students in class IV at SDN 1 Girimukti and 12 students in class IV at SDN 2 Girimukti. The results of the research based on SPSS calculations show that descriptively the average gain in mathematical understanding ability of students who studied with PBL was 77.81, higher than the average gain in mathematical understanding ability of students who studied with IBL which was 63.33. Distribution of scores for the acquisition of mathematical understanding ability of students who learning with PBL is more spread out compared to the scores for gaining mathematical understanding abilities of students who study with IBL, as can be seen from the standard deviation scores in both classes, where the PBL class is 8.2 and the IBL is 7.8. The conclusion shows that the description of the mathematical understanding abilities of students who obtain the PBL model is higher than the mathematical understanding abilities of students with the IBL model seen from the mean and standard deviation.</p> Irfan Supriatna Wahyudin Turmudi Copyright (c) 2024 Irfan Supriatna, Wahyudin, Turmudi 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 228 234 Collaborative Learning with Read Aloud Model In Supporting Reading Literacy In Elementary School <p>This study based on base urgency in creat undestanding to text presented. Research objectives this for produces a collaborative interactive read aloaud learning model as effort for create understanding to text. The model applied includes: 1) Designing; 2) Forming; 3) Facilitating; 4) Evaluating. Study this done with adapting McKenny &amp; Reeves via stages procedure study EDR development which includes: 1) Identification Problem; 2) Design and Constraction; 3) Evaluation and Reflection. Data collection techniques were carried out with interview and observations. As for the subject research conducted_involving teachers and students of SDN Karangsambung, Tasikmalaya City. Conclusion from study this show that the collaborative read aloud model can implemented in learning read for support understanding read student school basic.</p> Istikhoroh Nurzaman Copyright (c) 2024 Istikhoroh Nurzaman 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 235 243 Implementation of Problem-Based Learning Models to Critical Thinking Ability of Primary School Students in Citizen Education Learning <p>In teaching and learning activities, educators are still not optimal in applying problem-based methods. Critical thinking is needed to find a way out of these problems regarding students' responses to teachers. Critical thinking is analyzing problems in an idea to find solutions. Five indicators of critical thinking namely: analyzing problems, being able to ask and answer questions, solving problems, making conclusions, and evaluating or assessing observation results. This literature review discusses the impact of implementing a problem-based learning model on elementary school students' critical thinking skills in learning citizenship education. This problem-based learning model is proven to be able to improve student's critical thinking skills, be able to present problem orientation for students so they can understand learning objectives and solve problems, organize students in group discussions, guide group investigations so they can look for problems that are presented, develop and present work results so that Students can prepare reports on discussion results, analyze and evaluate the problem-solving process so that teachers and students can evaluate the problem-solving process in learning. Critical thinking is seen as essential and developed in schools so that students are accustomed to dealing with various problems around them.</p> Izah Nurfaizah Aan Yuliyanto Nunung Nurjanah Rizky Fitriyah Wiratno Copyright (c) 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 244 252 THE DIDACTIC DESIGN OF NATURAL SCIENCES LEARNING ABOUT WATER CYCLES IN 5TH GRADE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL <p>This research is motivated by the findings of learning barriers experienced by students in Classes V and VI of elementary school from the results of a preliminary study. Students do not yet understand the concept of the occurrence of water cycle so students find it difficult to work on identifying learning obstacles in the water cycle topic. This obstacle is caused by learning that does not pay attention to the nature of natural science learning and meaningful learning for students. Students are not actively involved in finding a concept but instead only receive information. Therefore, students' understanding of the water cycle topic is not built because the learning process is meaningless. This research aims to design a didactic design consisting of a lesson design which pays attention to the science process skills, the nature of natural science learning and meaningful learning. This didactic design has been validated by experts to get a better didactic design.&nbsp; The research method used is qualitative research methods while the data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation. This research produced three lesson designs from the results of the learning obstacle research analysis, namely: lesson design 1 understanding the role of water for living creatures, lesson design 2 introducing water elements and processes, and lesson design 3 understanding caring attitudes towards water conservation</p> Kanti Arumsari Copyright (c) 2024 Kanti Arumsari 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 253 261 Improving Students' Creative Thinking Skills Through The Wallas Method In Learning Mathematics In Elementary School <p>to face the challenges of the 21st century. This literature review will discuss the development of student's creative thinking skills with the Wallas method to improve students' creative thinking skills to face the challenges of the 21st century. The Wallas method has four stages: planning, incubation, illumination, and verification. The Wallas method can improve creative thinking skills even though the time to complete each stage of the Wallas method cannot be predicted. Thus, the Wallas method can improve creative thinking skills because it has structured stages so that students find ideas more quickly because they know where to start to solve the problems they face. Although the Wallas model does not provide concrete guidelines on the duration of each stage, it can be overcome by familiarizing students with the Wallas method. Students can quickly find data related to the problem at hand, students can quickly find ideas to solve the problems they face, and students can test the ideas they have obtained</p> Khoirul Amir Aan Yuliyanto Ahmad Abdul Rochim Gunawan Ecih Copyright (c) 2024 Khoirul AKhoirul Amir, Aan Yuliyanto, Ahmad Abdul Rochim, Gunawan, Ecihmir, Aan Yuliyanto, Ahmad Abdul Rochim, Gunawan, Ecih 2024-06-26 2024-06-26 6 1 262 269 The Role Parents Beginning Writing Learning as An Effort to Support Learning Primary School <p>In early elementary school classes, during initial writing learning, students face various difficulties, for example, recognizing letters, forming words, and constructing coherent sentences. This research uses a qualitative phenomenological design approach. The research was based on primary data from five parents of grade 1 elementary school students. The data collection techniques used were interviews, observation, and documentation. The data analysis technique used is Milles and Huberman (reduction, presentation, and verification). Data credibility testing was also carried out through data source triangulation. Research findings show that the key to the success of students' initial writing learning is the role of parents at home. Parental support so that students are enthusiastic about learning is by providing stationery, study space, agreed study hours, and giving more appreciation. Parents direct students to form more lines and draw when learning to write. Then, when students learn to write letters, parents use checkerboard books so that the morphology of the letters and the distance between the letters are consistent. Students are instructed by their parents to write down the names of objects at home. Parents' main focus is to foster students' learning motivation by paying attention to students' self-confidence in learning to write.</p> Lelianasari Vismaia S Damaianti Copyright (c) 2024 Lelianasari, Vismaia S Damaianti 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 270 276 IMPLEMENTATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL CARE CHARACTER EDUCATION AT SDN ABCD BANDUNG <p>This research aims to describe the program and obstacles in implementing environmental care character education at SDN ABCD Bandung. This research uses a qualitative descriptive research method. The subjects of this research are the principal, teachers and students. The research object is the implementation of character education that cares about the environment. Data collection instruments use observation, interviews and documentation. The data was analyzed using data reduction, data display and verification techniques. Test the validity of the data using triangulation of techniques and sources. The research results show that (1) the implementation of environmentally caring character education is carried out through school policies, curriculum implementation, participatory environmental activities and management of environmentally friendly supporting facilities. Implementation has reached the moral action stage, but has not yet reached the habitual stage. (2) the obstacles are students' awareness of caring for the environment, sorting waste, and lack of understanding of the vision and mission, lack of consistency in teacher preparation in student learning and understanding, work teams are less solid, creativity is not consistent, students are less active in extracurricular activities, there are damaged facilities and students have not consistently brought healthy food supplies.</p> Leny Vitriasari Sapriya Roni Wahyu Wandani Copyright (c) 2024 Leny Vitriasari, Sapriya, Roni Wahyu Wandani 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 277 285 THE ANALYSIS CONTEXTUAL TEACHING AND LEARNING MODEL TO IMPROVE ECOLITERACY CHARACTER OF STUDENTS IN GRADE 3 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL EDUCATION <p>Education is one of the learning processes carried out by everyone, education can prepare the younger generation for life in the future. Education can adjust to the era of globalization. Education there are various aspects such as Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor. This article aims to discuss the application of the Contextual Teaching and Learning model of ecoliteracy character in grade 3 elementary school students. The research method used is a literature study to describe the application of the Contextual Teaching and Learning model in ecoliteracy character education based on experts and based on supporting reference studies. The focus of this research is the application of the Contextual Teaching and Learning Model to foster the character of ecoliteracy in elementary school students. In this model helps students in finding opportunities to gain knowledge through life in the real world in the surrounding environment to the learning that students get. then things obtained by students can be discussed together in class. So the Contextual Teaching and Learning learning model allows students to have the opportunity to apply ecoliteracy character education in learning and in everyday life.</p> Lutfi Fitri Asylah Mubiar Agustin Cusni Anjani Copyright (c) 2024 Lutfi Fitri Asylah, Mubiar Agustin, Cusni Anjani 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 286 290 The Influence of the School Environment on Student Character from the Perspectives of Teachers, Students and Parents <p>In the era of modern education, not only academic knowledge is considered necessary, but also the formation of strong character in students, especially in terms of empathy. Many things can influence character, one of which is the school environment. The school environment greatly influences student character. If the school environment is favourable, positive character will be formed, and conversely, if the environment is hostile, the student's character will become less suitable. This literature review will discuss the influence of the school environment on students' empathetic character, which will later be reviewed from the perspective of teachers, students and parents. The responses or perspectives of students, teachers and parents are used as an indicator for research. The student's perspective is seen from social interactions in the school environment, the teacher's perspective is seen from the teacher's assessment of student behaviour, and the parent's perspective is seen from open communication regarding the character of Empathyempathythis literature review and the three subject perspectives, it can be concluded that the school environment is the second place for forming students' empathetic character, and the school environment is very influential in forming students' character.</p> Luthfi Fitriani Nurzanah Aan Yuliyanto Irma Sofiasyari Novi Hidayati Destian Ruslianti Lia Rosliawati Copyright (c) 2024 Luthfi Fitriani Nurzanah, Aan Yuliyanto, Irma Sofiasyari, Novi Hidayati, Destian Ruslianti, Lia Rosliawati 2024-06-26 2024-06-26 6 1 291 298 An Analysis of Learning Motivation and Self-Confidence in Mathematics Education among Elementary School Students in Bogor Regency <p>Learning motivation and self-confidence are essential qualities that students must possess, as both serve as capital for effective learning, especially in the subject of Mathematics. This research aims to analyze the learning motivation and self-confidence in the subject of Mathematics among Elementary School students. The research population includes all fourth and sixth-grade students of SDN Tegal 02, Kemang District, Bogor Regency, totaling 54 individuals. A descriptive qualitative approach was employed in this research using a questionnaire as the research instrument. Data analysis was conducted using descriptive statistical analysis. The research results indicate that the learning motivation and self-confidence of SDN Tegal 02 students in mathematics fall within the moderate criteria, with a percentage of 50% for learning motivation and 87% for self-confidence. Regarding learning motivation, the only indicator in the moderate criteria is conducive learning environment, with a percentage of 62.96%. In terms of self-confidence, five out of six indicators are in the moderate criteria, especially in indepent with a percentage of 81.5%. Both indicators underscore the importance of the teacher's role in creating a conducive learning environment and using appropriate models to enhance students' learning motivation and self-confidence in mathematics education. Female students in SDN Tegal 02, Bogor Regency, tend to have higher motivation and confidence compared to male students. However, they exhibit a similar tendency, wherein students with high motivation also demonstrate high self-confidence, as do students with moderate and low motivation levels.</p> Mega Fathunnisa Atep Sujana Copyright (c) 2024 Mega Fathunnisa, Atep Sujana 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 299 312 The Need For Educational Psychology In The Industrial Era 4.0 Entering A Society 5.0 <p>Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0 is a phenomenon that describes the progress and development of industry and society which is characterized by the appearance of technology. Revolutions that occur in the world, both the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0, provide many changes in various fields, one of which is education. However, technology can provide many benefits to improve the quality of education if used properly. The research method used in making this scientific paper is qualitative with literature review from various journals and books. The results obtained are the role of Educational Psychology in facing the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0, namely, to form good student character, direct the use of technology as a means of self-development, and to deal with changes in the conventional teaching and learning process to become more modern in order to improve the skills of using technology and the quality of human resources. Efforts that can be implemented to improve skills, efficiency, effectiveness, and wisdom in using technology are through Digital Literacy, Distance Learning, Blended Learning, and honing students' Higher Level Thinking Skills (HOTS).</p> Mikha Marsaulina Cecyana Manurung Slameto Copyright (c) 2024 Mikha Marsaulina Cecyana Manurung, Slameto 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 313 319 Development of Computational Thinking Test Instrument for Evaluation of STEM Learning in Elementary School <p>STEM-based learning is one of the efforts in developing 21st century skills today. The characteristic of STEM approach is the strengthening of computational thinking skills that should be able to prepare individuals in facing society 5.0. This research aims to provide an overview of the computational thinking test instrument as an assessment solution in STEM learning. Through the development research method, this thinking test instrument was tested on grade VI elementary school students in the Kertasari District of Bandung Regency. The results showed that the computational thinking skills test instrument based on five indicators has a good level of validity and reliability to be implemented as an element of cognitive assessment assessment in STEM learning in elementary schools on the material components of living things and the surrounding environment.</p> Mochamad Tubagus Ismail Dedy Setyawan Wenda Alifulloh Copyright (c) 2024 Mochamad Tubagus Ismail, Dedy Setyawan, Wenda Alifulloh 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 320 329 Analysis of the Role of the Two Stay Two Stray Cooperative Learning Model in Forming 21st Century Skills for Elementary School Students <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Nowadays, globalization is developing rapidly, especially in terms of science and technology, which has both positive and negative impacts on the world of education. The positive impact of the development of globalization in the field of technology makes it easier for educators to find references regarding creative and innovative learning methods or models. The negative impacts of the development of globalization are acting without thinking, being consumed by hoaxes, losing a sense of tolerance and distancing oneself from friendship groups. Therefore, the world of education plays an important role in forming 21st century 4C learning skills which are really needed in the future in facing various problems based on the times. The aim of this research is in implementing the Two Stay Two Stray learning model, students can develop creative thinking skills, critical thinking skills and problem solving, communication and collaboration. The method used is a qualitative descriptive method with data processing techniques drawing conclusions regarding the application of the learning model in forming 4C learning skills in the 21st century. The results of the research after applying the Two Stay Two Stray learning model are 1) the application of the two stay two stray learning model is in accordance with the syntax learning model and students understand the learning process well, 2) the two stay two stray learning model has an important role which unconsciously has a good impact on the formation of 21st century skills, 3) the evaluation obtained from the application of the two stay two stray learning model received praise from homeroom teacher</span></p> Monika Artauli Nainggolan Sapriya Copyright (c) 2024 Monika Artauli Nainggolan, Sapriya 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 330 337 Second-grade Difficulties in Understanding Place Value <p>The concepts in mathematics education are interrelated and taught from the easiest one to the most difficult. One of the fundamental concepts taught to students is the concept of place value. If students do not understand place value, they will face difficulties in the following mathematics materials, especially in the topic of numbers. Therefore, this research aims to describe students' understanding and the mistakes they make in understanding the concept of place value. The research method used in this study is a descriptive method with a sample of 20 second-grade students. Based on the test results, 75% (15 students) have reached the minimum passing score with an average test score of 70, while 25% (5 students) scored below the average. To enhance students' understanding of place value, special attention is needed to ensure that no students find difficulties in said material. This research aims to assist teachers in anticipating students' understanding of the place value concept.</p> Nadya Ghassani Amelia Tatang Herman Copyright (c) 2024 Nadya Ghassani Amelia, Tatang Herman 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 338 345 The Implementation of Discipline Character Education Values in Elementary School Students <p>This research aims to describe the implementation of disciplined character education values in elementary schools and is expected to find policies that support the success of character education. The approach to this research uses a qualitative approach. This research was conducted at SDN 049 DM, with the subjects being the principal, teachers and students. Data was collected through observation, interviews and documentation. The data validity checking technique used is the triangulation technique. The results of the research show that in implementing disciplined character education at SDN 049 DM through seven policies, namely (1) creating a character education program, (2) establishing school rules and class rules, (3) carrying out Dhuha prayers and Dhuhur prayers in congregation, (4 ) making affective posts in each class, (5) integrating student disciplinary behavior at home through daily activity monitoring books, (6) involving parents (7) involving the school committee.</p> Nenden Kintani Bunyamin Maftuh Copyright (c) 2024 Nenden Kintani, Bunyamin Maftuh 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 346 353 The Analysis Of Students' Understanding Of Mathematical Concepts In Solving Questionsopen Ended On Percent Materials Students' <p><strong>.</strong> One of the abilities that must be possessed in mastering mathematics is mastery of mathematical concepts. To improve understanding of the mathematical concepts of percent material, a lot of effort is needed, including through problem solvingopen ended. Questionopen ended open-ended ones require comprehensive mastery of the material in solving the problem. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative which describes the process of describing a situation observed in the field. Grade 5 students of SDN Sirahcai Sumedang Regency are the subjects of this research. A total of 20 students were given practice questionsopen ended regarding percent material. The data obtained comes from test results and interviews. The research results for each indicator are as follows: a) Restating the concept 80%, b) Classifying the objects that form the concept 35%, c) Identifying the nature of the concept 65%, d) Applying the concept logically 70%, e) Providing examples or non-examples concept 60%, f) Presenting concepts in various forms of representation 30%, (g) Linking various concepts, 60%, (h) Developing necessary or sufficient conditions 50%. From these results, errors were found that lie in errors in understanding the idea of ​​the questions, inability to retrieve information from the question data, errors in understanding logic in conclusions, and errors in solution strategies.</p> Neneng Nur’aeni Wahyudin Copyright (c) 2024 Neneng Nur’aeni, Wahyudin 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 354 362 Application Of Fun Learning Method to Improve Learning Outcomes In Al-Qur’an And Hadits Subjects <p>The main problem in this study is how to improve student learning outcomes in learning al-Qur;an and Hadith in class II MI Al-Hidayah. This can occur because the learning process rarely uses modern methods and always uses conventional methods that do not actively involve students in the learning process. The characteristics of students are different so that the method is not suitable and results in student learning outcomes not reaching the maximum limit. Based on the results of data analysis, it was concluded that students' learning outcomes before using the fun learning method were still low. This can be seen from the average score obtained which is 49.5 and the classical learning completeness is only 15%. The learning process using the fun learning method was well implemented. This can be seen from the average percentage value of student activity in cycle I obtained by 64.3% and increased in cycle II with an average percentage value of 85.27%. Likewise, teacher activity in cycle I obtained an average percentage value of 55.5% and increased in cycle II with an average percentage of teacher activity of 83.5%. The student learning outcomes after the application of the fun learning method in cycle I obtained an average score of 67.50 and increased in cycle II with an average score of 80.75. So it can be concluded that using the fun learning method can improve student learning outcomes.</p> Nur Ati Azizah Yayan Carlian Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Ati Azizah, Yayan Carlian 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 363 370 The Analysis of Teacher Difficulties in Developing Learning Assessment in The Kurikulum Merdeka in Elementary Schools <p>Assessment is a tool that chronologically helps teachers monitor students. Therefore, assessment should be an inseparable part of learning. Assessment essentially focuses on assessing student learning processes. Assessment not only reveals the concepts that have been achieved, but also about the development process of how a concept was obtained. This research was designed as a descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques use interviews. The research results concluded that teachers experienced difficulties in carrying out diagnostic, formative and summative assessments, especially in determining assessments that were appropriate to the learning objectives to be achieved, due to the many types or forms of assessment such as presentations, projects, products, oral, written and so on.</p> Nurdinah Hanifah Dadan Djuanda Ani Nur Aeni Copyright (c) 2024 Nurdinah Hanifah, Dadan Djuanda, Ani Nur Aeni 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 371 376 A COLLABORATIVE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT OF PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN LEARNING USING THE RADEC MODEL <p>The collaboration is crucial in the world of education and work, to teach it there needs to be implications for innovation through appropriate learning models. The RADEC learning model is one of the solutions to the difficulties of developing collaborative character. This study aims to determine the form of student collaboration characters using the RADEC learning model. This research involved 34 students in an elementary school in the city of Bandung. Qualitative descriptive method used in this study. Researchers as key instruments and data collection techniques used by observation. This study obtained findings, among others, that the character of student collaboration appears in the form of indicators that appear in students.</p> Nurnaningsih Nurnaningsih Ernawulan Syaodih Copyright (c) 2024 Nurnaningsih Nurnaningsih, Ernawulan Syaodih 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 377 382 Analysis of Teacher Competence Using ICT in Learning After Pembatik (Pembelajaran Berbasis TIK) Program Implementation <p>The aim of this study is to search the impact of the PembaTIK Program on the competence of teachers in the use of ICTs in learning after the implementation of the ICT-based Learning Program (PembaTik). The PembaTIK Program, which is run by the Badan Layanan Teknologi (BLPT) Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, aims to improve teacher competence in using ICT in learning. The research method used is a case study approach with research subjects consisting of 10 teachers who have completed the PembaTIK Program to level 3 and are passing level 4 by 2023 in the northern Sumatera province. Data is collected through interviews and analyzed using a thematic approach. The result of the research was that the PembaTIK Program improved the competence of teachers in the use of ICTs in learning. The improvement in the teacher's competence after following is that teachers have improved the skills of the tick in teaching. It can be seen from how teachers prepare to plan innovative and creative learning with the help of ICT. It is in the teaching that PembaTik can increase the learning interest of pupils; PembaTik also help teachers do good practice and share knowledge with teachers' peers and the teacher community by becoming a source, besides acting as a program that helps teachers continue learning and improve teacher competence. proves that all teachers who become sources continue to follow a PembaTik program every year because it can motivate teachers into learning and sharing good practices with other teachers.</p> Panca Lumbantobing Ernawulan Syaodih Copyright (c) 2024 Panca Lumbantobing, Ernawulan Syaodih 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 383 393 The School Gardens: A Model to Support Project-Based Learning <p>Since school gardens are located within the school grounds, the school garden provides an accessible learning environment outside the classroom. On the other hand, school gardens are hard to manage due to limited funding and staff. This study introduced STEM to school garden management using a project-based learning strategy. Participants in this study were nine students of sixth grade who were members of the Green Community extracurricular. Students participated in four stages of school garden STEM project: identify problem and context, background knowledge, problem-solving, and communication for the school garden maintenance. For data acquisition, field notes and photos were collected as observation during a period of twelve weeks of lesson. The result showed that students can actively contribute to the development of the school garden. Collaboration between students, teachers, staff, and the school is required to make the school garden sustainable and produce the best possible outcomes for improvement. The research findings suggest that the school garden can serve as a model for contextual problem-based learning that arises in students' immediate surroundings.</p> Puti Siswandari Ulvi Asdi Salikha Farah Falasifah Vira Nurofiah Copyright (c) 2024 Puti Siswandari, Ulvi Asdi Salikha, Farah Falasifah, Vira Nurofiah 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 394 402 Implementation of Multiliteracy in Elementary School <p>The implementation of the Merdeka curriculum aims to give teachers the freedom to create quality learning which can be adapted to the needs and learning environment of their students. This is in line with the implementation of multiliteracy because it answers the challenges of 21st century skills, where 21st century skills require balanced knowledge and skills. as the basis for quality human resources in an era that is always developing. This research is motivated by the students' ability to master technology and language literacy, especially regarding reading and writing critically and creatively when learning Indonesian. This is important to pay attention to because if students still lack mastery of technology and language literacy then the application of multiliteracy will be difficult and 21st century skills will not be achieved and this will result in poor quality human resources. This research aims to find out and describe how the implementation of multiliteracy in elementary schools is going well or vice versa, and see what factors support whether or not the implementation of multiliteracy in elementary schools is implemented. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative approach by collecting data through observation, interviews and documentation. Meanwhile, data analysis uses data reduction techniques, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the application of multiliteracy in elementary schools is very important for students, even though it has not been implemented optimally, teachers always try to make the application of multiliteracy better than before. Supporting factors for the implementation of multiliteracy to run well are teacher ability, student interest in learning, and adequate facilities.</p> Rahma Eka Putri Vismaia S Damayanti Copyright (c) 2024 Rahma Eka Putri, Vismaia S Damayanti 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 403 410 Local Wisdom of Bamboo in Traditional Games as an Educational Tool for Elementary School Students at Padepokan Wadya Saung Kasep <p>Currently, many elementary school students are not familiar with their local wisdom. This is due to the advancement of technology, which makes the current generation more interested in various modern facilities and tends to overlook traditional aspects. Another contributing factor is the strong influence of globalization, causing cultural and national identity, especially in regional cultures, to shift towards modernization. The purpose of this research is to introduce innovations to elementary school students based on local wisdom as an educational resource. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method. The research subjects were several elementary school students in Bandung City. Some elementary school students participated in an outing class at Padepokan Wadya Saung Kasep and practiced various traditional games available at the Padepokan. Based on the results of this research, it was found that the traditional games at Padepokan Wadya Saung Kasep contain many educational values, and various traditional games there can be utilized as learning media for elementary school levels</p> Rahma Nur Ainunnasya Enok Maryani Copyright (c) 2024 Rahma Nur Ainunnasya, Enok Maryani 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 411 417 The Group Final Exam with Constructivist Learning Theory as a Solution to Overcome the Situation if Students Losing Interest in Learning After the Exam <p>The purpose of this study is to find ways to increase students' interest in learning after the exam. This research can be used to find suitable learning strategies for students. This research method is literary research. The research stages include identifying sources, collecting data, analyzing data, and interpreting data. This study has shown that assessment is an important activity in the world of education. Through evaluation activities, the effectiveness of an educational program can be tested for feasibility and further actions for developing that program can be determined. Group final exams based on constructivist learning theory can be used as a solution to increase students' interest in learning after the exam. Group assessment also reduces student anxiety during the final assessment process. With the new concept of final group assessment without forgetting the success indicators designed in the assessment, it can be used as a solution to increase students' interest in learning. The new concept of final group assessment also allows students to face assessments without undue anxiety because each individual can complement the other's respective strengths. The conclusion of this study is that a well-designed method of conducting constructive final exams can increase students' interest in learning. Good preparation and meeting students' needs are essential so that group final exams according to constructivist learning theory can increase students' learning interest as expected. This research is highly recommended for designing learning activities, especially final assessments, to enhance learning interest. The state of reduced interest in learning after the end of the exam can be appropriately overcome in accordance with the identified learning goals.</p> Retno Dwiyanti Copyright (c) 2024 Retno Dwiyanti 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 428 434 The Effect of RADEC Learning on Students’ Ability to Understand Statistics Topics <p>This observation is based on the low numeracy skills reflected in the need for more student understanding of the problem and the learning strategy applied. The purpose of this observation is to see the effect of the RADEC learning model on the ability to understand statistics topicsl. This research was conducted at Pasirkareumbi elementary school with a sample of 22 students using the saturated sampling method. This quantitative observation uses an experimental method, a quasi-experimental model of one-group pretest-posttest design. This research uses a description test with statistical elements (mean, median, modus). A Normality test, homogeneity test, and paired t-test hypothesis test are used to analyze the test data. The results showed that students could understand the problem with an average score of 47.39 on the pretest, then increased to 79.78 on the posttest after applying the RADEC learning approach. There was an increase of 0.944 in the N-Gain value. The magnitude of the average N-Gain value is classified as high. This indicates effective learning or an increase in student understanding from before. With this data, applying the RADEC learning model impacts student competence in understanding statistical material.</p> Ratna Ugih Tatang Herman Roni Wahyu Wandani Copyright (c) 2024 Ratna Ugih, Tatang Herman, Roni Wahyu Wandani 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 418 427 THE IMPACT OF RADEC MODEL ON PRE-SERVICE ELEMENTARY TEACHERS' UNDERSTANDING OF FRACTIONS AND ITS CORRELATION TO SELF-REGULATED LEARNING <p>The low mathematical comprehension and poor self-regulated learning of pre-service elementary school teachers are behind this research. This study aims to determine the effect of implementing the RADEC model on increasing the conceptual understanding of prospective elementary school teachers on fractions and determine whether there is a correlation between the students' self-regulated learning in answering pre-learning questions and their mathematical comprehension. Quantitative research methods were carried out in this study, with <em>the design of the one-group pretest-postest.&nbsp;</em>The research was conducted at one of the universities in West Java, with research subjects of 88 students from an elementary school teacher education program. Tests and questionnaires are the primary research instruments in this study. The results showed an increase in students' mathematical comprehension after implementing the RADEC model, and there was a low correlation (r = 0.309) between self-regulated learning and mathematics conceptual understanding of fractions among the students</p> Riana Irawati Wahyu Sopandi Atep Sujana Copyright (c) 2024 Riana Irawati, Wahyu Sopandi, Atep Sujana 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 435 446 The Analysis of Creative Thinking Ability of Elementary School Students in Writing Explanatory Text Using CIRC Learning Model Assisted by Augmented Reality <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">In learning to write, explanatory texts become one of the crucial things students master. This study aims to analyze the ability to think creatively in learning to write explanatory texts for elementary school students using the CIRC learning model assisted by augmented reality. The design of this study is qualitative with descriptive analysis methods. The sample used in this study was 16 students in one of the private elementary schools in Buah Batu District, Bandung City. The data collection instruments used in this study were student activity observation sheets, teacher interview sheets, and documentation of learning outcomes. Based on the analysis, data was obtained that the CIRC learning model assisted by augmented reality can spur students to think creatively in learning with explanatory text writing material. These results are evidenced by student writing that is more varied and creative and faster assignment processing time than usual. Therefore, students' creative thinking skills in learning to write explanatory texts using the augmented reality-assisted CIRC learning model run well and meet the minimum learning assessment qualifications that have been determined.</span></p> Rifa Nurhanifa Dadang Sunendar Sifa Rizkika Fauzi Hafiziani Eka Putri Copyright (c) 2024 Rifa Nurhanifa, Dadang Sunendar, Sifa Rizkika Fauzi; Hafiziani Eka Putri 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 447 456 The Influence of Whiteboard Animation Media on the Creative Thinking Abilities of Sixth-Grade Mathematics Learning <p>The importance of creative thinking skills is that students can have understanding or ideas to find new solutions to the problems they face every day. This Literature Review is motivated by improving elementary school students' creative thinking abilities in mathematics learning. This Literature Review aims to improve elementary school students' creative thinking skills in mathematics through whiteboard animation learning media. Whiteboard animation learning media develops animation-based micro video learning media that presents presentations with picture illustrations on a white background. The initial stages of creating whiteboard animation media are determining the material, designing slides, adding animation elements, recording sound explaining the material, and inserting recorded sound into each slide of the required material. Using whiteboard animation learning media, you can create new ideas, overcome mental obstacles, change your approach to a problem, describe a particular object, and have ideas that emerge through the student's thinking rather than taking ideas from others.</p> Rizki Ramdani Aan Yuliyanto Suci Muzfirah Ahmad Abdul Rochim Akhmad Ripai Copyright (c) 2024 Rizki Ramdani, Aan Yuliyanto, Suci Muzfirah, Ahmad Abdul Rochim, Akhmad Ripai 2024-06-26 2024-06-26 6 1 457 464 Analysis of Numeracy Ability in 4th grade Students at SDN 128 Haurpancuh Bandung <p>The culture of numeracy in Indonesia is low. The factor that influences the low numeracy in Indonesia is the lack of interest in reading among Indonesian people. Numerasi itself can be linked to skills in certain fields. This research uses descriptive qualitative research. The aim of this research is to analyze the numeracy abilities of 4th grade students. The subjects of this research involved 26 4th grade students at SDN 128 Haurpancuh. The research instruments were used in this research is interview sheets and student evaluation sheets in the form of number pattern questions to analyze students' numeracy abilities. Based on the results of research from 26 students who worked on worksheets in the form of number pattern questions, there were 5 students who had low level numeracy abilities, 9 people had medium level numeracy abilities, and 11 students had high level numeracy abilities. So it can be concluded that the numeracy literacy skills of 4th grade students at SDN 128 Haurpancuh are at a medium level.</p> Santika Putri Didi Suryadi Copyright (c) 2024 Santika Putri, Didi Suryadi 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 6 1 465 470 Implementation Of An Open Ended Learning Model Assisted With The Mentimeter Application To Improve Students' Cognitive Learning Outcomes <p>This research was motivated by the low cognitive learning outcomes of some students in thematic learning. An alternative learning method for students' low cognitive learning outcomes is to apply an open ended learning model assisted by the mentimeter application. This research aims to determine the average difference in cognitive learning outcomes of class VI students in thematic learning using an open ended learning model assisted by the mentimeter application and image media. The population of this study were all class VI students at SDN Sapan for the 2022/2023 academic year. The samples taken were class VI A and class VI B using purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques are carried out using tests and observations. The data analysis technique uses an independent t-test with a significance level of 5% with the hypothesis that there is a difference in the average increase in cognitive learning outcomes between students who follow the open ended learning model assisted by the mentimeter application and students who follow the open ended learning model assisted by image media. The research results obtained: Cognitive learning results before and after implementing the open ended learning model assisted by the mentimeter application improved. Cognitive learning outcomes before and after implementing the open ended learning model assisted by image media did not improve. There is no difference in the average increase in cognitive learning outcomes between students who follow the open ended learning model assisted by the mentimeter application and students who follow the open ended learning model assisted by image media.</p> Sely Rosmiati Bunyamin Maftuh Copyright (c) 2024 Sely Rosmiati, Bunyamin Maftuh 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 471 476 Analysis of Elementary School Students' Understanding of the Fractional Value of Money Concept Using the Project Based Learning Model <p class="Default" style="margin-left: 36.0pt; text-align: justify;"><span lang="IN" style="font-size: 9.0pt; font-family: 'Cambria',serif; color: windowtext;">This research aims to describe and obtain information regarding students' understanding of the concept of fractional value of money when using the Project Based Learning model because it was found that there are still many students who do not understand the concept of currency value. This type of research is descriptive research using a qualitative approach. This method was used because this research describes the results of research in depth regarding the concept of fractional value of students' money. The subjects of this research were 24 2nd grade elementary school students at Bandung City Foundation Elementary School. The data collection technique for this research is using tests, observation and documentation then analyzing the data obtained. The results of this research show that using the Project Based Learning model can help improve the results of 2nd grade elementary school students' understanding of the concept of fractional currency values ​​and get very good results and the expected learning will be realized very well. The use of the Project Based Learning model is suitable for helping children think creatively, one of which is in mathematics subjects regarding the concept of fractions of the value of money.</span></p> Sifa Rizkika Fauzi Rifa Nurhanifah Prana Dwija Iswara Copyright (c) 2024 Sifa Rizkika Fauzi, Rifa Nurhanifah, Prana Dwija Iswara 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 6 1 477 486 The Implementation of the Example Non Example Model to improve student learning outcomes in integrated thematic learning for class V SDN Tapanuli Selatan Regency <p>This research became finished because the gaining knowledge of technique remains teacher-focused so college students are much less energetic in studying, and there's nevertheless a loss of use of gaining knowledge of media so college students are less lively in getting to know. This makes students fast bored and much less enthusiastic due to the fact the studying procedure has a tendency to be monotonous and simplest relies on books. The research ambitions to improve the results of included thematic learning via/the usage of the example Non-instance model. This research makes use of classroom action studies with a qualitative and quantitative approach. Implemented in two cycles. The research subjects were 38 students, 24 men and 14 women at an elementary school in South Tapanuli Regency. This research data was obtained from observations and observations. The results of this research show an increase. This can be seen from the average observation results for the first cycle of RPP which was 87.5% (B), increasing in cycle II to 97.5% (SB). This can also be seen in the average results of the teacher aspect of learning in cycle I, which was 79.16% (C), increasing in cycle II to 95.83% (SB). In the student aspect, the average obtained in cycle I was 81.25% (B), increasing in cycle II to 95.83% (SB). In cycle I, the average student learning outcomes were 76.18 (K), increasing in cycle II to 87 (B). based totally on these results, it could be concluded that the use of the example Non-example model can enhance student mastering effects in incorporated thematic studying for college students in class V at SDN Tapanuli Selatan Regency.</p> Sina Wardani Siregar Dadang Sunendar Yawma Wulida Nouval Nanola Burhanudin Copyright (c) 2024 Sina Wardani Siregar, Dadang Sunendar, Yawma Wulida, Nouval Nanola, Burhanudin 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 521 530 The Influence of The Two Stay Two Stray Learning Model on The Responsible Character of Fourth-Grade Elementary School Students in Science Learning <p>The character of responsibility is an essential behavior for someone, including elementary school students, so they have this excellent character at school and outside school. This study aims to understand the influence of the two stay two stray learning models on the responsible character of fourth-grade elementary school students in science learning. This literature study was developed through various sources such as books, journals, and other literature related to the characters and learning models studied. In the two-stay-two-stray learning model, students must be responsible and active in every learning activity. This learning method can increase student communication in socializing and make the class atmosphere more lively. Apart from Increasing students' responsibility in carrying out their assignments so that their responsible character is also embedded in their daily lives, students can practice making assignment reports. In carrying out this model, the tributes different tasks to each group, where students must carry out the tasks well and correctly according to the teacher's order.</p> Siti Rukoyah Aan Yuliyanto Isna Amanaturrakhmah Nunung Nurjanah Tita Dwi Wulandari Muslim Copyright (c) 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 496 503 The Development of Comic Media to Improve Students' Critical Thinking Ability in Citizenship Education Learning in Elementary Schools <p>Problems often faced in improving students' critical thinking skills are lack of skills development, limited interaction in the learning process, and limited media and information. Critical thinking skills are seen in many aspects of life, including good decision-making, effective problem-solving, and adapting to change. In this literature review, we will discuss the development of comic media to improve students' critical thinking skills in learning Citizenship Education in Elementary Schools. Comic media reveals characters and acts out a story sequentially, connected with images and designed to entertain readers. Comic media can improve students' critical thinking skills by triggering imagination, training students' analytical skills through pictures of characters in comics, and increasing students' in-depth understanding of the flow or plot in the comics. Thus, using comic media to improve students' critical thinking skills in learning Citizenship Education can be a reference that, apart from attracting students' interest, is also effective for use at the Primary School Education stage.</p> Syifa Fikriyah Aan Yuliyanto Nunung Nurjanah Fitra Halim Hapipudin Copyright (c) 2024 Syifa Fikriyah, Aan Yuliyanto, Nunung Nurjanah, Fitra Halim, Hapipudin 2024-06-24 2024-06-24 6 1 504 511 The Learning Strategies for Beginning Reading in Class 1 Primary School <p>Early reading is a reading skill for children aged 5-6 years starting with recognizing letters or letter sounds, including vowels and consonants, then children learn to read words as a unit and focus more on the pictures around them, at this stage children begin to understand the meaning of words. The goal of beginning reading at the lower grade level is to give students the ability to read simple words and sentences fluently and accurately. The ability to read fluently and precisely at this stage is influenced by the activeness and creativity of teachers who teach in lower grades. In other words, teachers have a strategic role in improving students' reading skills. This research aims to describe the factors inhibiting students from beginning reading and determine the teacher's efforts in overcoming students' difficulties in beginning reading. Data collection techniques in this research are interviews and observation. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The subject of this research was 1 grade 1 elementary school teacher. The results of this research show that teachers have used various strategies in beginning reading learning, including using the alphabet method, sound method, syllable method, and SAS method. Based on the results of this research, good cooperation between teachers and parents is needed to ensure that initial reading learning runs smoothly. Parents and teachers need to regularly provide stimulation to train children's early reading skills, both at home and at school</p> Tati Sulastri Ernawulan Syaodih Copyright (c) 2024 Tati Sulastri, Ernawulan Syaodih 2024-06-24 2024-06-24 6 1 512 520 The Application of Wordwal Learning Media to Improve The Creative Thinking Ability ofThird GradePrimary School Students in Learning Science <p>Creative thinking is a high-level ability to find, create, and compile ideas or ideas for solving problems. There are five aspects: fluent thinking, flexible thinking, Originality, Elaboration, and evaluation. In this literature review, we will discuss the impact of implementing wordwall learning media to improve the creative thinking abilities of grade 3 elementary school students in science learning. Wordwall learning media has been proven to increase students' interest, creative thinking, and motivation in the learning process and bring students abreast of current developments. This wordwall learning media can be an effective alternative for presenting learning material to students, especially for displaying images and interactive learning activities.</p> Tuti Aliyah Aan Yuliyanto Iing Farikhin Isna Amanaturrakhmah Tasrini Mustofa Yasin Copyright (c) 2024 Tuti Aliyah, Aan Yuliyanto, Iing Farikhin, Isna Amanaturrakhmah, Tasrini, Mustofa Yasin 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 521 530 The Analysis Of Students' Critical Thinking Abilities in Solving Mathematical Problems on Rectangular Material <p>Critical thinking ability are needed in solving mathematical problems to determine initial ideas so that they can determine solutions well. Critical thinking ability is the ability to understand and think carefully so that you can decide and conclude an idea effectively. This research aims to determine students' critical thinking abilities in solving mathematical problems on rectangulars. This research was conducted at SDN Cisitu Bandung with the research subjects being class V students. The research method used was descriptive qualitative. The data collection techniques used in this research were tests and interviews. The data was analyzed by data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The research results show that students' critical thinking abilities in solving problems vary. This can be seen from the achievement of critical thinking indicators by students. This research obtained the results: 1) students with high problem solving abilities have high critical thinking abilities, because they can fulfill all critical thinking indicators; 2) students with moderate problem solving abilities have a moderate critical thinking ability because they can fulfill 5 critical thinking indicators; 3) students with low problem solving abilities have low critical thinking abilities because they are able to fulfill 2 critical thinking indicators.&nbsp; abstract describes problems, objectives, methods, results, and conclusions. There are no quotes in the abstract section.</p> Ulfi Silmi Wahyudin Copyright (c) 2024 Ulfi Silmi, Wahyudin 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 531 542 Ethnomathematics Textbook Material on Geometry and Measurement in Elementary Schools <p>Ethnomathematics learning is considered to be able to improve the reasoning power of elementary school level students because ethnomathematics learning describes all the things that form the cultural identity of a group which will stimulate students' reasoning power because with ethnomathematics it is easier for students to remember the essential characteristics of an object to be studied. Mathematical material that is presented by relating to the culture in the area where students live will be easier for students to understand. This is a consideration for researchers to use the Ethnomathematics approach which is presented in the form of a textbook. The results of this research obtained an Ethnomathematics-based textbook with a percentage of 94.16% in the Very Valid category. Next, in the trial stage, an average score of 96.10% was obtained from 12 class V students at SD Negeri 24 Pagar Alam in the very practical category.</p> Vina Amilia Suganda Zahra Pramutia Bunda Harini Dwi Cahaya Nurani Mazda Leva Okta Safitri Putri Lestari Farizki Chaniago Copyright (c) 2024 Vina Amilia Suganda, Zahra Pramutia, Bunda Harini, Dwi Cahaya Nurani, Mazda Leva Okta Safitri, Putri Lestari, Farizki Chaniago 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 543 546 The RADEC: Improving Reading Comprehension and Self-Regulated Learning in Elementary School <p>RADEC: Improving This research aims to investigate and analyze the effectiveness of using the RADEC learning model in improving reading comprehension and self-regulated learning (SRL) in elementary school students. The research method used in this research is literature study, which involves searchizg, selecting, and synthesizing information from various relevant literature sources. The results of literature research show that the RADEC learning model has the potential to improve reading comprehension and SRL abilities in elementary school students. The syntax of the RADEC model, such as Read, Answer, Discuss, Explain, and Create, has been proven to be effective in improving students' reading comprehension and SRL. In addition, this literature review also reviews previous studies that have implemented the RADEC model in the context of elementary school education and demonstrated significant improvements in students' reading comprehension. It is hoped that this research can contribute to the development of an effective and relevant RADEC learning model for elementary schools and open the door for further research exploring the potential of this learning model in improving reading comprehension and SRL at the basic education level.</p> Wiwiet Hervianti Isah Cahyani Wahyu Sopandi Copyright (c) 2024 Wiwiet Hervianti, Isah Cahyani, Wahyu Sopandi 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 547 554 A LITERATURE REVIEW : SOCIAL STUDIES LEARNING STRATEGIES FOR SLOW LEARNER STUDENTS IN INCLUSIVE EDUCATION PROGRAMS IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS <p>This article aims to discuss social studies learning strategies for slow learner students in inclusive education programs in elementary schools. The research method used is a literature study to obtain an overview of Social Sciences learning strategies for slow learner students in the inclusive education program based on several experts and based on a study of supporting references. The focus of the discussion in this research is the application of several social studies learning strategies for slow learner students in inclusive schools which aims to help slow learner students understand and master social studies learning material more effectively. Learning strategies for social studies subjects for slow learner students can be done in several ways such as positioning at the front of the class, using visual material to illustrate social studies concepts, simplifying learning material, asking open questions, using concrete examples to illustrate concepts in social studies. Teachers can also repeat material that has been taught, using technology or learning aids specifically designed for slow learners, dividing students into small groups, provide continuous feedback to slow learner students in the form of short questions, simple quizzes, or class discussions to regularly monitor student understanding. To support slow learner students in learning Social Sciences in inclusive education programs in elementary schools, teachers should use learning strategies that focus on inclusion and adaptation.</p> Yawma Wulida Sapriya Nouval Nanola Copyright (c) 2024 Yawma Wulida, Sapriya, Nouval Nanola 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 555 561 Pedagogy: Implementation of the “Hong Ik In Ngan” Values Learning for Korean Learnes <p>This article discusses the pedagogical meaning of implementing "Hong Ik In Ngan" value learning for Korean students. The purpose of this writing is to find out and understand the meaning of character education in learning the values of "Hong Ik In Ngan" for Korean students. Apart from that, it is necessary to know how the process of implementing learning the values of "Hong Ik In Ngan" for students Korea, and the final reflective effort of implementing the learning values of "Hong Ik In Ngan towards Korean students. The method used in this writing is qualitative, with a literature study approach (library study) in this writing looking for sources related to problems and titles taken both primary and secondary. Therefore, this writing is intended to describe the content and content contained in the character of education, which is related to the values of "Hong Ik In Ngan", and the process of implementing the values of "Hong Ik In Ngan" for Korean students, as well as looking at reflective efforts, as assessing the benefits of implementing this learning for students, so that the values of "Hong Ik In Ngan" which are the source and foundation of Korean society's life, can be applied and embodied in everyday life for Korean students.</p> Yoon Kyung Eo Pupun Nuryani Eviana Hikamudin M. Nizan Solahudin Copyright (c) 2024 Yoon Kyung Eo, Pupun Nuryani, Eviana Hikamudin, M. Nizan Solahudin 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 562 568 Analysis of the Placement and Needs of Elementary School Students Regarding the Environment in Urban Areas <p>The topography of each region has its own characteristics. These characteristics will consciously affect every aspect that lives around it. This arises because of the adaptation process experienced by every element of the environment that lives in the region. Because of the differences in topography, the placement of environmental elements in the minds of students and students' needs for the environment in each region will also vary. Based on this, this research was conducted with the research subjects of 5th grade students in an elementary school in Purwakarta Regency. This research uses phenomenological research methods with observation and interviews as data collection techniques. The results found that all subjects were naturally interested in all elements of the environment in their school, they represented this with the adjectives happy, exciting, curious and pity. Regarding students' needs for the environment, three out of five subjects expressed that they needed more knowledge about soil. This includes the replacement of soil function with paving blocks, soil texture, fauna in the soil and soil processes that can make plants grow. It can be concluded that students' placement and needs for their environment depend on the elements of the space they live in</p> Yubena Abigail Serewati Tambunan Sapriya Copyright (c) 2024 Yubena Abigail Serewati Tambunan, Sapriya 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 569 575 The Differentiated Learning Strategies in Increasing Students' Multiple Intelligence <p>Students' diverse learning needs require teachers to be able to determine learning strategies. Teachers must be able to recognise and understand students' intelligence and develop it for future success. Differentiated learning is an attempt to adjust the learning process in the classroom to meet the individual learning needs of each learner. Differentiated learning is flexible, meaning learners learn with peers of similar or different abilities according to their strengths and interests. Gardner's theory states that intelligence is not only Intelligence Quotient (IQ) Intelligence is not only about a child's high IQ level, but there are other aspects of intelligence found in children. Every child is unique, they have different ways of absorbing and processing the information they receive. The research method used is qualitative with observation and interview techniques. This research was conducted on teachers and students of grade 4 elementary school. The results showed that differentiated learning is able to facilitate the needs of diverse students. Through differentiated learning all students' learning needs can be accommodated so that it has an impact on the development of students' multiple intelligences.</p> Yuli Aprianti Nana Supriatna Copyright (c) 2024 Yuli Aprianti, Nana Supriatna 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 576 583 The Utilization of Narrative Text to Quantify Elementary School Students' Reading Comprehension Ability <p>Reading comprehension ability in elementary school is crucial for students, in contrary with that low reading comprehension skills and low student learning outcomes are the main problem. This research aims to analyze the reading comprehension abilities of elementary school students using narrative text. The research method used was a mixed method (quantitative and qualitative) with a sample of 30 elementary school students. The data collection technique used tests and interviews. The research results showed that (1) students' ability to grasp the content of narrative text reading accurately obtained an average of 39%, (2) students' ability to grasp implied and explicit meanings accurately obtained an average of 24%, (3) the ability to conclude correctly obtained an average of 24 %, and (4) students' reading habits were obtained, six of seven samples interested in reading, school books and type of fiction (comics and fables) were the sample choices, five of the seven samples could fully understand all words in text and reading comprehension for two of them depending on the type of text read. Further prospect of this research to become a starting point for future research and a specific illustration for stakeholders in deciding literacy policies for elementary school students</p> Yusuf Abdul Rohman Tatat Hartati Copyright (c) 2024 Yusuf Abdul Rohman, Tatat Hartati 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 584 593 Challenges and Opportunities Inclusive Education in Primary Schools: A Case Study of Readiness in The Era of Society 5.0 <p>The current study examines the implementation of inclusive education in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) and primary schools in four provinces of Indonesia: Aceh, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, and NTB. Focused Group Discussions (FGD), interviews, and observations are used in this study's qualitative methodology to provide meaningful understanding regarding the difficulties and opportunities faced by inclusive education in the Society 5.0 era. The results of the study show certain challenges when implementing inclusive education. The primary challenges are fluctuating budget support, minimal shadow teacher availability, and persistent facilities and infrastructure. In addition to that, the need to increase understanding of fundamental aspects of inclusive education must be hammered home. However, this study also reveals that inclusive education continues flourishing in the concerned challenges. In the context of Society 5.0, people are encouraged to collaborate actively with one another, the government, and schools to meet their needs. Progressive government policies and the stubborn persistence of teachers demonstrate that inclusive education can flourish even in adversity. &nbsp;</p> Yuyun Libriyanti Yendri Wirda Nurul Qolbi Izazy Sri Fajar Martono Copyright (c) 2024 Yuyun Libriyanti, Yendri Wirda, Nurul Qolbi Izazy, Sri Fajar Martono 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 594 602 The Development Strategy of Curriculum Merdeka Belajar as an Effort to Improve the Quality of Education <p>The main element in an individual's personality development is education. This research uses a non-statistical qualitative field method to identify <em>Merdeka Belajar</em> Curriculum Development Strategy as an Effort to Improve the Quality of Education in SDN 01 Sukaresmi The research findings are as follows: (1) curriculum planning that integrates all school structures, (2) In SDN 01 Sukaresmi, the curriculum vice principal assists the school principal in coordinating the implementation of the <em>Merdeka Belajar</em> Curriculum. The curriculum vice principal then helps the school principal in coordinating the teachers, (3) <em>Merdeka Belajar</em> has been implemented in SDN 01 Sukaresmi since 2023. The <em>Merdeka Belajar</em> Curriculum was subsequently enforced with regulations from the Minister of Education, and selected schools in SDN 01 Sukaresmi adopted it.</p> Zefly Yumahendra Bunyamin Maftuh Copyright (c) 2024 Zefly Yumahendra, Bunyamin Maftuh 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 1 603 610