International Conference on Elementary Education <p>These proceedings represent the work of researchers participating in <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The International Conference on Elementary Education (ICEE)</a> which is being hosted by the Elementary Education Study Programme School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. ICEE is an event on the international research conference agenda and provides a valuable platform for individuals to present their research findings, display their work in progress, and discuss conceptual and empirical advances in the areas of Elementary Education. <span class="VIiyi" lang="en"><span class="JLqJ4b ChMk0b" data-language-for-alternatives="en" data-language-to-translate-into="auto" data-phrase-index="0">Proceedings of the International Conference on Elementary Education Published Once a Year</span></span></p> Elementary Education Study Program School of Postgraduate Studies Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia in collaboration with UPI PRESS en-US International Conference on Elementary Education 2829-0976 Analysis of Social Literation Concepts in IPS Materials 2013 Curriculum <p>This study aims to determine the concept of social literacy in thematic textbooks class IV theme 8 (the area where I live). social literacy is the ability of a person to be able to live and contribute to society which includes intellectual skills, social skills, cooperation skills, and social attitudes and values. In the 2013 curriculum for Grades I to class III, social studies material is integrated into other learning material content. The learning content includes Indonesian, PPKn, PJOK, and SBdP. Whereas at grade IV to grade VI the social studies material content is independent, but the learning process is carried out in an integrated thematic manner with Indonesian language content, PPKn, PJOK, and SBdP. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The data collection technique in this research is a documentary study (documentary study). The tectic of data analysis used in this research is content analysis. The results of the study show that social literacy which includes intellectual skills, social skills, cooperation skills, and social attitudes and values are contained in the thematic textbooks of class IV theme 8 which are included in reading texts, discussion activities and practice questions. So that the concept of social literacy contained in the thematic textbook of class IV theme 8 can be said well because it is contained in the materials and activities in it.</p> Abdul Jabbar Ernawulan Syaodih Babang Robandi Copyright (c) 2023 Abdul Jabbar, Ernawulan Syaodih, Babang Robandi 2023-06-26 2023-06-26 5 1 1 9 Macromedia Flash Animation Media in Science Learning Based on the Direct Instruction Model on ecosystem component material in Elementary Schools <p>The current demands of the 2013 curriculum, especially in science learning, require students to be active in learning. But in reality, when the learning process is taking place, it can be seen that learning is presented as teacher-centered. The aim of the research that researchers hope is to increase the participation and ability of students to explore and solve problems given during the learning process. Direct Instruction Model (Direct Instruction) is a learning model where the teacher does not play a role in delivering the material but the teacher helps students to be able to explore their basic skills and is able to find information that has been given by the teacher step by step. The use of Macromedia Flash in learning will attract the attention of students because Macromedia Flash is designed to create motion or animation media that will attract the attention of students. From the results of the research that the researchers have done, it was found that students were very active and enthusiastic during the learning process as evidenced by the high level of participation and students' understanding of the material presented. From the results of the research that the researchers have done, it has been seen that by using the&nbsp;<em>Direct Instruction Model </em>with the help of Macromedia Flash in science learning, ecosystem component materials are able to increase the activity, participation and ability of students to solve the problems given.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Ade Islamiati Yanti Fitria Copyright (c) 2023 Ade Islamiati, Yanti Fitria 2023-06-26 2023-06-26 5 1 10 17 Indonesian Language Learning Based on Local Wisdom <p>Indonesian language learning must be taught by every student in Indonesia. Where Language is a media of introduction for humans to understand each other, because language is a tool in communicating between humans. Language is a nation’s culture. Local wisdom is a tradition that lives in society. Local wisdom is a legacy from ancestors. In this article aims to examine Indonesian language learning based on local wisdom, This research uses a literature review method, where the data sourced from scientific journals, articles, books and other reference. The references data was selected, analyzed, and presents in sentences. The result showed that students’ environments and local literature can be subject matter in Indonesian language learning, the use of local wisdom as a learning resource will improve listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, Indonesian language learning based on local wisdom can also maintain the existence of local culture, so that is not forgotten and not drowned by the foreign language. In addition, the use of local literacy can give the impression and effect for students to behave in accordance with the character of local wisdom. In this case, every local wisdom can be guarded, known and preserved by the millennial generation as nation’s next generation.</p> Aditya Permana Rahman Copyright (c) 2023 Aditya Permana, Rahman 2023-06-26 2023-06-26 5 1 18 25 Description of Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability on the Material of the Smallest Common Multiples and the Biggest Common Factors <p>This study aims to describe students' mathematical creative thinking abilities in one of the state elementary schools in Bandun Regency, SDN Cilame on the material for KPK FPB using a descriptive method. The subjects of this study were 4th grade students at SD Negeri Cilame in the odd semester of the 2022/2023 school year with a total of 27 students. The instruments used in this study were essay tests to obtain data on mathematical creative thinking skills and interviews to complement and strengthen information derived from administering tests on triangular material that has been validated empirically. To see students' mathematical creative thinking skills, 4 indicators are used, namely 1) Fluency; 2) Flexibility; 3) Originality; 4) Detail (elaboration). The data analysis technique used in this study is percentage analysis. Based on the analysis of the data obtained for the indicators of fluency (fluency) of 50.93%, flexibility (flexibility) of 46.14%, originality (originality) of 33.33%, and detail (elaboration)</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Agung Purnama Sidik Wahyudin Copyright (c) 2023 Agung Purnama Sidik, Wahyudin 2023-06-26 2023-06-26 5 1 26 33 Problems Of Inclusive Education In Indonesia <p>The application of inclusive education aims to provide convenience related to educational needs for children with special needs who have served in Indonesia for more than ten years. Inclusive education certainly cannot be implemented without obstacles and problems. Many problems arose during the implementation of this inclusive education. The purpose of this article is to explain the implementation of inclusive education in Indonesia. The research method used is qualitative research and library research. Sources of data come from the policy literature and several previous studies on inclusive schools. The results of the study show that there are various problems in implementing inclusive education in Indonesia, such as teacher qualifications, school inclusive education support systems.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Amalia Nabila Salim Disman Copyright (c) 2023 Amalia Nabila Salim, Disman 2023-06-26 2023-06-26 5 1 34 42 Design of Elementary School Inclusive Education in Garut Regency <p>Inclusive education is an innovative approach to accommodate the learning needs of children with special needs. In the broader context, inclusive education can be interpreted as a step in education services in completing compulsory education for all Indonesians. This inclusive education provides insight and knowledge to the community to be able to facilitate the learning needs of children with special conditions. Inclusive education can be one of the efforts in creating educational programs for all walks of life, without being hindered by the conditions that the person has. This study aims to analyze the extent of the design of inclusive education that can be implemented in elementary schools in Garut Regency. The method used in this study is Literature Method. The results showed that there were quite a lot of children with special needs of elementary school age in the Garut Regency. Meanwhile, the distance to the Extraordinary School is quite far. This is because, the Garut area is divided into North Garut, Garut Kota, and South Garut. Not all sub-districts have Extraordinary Schools, even if there are only for certain types of Extraordinary Schools, so this Inclusive Education needs to be organized for the elementary school level in Garut Regency.&nbsp; Thus, the implementation of an Inclusive Education at the elementary school level in Garut Regency requires cooperation and careful design, starting from the preparation stage to the evaluation of education implementation. In addition, appropriate action is needed from various parties, starting from the school ecosystem, such as teachers, principals, supervisors, parents, and policymakers, including the Education Office in the Garut and West Java regencies.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Angga Cucu Suryana Ima Nurwahidah Nenden Ineu Herawati Copyright (c) 2023 Angga, Cucu Suryana, Ima Nurwahidah, Nenden Ineu Herawati 2023-06-26 2023-06-26 5 1 43 51 Character Education through RADEC Learning for V Grade Elementary School Students on Water Pollution Material <p>Character education is one of the most important parts of national education wher moral values are highly emphasized to students. This research aims to see the application of student character education through RADEC learning on water pollution material. This research use descriptive qualitative research methods. The subjects of this study consisted of 21 V grade students in on of the public elementary schools in sumedang district, cimalaka regency. Data collection was carried out after the research activity took place through the distribution of questionnaire to students. Processing the results of research data is determined based on the aspect of character education that appears through the percentage value of students answers then calculates the average results, and the research data is analysis qualitatively. The results showed that the use of the RADEC learning could show aspects of character education for V grade elementary school students about water pollution.</p> Arie Johana Andi Suhandi Babang Robandi Copyright (c) 2023 Arie Johana, Andi Suhandi, Babang Robandi 2023-06-26 2023-06-26 5 1 52 59 Implementation of Pancasila Student Profile Values in Elementary Schools in Facing Society 5.0 <p>The number of social deviations that occur such as increasing cases of brawls, harassment, and vandalism indicates a decline in moral values in the nation's children. These things cannot be separated from the negative impact of the use of information and communication technology. This study aims to conduct a literature review related to the implementation of Pancasila student profile scores in elementary schools in facing society 5.0. This research is qualitative by using the SLR (Systematic Literature Review) method. Data collection is done by documenting and reviewing all articles related to Pancasila Student Profile Values published in the 2020-2022 period. The articles used in the study were 20 journal articles. Based on this study, it was found that the value of the Pancasila profile is 1) have faith, fear God Almighty, 2) global diversity, 3) work together, 4) be independent, 5) critical reasoning, and 6) creative. So it can be concluded that the Value of the Pancasila Student Profile in elementary schools can be used in dealing with society 5.0.</p> Asri Mulyani Bunyamin Agus Muharam Copyright (c) 2023 Asri Mulyani, Bunyamin, Agus Muharam 2023-06-26 2023-06-26 5 1 60 73 A Technology-Based Learning Needs Analysis to Improve Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) of Elementary School Students <p>The rapid of science and technology requires development in the education being able to adapt to the changes. During the industrial revolution 4.0, education was directed at developing 21<sup>st</sup> century competencies that is consisted of four skills that students must possess and also referred to as 4C Skills. 4C Skills competencies include critical thinking (critical thinking), communication (communication), teamwork (collaboration), and creativity (creative). Students at the elementary school level are taught higher order thinking skills from a younger age. Higher order thinking skills include critical, logical, introspective, metacognitive, and creative thinking. Students not only learn to memorize and understand lessons, but through HOTS competencies are also expected to be able to analyze, evaluate, and create at a deeper level. HOTS is a complex learning and requires logic, reasoning, analysis, judgment, discovery, problem solving, and decision making. Elementary school students' HOTS can be increased by utilizing various learning media, for instance learning videos, e-books, and websites. By using a more interesting learning approach, educational media is intended to attract students' attention and encourage their involvement in the learning process.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Aulia Fitri Istiana Sri Yamtinah Deny Tri Ardianto Copyright (c) 2023 Aulia Fitri Istiana, Sri Yamtinah, Deny Tri Ardianto 2023-06-26 2023-06-26 5 1 74 81 Analysis of Numeracy Literacy Ability in Fifth Grade Students of SD Negeri Pinayungan V <p>Numeracy literacy skills base on must be possessed by fifth grade elementary school students to face the National Assessment (ANBK), this numeracy literacy ability is very necessary not only related to formulas, but also requires students' reasoning power and critical thinking patterns in answering problems that will be needed in aspects of their lives. at home, at school and in the community. This study aims to analyze the numeracy literacy skills of fifth graders at Pinayungan V Elementary School. The subject studied 32 fifth grade students of Pinanyungan V Elementary School, Telukjambe District, Karawang Regency. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques used in this study using tests, interviews, and documentation. Based on research obtained from 32 students who have low literacy skills as many as 14 students and 18 students who have moderate literacy abilities. The conclusion of this study is that the numeracy literacy ability of fifth graders at SD Negeri Pinayungan V is in the medium category.</p> Ayu Fitri Tatang Herman Copyright (c) 2023 Ayu Fitri, Tatang Herman 2023-06-26 2023-06-26 5 1 82 90 School Literacy Movements to Build Character Students in the 21st-Century Education <p>Literacy in Indonesia is still low. Educational leaders have launched school literacy movement programs literacy. The school literacy movements increases reading interest and read culture in a school environment to create a lifetime of literates of sterling character and competence in the face of 21st-century education. The school literacy movement as an effort to build core character values combined with the 21st-century education competence through the breeding, learning, and development stages. The study aims to review and explain the concept of the school literacy movement in building student character values in elementary school. The method used in this study is literature review (SLR). The results of this study are conceptually demonstrated by the school's literacy movement to be an integration of major religious, nationalist, independent, cooperative, integrity with the competence of creativity, communication competence, critical thinking competence, and collaborative competence to prepare students above all for 21st-century education.</p> Bambang Wijayadikusumah Copyright (c) 2023 Bambang Wijayadikusumah 2023-06-26 2023-06-26 5 1 91 99 Implementation Of Inclusive Education In Elementary School <p>Inclusive education at the school level has obstacles that are often difficult to resolve. The local government appoints several schools in its area to accept children with special needs and are designated as inclusive schools. However, some of the designated schools do not meet the requirements to become inclusive schools. Schools accept children with special needs because of regulations that prohibit rejecting students with special needs. Based on the existing problems, it is very necessary to research to find out how to provide education for children with special needs in elementary schools who have not been able to meet the requirements to be designated as inclusive schools. This study used qualitative research methods. Based on the research results, it is known that inclusive education must be implemented by all public schools in Indonesia by accepting all types of special needs that children have. Most schools do not yet have a Special Guidance Teacher so they rely more on available teachers. Curriculum, methods, and assessments are also generally given the same as other students. In general, the implementation of inclusive education for children with special needs has not been in accordance with applicable regulations.</p> Carissa Dwilanisusantya Copyright (c) 2023 Carissa Dwilanisusantya 2023-06-26 2023-06-26 5 1 100 111 Increasing Elementary Teachers' Engineering-Oriented Learning Through the RADEC Training Model <p>PPPPTKIPA's competency training for elementary school teachers through the massively open online training program (DIDAMBA) aims to increase teachers' knowledge and skills in managing learning, which trains students' engineering skills in implementing their creative ideas in problem-solving. The RADEC syntax (Read-Answer-Discuss-Explain-Create learning model) was used to train teachers in engineering-oriented learning, with the Create syntax combined with engineering stages (Proposal-Plan-Decision-Implementation-Evaluation). This training was attended by 14 elementary school teachers from border regions with limited learning infrastructure participating in DIDAMBA, which was conducted online using the LMS (Learning Management System) platform for material delivery, communication (instructorsparticipants, participants), and evaluations. Based on observations made during the activity and participant evaluations, it was determined that the training successfully motivated and enhanced elementary school teachers in border areas regarding managing STEM-based classes. The participants were generally pleased with the training program, except for the duration, which was deemed insufficient to conduct learning simulations.</p> Chaerun Anwar Wahyu Sopandi Udin Syaefudin Saud Copyright (c) 2023 Chaerun Anwar, Wahyu Sopandi, Udin Syaefudin Saud 2023-06-26 2023-06-26 5 1 112 118 Analysis of Mathematical Connection Ability of PGSD Undergraduate Students for Geometric Shapes Content <p>Mathematics is a science that provides the ability to think logically and mathematically. The ability to think logically and mathematically is reflected in mathematical connection. Students of Elementary School Teacher Education Program (S1 PGSD) are prospective teachers who will teach mathematics in elementary schools, and will have the obligation to provide students with mathematical connection ability. Therefore, undergraduate students of S1 PGSD need to have mathematical connection ability as basic skills for teaching mathematics. This study aims to analyze the mathematical connection abilities of PGSD undergraduate students for Geometric Shapes content. The research questions are as follows: (1) what is the mathematical connection ability possessed by PGSD undergraduate students for geometric shapes content, (2) what mathematical connection skills are still low in PGSD undergraduate students for geometric shapes content, (3) what mathematical connection skills do PGSD undergraduate students already have at high category for geometric shapes content. The study applied a quantitative descriptive method, with the research subjects totaling 30 students of fourth semester who were taking Geometry and Measurement courses. Data collection techniques using multiple choice tests totaling 30 items. The conclusion is that the average mathematical connection ability of S1 PGSD students reached 62.49% in the sufficient category. The mathematical connection ability which shows is still low is the indicator of mathematical connection ability with other fields/sciences is 40.00%, and the ability shows high category is connection ability between topics in mathematics.</p> Deti Rostika Prihantini Komariah Copyright (c) 2023 Deti Rostika, Prihantini, Komariah 2023-06-26 2023-06-26 5 1 119 125 The Application Of The Project Citizen Model To Improve Students' Creative Thinking Skills In Civics Learning <p>Creative thinking skills are one of the higher-level thinking skills that students in this 21st century era. Creative thinking skills include the ability to generate many ideas (fluency), the ability to generate diverse ideas (flexibly), the ability to develop ideas (elaboration), and the ability to produce unusual ideas (original). This research conducted because of the findings of low creative thinking skills in students in Civics learning. The problem found when the researcher observed 4th grade students. The observation results show that students are not used to getting new ideas, expressing new ideas, or developing new ideas during learning. The aim of this research was to determine and get an overview of the improvement of creative thinking skills by applying the project citizen learning model. This study used a classroom action research design (CAR) with the Kemmis and Mc Taggard model of two cycles for grade IV students. Research instruments include field notes, observation sheets, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the project citizen learning model can improve the creative thinking skills of fourth grade students in Civics learning.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Dhani Istiqomah Dasim Budimansyah Mubiar Agustin Copyright (c) 2023 Dhani Istiqomah 2023-06-26 2023-06-26 5 1 126 132 Development of Pop-UP Book Learning Media on Ecosystem Topics in Elementary School Science Learning <p>Learning media is a tool that contains information on a learning topic that can attract the attention and interest of students in following the learning process in class and achieving learning objectives. This research is motivated to increase enthusiasm and enthusiasm in learning science on the topic of elementary school ecosystems so that students can understand the importance of maintaining the balance of the ecosystem and achieving learning objectives. This research aims to develop and produce a pop-up book learning media to assist students in understanding the topic of ecosystem learning. This research was conducted by the R&amp;D method. The initial stages in making a pop-up book are determining the storyline, designing images, printing images, and cutting images, and the last is making a slide pop-up book and pasting the cut-out images into the slide pop-up book. By using the pop-up book learning media, students are expected to understand the concept of an ecosystem. This living environment interacts and depends on each other, consisting of biotic elements consisting of living and abiotic creatures consisting of inanimate objects such as the sun, concretely and effectively.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Erika Amelia Triyana Aan Yuliyanto Neng Wuilan Evi Juliani Bunayah Ade Sumini Nur Afifah Tussholihati Copyright (c) 2023 Erika Amelia Triyana, Aan Yuliyanto, Neng Wuilan Evi Juliani, Bunayah, Ade Sumini, Nur Afifah Tussholihati 2023-06-26 2023-06-26 5 1 153 162 Systematic Literature Review of TPACK Scale Development in Science Learning (2006-2022) <p>The success of integrating technology in learning through the TPACK framework can be seen from the extent of the measurement results using the TPACK instrument. Various instruments to measure TPACK have been developed by researchers in different research contexts regarding the application of the TPACK framework in learning. This article aims to analyze in depth various articles related to the development of the TPACK instrument that has been carried out, especially in the scope of science learning. By using the Systematic Literature Review method , 9 publications originating from the google schoolar database between 2006-2022 will be analyzed by focusing on the form of the TPACK instrument developed, the TPACK indicator used to construct item items and the context in which the TPACK instrument was developed. The results of this study show that all instruments developed to measure TPACK in science learning are in the form of a self-assessment survey questionnaire with reference to 7 aspects of TPACK as proposed by Mishra and Koehler in 2006. The indicators of mastery of technology that are required to be mastered by teachers continue to develop along with technological advances.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Diki Rukmana Copyright (c) 2023 Diki Rukmana 2023-06-26 2023-06-26 5 1 133 152 The Use Of Game-Based Learning Media On The Understanding Of Mathematics Concepts Of Elementary School Students <p>The problem in this study is the need for more understanding of students’ mathematical concepts at SDN Gegerbitung. Their mathematics learning scores still need to be higher than the KKM. This study aims to determine the effect of using Game-Based Learning on Elementary School Students. This research is a type of quantitative research using a quasi-experimental approach, the design in this study uses the Nonequevalent Control Group Design. The population in this research is all class III SDN Gegerbitung, with the first sample class IIIB totaling 20 students as the experimental class whose lessons use game-based learning and the second sample class IIIA totaling 20 students as the control class using conventional learning. Data on the ability to understand mathematical concepts were measured through a test instrument. To analyze the data in this study, a statistical test was used, namely the independent sample t-test. Based on the results of the t-test, the value of Sig = 0.003 &lt;0.05, which means that there is a significant influence between the use of Game-Based Learning and Understanding of Mathematics Concepts for Elementary School Students. In addition, based on the results of the final test (posttest) obtained an average of 82.25 for the experimental class. At the same time, the control class received an average score of 72.50. This indicates that using Game Based Learning can improve students' understanding of mathematical concepts at SDN Gegerbitung for the 2021/2022 academic year.</p> Erni Nurjanah Ardi Cahyadireja Rista Efendi Copyright (c) 2023 Erni Nurjanah, Ardi Cahyadireja, Rista Efendi 2023-06-26 2023-06-26 5 1 163 169 Achievement and Improvement of the Ability of Mathematical Understanding and Self Confidence of 5th Grade Students at Cooperative Learning Type Think Pair Share <p>The research aims to obtain an overview of the achievement and improvement of the ability of mathematical understanding and self-confidence of students in learning with the cooperative model type think pair share and direct learning. The method in this research is quasi experiment with pretest-posttest non equivalent groups design. The subject of this research was the fifth grade students of one of the elementary schools in Cidahu, Sukabumi. The result of the research, it can be concluded that based on the average (1) there are differences in the achievement and the increase of mathematical comprehension ability between students who get learning with the cooperative model type think pair share and students who get direct learning (2) There are differences in achievement and the increase of self confidence between students who get learning with the cooperative model type think pair share and students who get direct learning.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Ervin Reliavirli Rusti Copyright (c) 2023 Ervin Reliavirli Rusti 2023-06-26 2023-06-26 5 1 170 178 Curriculum And Learning For Down Syndrome Children Who Have Reading Difficulties In Inclusive School <p>Inclusive schools are educational institutions that accommodate all students, both normal students, and students with special needs, to get educational services according to their needs to create a friendly and fun learning atmosphere. Carrying out learning in inclusive schools, of course, requires a curriculum. Curriculum and learning are part of the education system that cannot be separated and interrelated. This study aims to develop a curriculum and learning program for students with special needs Down syndrome in grade 1 in inclusive elementary schools who experience problems in the early reading aspect because one of the prerequisites in early reading has not been met. This study uses research methods with a qualitative approach. Qualitative research is used to explore student profile information and learning profiles which are then used as the basis for developing curriculum and learning programs. The results of this study are to obtain a learning program that is to the needs of students obtained from the process of aligning the curriculum. Thus, it is recommended that teachers harmonize the curriculum based on the results of the assessment so that curriculum and learning programs are obtained that are in bye needs of students.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Ervina Yuliandini Endang Rochyadi Copyright (c) 2023 Ervina Yuliandini, Endang Rochyadi 2023-06-26 2023-06-26 5 1 179 190 Application Of Realistic Mathematics Education To The Problem Solving Ability Of Fraction Number Materials In Class Iv Elementary School <p>The nature of learning mathematics in elementary schools is learning that challenges students. Challenging learning is certainly learning that can hone problem solving skills. One of the learning approaches that can bridge problem solving skills is the Realistic Mathematics Education. RME is an approach to learning mathematics that has the view that mathematics needs to be taught contextually. Seeing learning at school tends to be less related to everyday life. The teacher does not facilitate students in orienting contextual daily problems. The daily assessment learning outcomes of fourth grade students at SDN Mega Eltra are 70%, or as many as 12 students out of 17 students in total, still below the minimum completeness criteria. This type of research is classroom action research. The research subjects were students of grade IV (four) SD Negeri Mega Eltra, Kesambi District, Cirebon City, the data collection technique was using a test. From the results of the research that has been done, the problem-solving ability in the first cycle obtained from the test shows that the average value of the problem-solving ability test results is 60 with a percentage of 60% with an ability level of Fairly Able. And in cycle II the average value of problem solving ability is 85 with a percentage of 85% with the ability level Able. This shows that the application of RME can improve problem solving skills in fractional material.</p> Evi Juliyani Esa Putri Ernawulan Syaodih Prana Dwija Iswara Copyright (c) 2023 Evi Juliyani Esa Putri, Ernawulan Syaodih, Prana Dwija Iswara 2023-06-26 2023-06-26 5 1 191 198 Character Educational Content in the Origin of the Name of the Bandung City <p>This study aims to describe the values of character education in the folklore of the Origin of the Name of the City of Bandung. The method used is a qualitative descriptive method with research data sources in the form of a storybook of 78 Famous Legends of Indonesia published by Elex Media Computindo 2022 which contains 78 story titles. Data analysis is carried out using content analysis techniques. The results showed that folklore of the Origin of the City of Bandung as a literary work contains the value of character education which includes: (1) caring for others; (2) getting along well; (3) being wise; (4) hardwork; These values form the basis that folklore, in addition to being used as a medium to introduce stories that ancestors believe to be their descendants, can also be a means of educating their characters.</p> Fajriani Ulfah Firdaus Rahman Copyright (c) 2023 Fajriani Ulfah Firdaus, Rahman 2023-06-26 2023-06-26 5 1 199 205 Understanding of Machinery Technology in Understanding Renewable Energy Towards Indonesia Go Green <p>There are 10 countries with the least pollutant levels in the world. This is what triggers the example of other countries. So it is necessary to explore what makes these countries superiors in environmental issues so that they are ranked in the top 10 on the world scales according to the U-Earth Team. However, a clean country can be due to a small area or a small population so that the pollutants become small. The method used for this research is a literature study with a qualitative research type based on what already exists. What is meant here is the research method with reference to the existing literature. The stages of this research are looking for problems, then collecting the existing literature. Then after that, examine the related parameters related to the problem. The final step are to find a solution to the existing problem. The importance of progress of going green in this great country so that it can save much human beings. You could say, in terms of SO2, NOx and Dust emission levels in Indonesia, Indonesia has a fairly high ratio, so it is important to check CO2 in every vehicle and industry as well as limit personal use. The essence of this research is that public education about go green energy and minimizing pollution is very much needed.</p> Fathan Mubina Dewadi Amir Rizki Aulia Nanda Karyadi Cahyo Wibowo Copyright (c) 2023 Fathan Mubina Dewadi, Amir, Rizki Aulia Nanda, Karyadi, Cahyo Wibowo 2023-06-26 2023-06-26 5 1 206 210 The Heuristic Learning Model To Critical Thinking Ability In Elementary Science Study <p>Critical thinking is an ability that can create positive things, have broad insights, and can actualize meaningful knowledge. Through interesting and creative learning models, critical thinking can be created in fun learning. The implementation of this research activity is to develop students' critical thinking skills in elementary science learning. The research method uses Qualitative Research using classroom action research. the research sample of class IV students totaling 22 students. This research was conducted on June 21 - 26 2022 carried out online in three cycles. Cycle I was held on June 22, 2022, Cycle II on June 25, 2022, and Cycle III on June 26, 2022. The results showed that students' critical thinking skills were measured through tests made based on critical thinking indicators which increased in each cycle. In Cycle I it achieved an average score of 75.5. Cycle II achieved an average score of 78.3. And in Cycle III it achieved an average score of 82.5. Based on the results of this study it can be concluded that the Heuristic learning model can be used so that students have the ability to think critically in learning so that they can create situations that are more responsive and stimulate students to think.</p> Fatimah Risda Amini Yanti Fitria Copyright (c) 2023 Fatimah, Risda Amini, Yanti Fitria 2023-06-26 2023-06-26 5 1 211 218 Children’s Play Based Disaster Mitigation at SDN 20 Gumarang, Agam District <p>The purpose of this study is to describe earthquake disaster mitigation to increase students' understanding of earthquake disaster preparedness. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Collection of data and information related to research is done by observation and test. The results show that earthquake disaster mitigation can be done through children's games such as poles or gobak sodor and picture games that are able to increase students' understanding and knowledge about the potential for natural disasters that exist in the school environment, namely, earthquakes. Out of a total of 30 students, 25 of them can understand the steps that can be taken when a natural disaster occurs. So that with this understanding, students can socialize or provide information to their friends in the school environment and at home.</p> Feri Novriadi Risda Amini Copyright (c) 2023 Feri Novriadi, Risda Amini 2023-06-26 2023-06-26 5 1 219 225 Use of the TikTok App as a Learning Tool for Elementary Science: The Effect of Style on Objects <p>21st century learning is a change in learning patterns and directing the curriculum through an approach that was originally teacher centered to become student centered. In addition, teachers as educators must also be able to utilize IT in learning activities. The use of IT is certainly a challenge for teachers to be more creative and innovative in making learning media. The learning media used must be in line with technological advances. Learning media must also be attractive, inexpensive and easy to use by students. One application that is loved by today's generation is TikTok. TikTok is the easiest and cheapest app to get. With a variety of features so that it can be easily used by teachers and students. The use of the TikTok application is expected to be an interactive learning media that can help teachers convey learning to students, so that students can understand and accept the learning process. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of using the TikTok application as a science learning medium on the effect of force on objects. This study uses descriptive qualitative research and data collection techniques through interviews, observation and documentation. The results of the study indicate that the use of TikTok in learning is effective, it can be seen from the enthusiasm of students in learning and the material presented can and is easily accessible by students.</p> Feri Novriadi Yanti Fitria Copyright (c) 2023 Feri Novriadi, Yanti Fitria 2023-06-26 2023-06-26 5 1 226 233 Literature Review: Analysis of The Use of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) On The Problem-Solving Ability of Students in Elementary Schools <p>Innovation in learning is one of the efforts that can be made by educators to achieve the expected learning outcomes. This study aims to analyze, describe and discuss the use of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) on students' problem-solving abilities in elementary schools. The method used in this research is SLR (Systematic Literature Review). This research uses sheet analysis of articles as a research instrument. The first step taken was to collect related articles published in the 2019-2021 period with sources from Google Scholar, sort the data, analyze the articles, summarize the discussion, and make conclusions. The articles used in this study were seven journal articles. The results of the study found that the use of RME in learning activities had a positive impact on the problem-solving abilities of elementary school students. This can happen because RME essentially means three things: (1) the real context in everyday life; (2) formal mathematical context in mathematics; or (3) an imaginary context that the mind can imagine.</p> Ferlia Putri Rahmania Turmudi Copyright (c) 2023 Ferlia Putri Rahmania, Turmudi 2023-06-26 2023-06-26 5 1 243 239 Application of the Flipped Classroom Model to Improve Mathematics Learning Outcomes <p>This study has a background of low Mathematics learning outcomes for fifth-grade with a percentage of 37.93% complete and 62.07% incomplete. Meanwhile, the minimum score limit for Mathematics is 75. The purpose of this study is to determine the application of the Flipped Classroom learning model to improve mathematics learning outcomes with the concept of a combined area of flat shapes at Salman Al Farisi Elementary School Bandung in the 2022/2023 academic year. The research procedure uses classroom action research which includes 4 stages, namely planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The population in this study were all fifth-grade students of SD Salman Al Farisi Bandung. The research sample is class 6D with a total of 24 students. This study consisted of 2 cycles, each cycle 1 meeting. The study conclude of this study is that through the flipped classroom learning model, it shows that the results of learning Mathematics in terms of knowledge seen from the learning outcomes test are 75% in cycle 1 students who get scores above the minimum score and 95.83% in cycle 2 get scores above minimum score. It can be concluded that the application of the flipped classroom model can improve student learning outcomes.</p> Fitria Mulyanti Yunus Abidin Copyright (c) 2023 Fitria Mulyanti, Yunus Abidin 2023-06-26 2023-06-26 5 1 240 242 Effectiveness Of Student Worksheets Based On Problem Solving On Fraction Materials In 5th Grade Elementary School <p>This research is motivated by the fact that not many schools implement Student Worksheets by the requirements and steps for preparing Student Worksheets The existing Student Worksheets, in general, have not been able to facilitate students in increasing knowledge and higher-order thinking such as problem-solving. This study aimed to see the Effectiveness Of Student Worksheets Based On Problem-Solving On Fraction Materials In 5th Grade Elementary School. This study uses the ADDIE development model, from Branch (2009:2) which has 5 stages, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. However, in this study, limited trials were carried out due to the Covid-19 pandemic whose cases continued to increase. This study was validated by 3 experts, namely material experts, media experts, and classroom teachers. The results of material validation have a score percentage of 78.35% included in the effective category. The results of the media expert's validation obtained a score of 86.40% in the effective category. And the results of the confirmation of the fifth-grade elementary school teacher. get a score of 91.98% in the effective category. From the overall validation results, student worksheets can be declared feasible and effective to be used as teaching materials and can be used for the public.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Gevin Rifauldy Lopez Tatang Herman Copyright (c) 2023 Gevin Rifauldy Lopez, Tatang Herman 2023-06-26 2023-06-26 5 1 243 250 The Impact Application of Realistic Mathematics Education on Problem-Solving Ability and Mathematical Communication of Elementary School Students <p>The low achievement of problem-solving and mathematical communication skills of elementary school students in Mathematics lessons is the background of this research. The selection of learning models by teachers is a consideration to minimize and overcome the low problem-solving and mathematical communication skills of students in Elementary School Mathematics. Realistic Mathematics learning efforts are thought to be a teacher's solution to minimize and overcome the low problem-solving and mathematical communication skills of elementary school students in the field of Mathematics. Thus, the researcher's goal is to create this article to review the impact of applying Realistic Mathematics Learning on elementary school students' problem-solving and mathematical communication skills. Researchers use the systematic literature review method. The subject of this study consists of 10 research articles from 2019 to 2022. The technique in this study is the documentation technique. The research instrument is a list of data sequences based on the classification of research materials based on the focus of the study and the format of the record. The results of this study prove that the application of Realistic Mathematics Learning positively impacts elementary school students' problem-solving and mathematical communication abilities.</p> Ghany Taufik Sidik Tatang Herman Copyright (c) 2023 Ghany Taufik Sidik, Tatang Herman 2023-06-26 2023-06-26 5 1 251 259 Literature Review: Application of Problem Based Learning Model to Improving Problem Solving Ability and Student Mathematics Learning Outcomes in Elementary School <p>Problem solving is one of the skills that students must have after learning mathematics. Learning mathematics that develops problem solving skills gets less attention from the teacher so that students lack problem solving skills. Learning that combines knowledge, skills and creative thinking, emphasizing student experience and active participation in problem solving. The purpose of this study was to conduct a literature review on improving mathematical problem solving skills and learning outcomes using the PBL learning model. This research is qualitative in nature and the method used in this research is SLR (Systematic Literature Review). Data collection was carried out by reviewing all articles and journals related to the application of problem-based learning models to improve problem-solving abilities and students' mathematics learning outcomes in elementary schools. After the data is collected, the data found is verified and compared. Data analysis techniques were carried out qualitatively by quoting relevant opinions. Based on the results of the literature review, it can be concluded that the problem-solving abilities and mathematics learning outcomes of elementary school children can be improved through the problem-based learning model.</p> Ghea Setyarini Aditya Permana Rizki Fuji Handika Copyright (c) 2023 Ghea Setyarini, Aditya Permana, Rizki Fuji Handika 2023-06-27 2023-06-27 5 1 260 273 Early Reading With Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) Approach <p>Blended learning is a new challenge, especially for educators and students in the post-pandemic era. Educators are required to look for learning strategies that are interesting and innovative and facilitate students in learning activities at school. This study describes the TPACK approach's application in early reading activities in elementary schools with the help of modern technology-based learning media. This research uses the PTK method with the help of 4 stages: planning; implementation of class actions; observation/observation; and reflection, which was carried out for two cycles (meetings). Data was collected using an initial reading assessment instrument for one grade student at SD Negeri Pasirhuni 1 for the 2021/2022 academic year. The data was obtained in the form of formative test results from students. Samples used were first-grade elementary school students, totaling 13 students. Based on the results of the study, it is known that the TPACK approach is very significant in improving students' initial reading skills in elementary school.</p> Gifari Jakawali Rahman Copyright (c) 2023 Gifari Jakawali, Rahman 2023-06-27 2023-06-27 5 1 274 284 Development of I-Spring Learning Media on Thematic Learning to Increase Learning Outcome of Students in Class IV SD Negeri 101772 Tanjung Selama <p>Learning media is a tool and/or learning resource in presenting material that can create learning experiences, stimulate students in the learning process and make learning more effective, efficient and fun. This study aims to determine the feasibility of i-Spring-based learning media in thematic learning in class IV SD Negeri 101772 Tanjung Selamat. This study uses a Research and Development (R&amp;D) research model following the Thiagarajan procedure (4-D Model). The subjects used in this study were fourth grade students at SD Negeri 101772 Tanjung Selamat. Data analysis uses (1) Feasibility test of media and materials that have met the valid and feasible criteria with 90% material feasibility results and 88% learning media feasibility results, (2) Development trials obtained the results of teacher and student responses that were worth 89.86% which were obtained through teacher and student response questionnaires. based on this analysis, it can be concluded that the i-Spring-based learning media in thematic learning is feasible to use and can improve student learning outcomes.</p> Hakiki Annisa Batubara Naeklan Simbolon Copyright (c) 2023 Hakiki Annisa Batubara, Naeklan Simbolon 2023-06-27 2023-06-27 5 1 285 289 Learning to Read and Compose ‘Si Kancil’ Fairy Tale Texts Based on Local Wisdom for Fourth Grade Students of SDN 2 Karangsari Garu <p>This study aims to describe learning to read and write the text of the fairy tale 'si kancil' based on local wisdom for fourth grade students at SDN 2 Karangsari Garut, the implementation of learning to write the text of the fairy tale 'si kancil' based on local wisdom of fourth students at SDN 2 Karangsari Garut, evaluation of learning to write the text of the fairy tale 'si kancil' based on local wisdom for fourth grade students at SDN 2 Karangsari Garut. The subjects of this study were fourth grade students and fourth grade teachers at SDN 2 Karangsari Garut. The object of this research is learning to write fairy tale texts based on local wisdom. literacy (fairy tales) is a solution that can be chosen in learning , especially learning Early Reading and Writing (MMP). Literary works have many advantages, including developing character, refining character, language learning tools, and others.Methods are steps taken to facilitate research. Every research is advised to start by determining what will be used in research, this needs to be done because the method is one way that determines the success or failure of a study. This research is a descriptive study that aims at a clear, objective and systematic description of facts existed during the study. The result of this research is that the teacher carries out three stages, starting with planning, implementing, and evaluating learning.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Hema Halimatusyadiah Disman Copyright (c) 2023 Hema Halimatusyadiah, Disman 2023-06-27 2023-06-27 5 1 290 297 Multiliteracy of Primary School Science Based on Local Wisdom in the Era of Society 5.0 <p>Scientific literacy is a basic thing that elementary school students must have to enter the era of Society 5.0. Society 5.0 is an example of how data can be used to mobilize and connect everything, including efforts to solve social problems. Scientific literacy is the ability to understand science, communicate science, and solve problems. Efforts to improve scientific literacy. This includes, among others, the application of learning models that are appropriate to the situation and abilities of students so that students can provide direct experience and apply the essence of science. One of them is the application of the scientific multiliteracy model. Learning with this model can connect scientific material with local knowledge. In this case, science based on local wisdom generally applies, but science generally involves concepts and theories. Application of the Scientific Multiliteracy Model Based on Local Wisdom in science learning is expected to have an impact on increasing student literacy, especially elementary school students</p> Heri Dermawan Copyright (c) 2023 Heri Dermawan 2023-06-27 2023-06-27 5 1 298 302 Elementary Level Tutor’s Understanding on Inclusive Education at Homeschooling Global Lentera Kasih <p>Homeschooling as one of the alternative educational in addition to formal educational is starting to be in great demand by students who cannot follow the flow of learning in formal schools. The objective of this paper is to describe the understanding of Elementary Level tutors on inclusive education at Homeschooling Global Lentera Kasih. The method adopted in this research is study case with qualitative-descriptive approach. Research participants were the principal and academic staff of Homeschooling Glo Lenka as well as all elementary level tutors at Homeschooling Glo Lenka. Data were collected by interview, questionnaire, and observation methods. The indicators of understanding consist of: an understanding of student’s condition, an understanding of inclusive education, and an understanding of how to apply inclusive education in the classroom. The findings showed that teacher’s understanding of student’s conditions and teacher’s understanding of inclusive education was good while teacher’s understanding of how to apply inclusive education in the classroom was still lacking. The conclusion is tutor’s understanding of how to implement inclusive education was still lacking and can be improved.</p> Hikmah Komariah Copyright (c) 2023 Hikmah Komariah 2023-06-27 2023-06-27 5 1 303 307 Identifying 21st-Century Skills In The “Kurikulum Merdeka” At The Elementary Level Numeracy Aspect: A Literature Review <p>21st-century skills become an inseparable part of a future life that is currently identical to or leads to society 5.0. To be able to become the next generation that is ready to face all future challenges, 21st-century skills are important to master. Mastery of 21st-century skills is an integral part of the curriculum designed by the government. Objective: This study aims to analyze the application of 21st-century skills in the aspect of numeracy which is identical to mathematics at the elementary level (stages A, B, and C). This research can be a reference for teachers in developing learning methods so that teachers provide learning experiences that train students in mastering 21st-century skills. Method: The research uses a literature review or document studies of Kurikulum Merdeka to analyze 21st-century skills in Learning Outcomes in mathematics at the elementary level. Findings: 21st-century skills are an essential part of mathematics because mathematics is not only about numbers and their operations but also how to understand discourse, take main ideas, and elaborate ideas and solutions, in other words, Mathematics has a close relationship with language skills or good literacy. Conclusion:&nbsp; This study indicates that elementary school mathematics objectives and learning achievements at levels A, B, and C have included 21st-century skills. In this case, we need teachers who have competence in 21st-century skills so that students get a learning experience that leads to the achievement of 21st-century skills.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Hilma Syahida Laksmi Dewi Copyright (c) 2023 Hilma Syahida, Laksmi Dewi 2023-06-27 2023-06-27 5 1 308 314 Strategy for Developing Numeracy Skill of Elementary School Students Based on Constructivism Theory <p>The purpose of this study is to analyze strategies that can be used to develop numeracy skills of elementary school students based on constructivism theory. This research is included in library research. Library research is research with a qualitative approach. The data in this study are qualitative data obtained from various sources such as scientific journal articles, books, and policies related to the development of elementary school students' numeracy skills. The object of this research is the strategies that can be done by elementary school mathematics teachers related to the development of students' numeracy skills that refer to constructivism theory. The data analysis technique was carried out through four stages, namely collecting data, reducing data, displaying data, and drawing conclusions. This library research will discuss (1) constructivism theory in learning mathematics, (2) elementary school students' numeracy skills, and (3) elementary school students' numeracy skills development strategies based on constructivism theory.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> I Komang Sesara Ariyana I Putu Suardipa Copyright (c) 2023 I Komang Sesara Ariyana, I Putu Suardipa 2023-06-27 2023-06-27 5 1 315 324 The Value of Hindu Ethics in Elementary Education as a Reinforcement of Religious Moderation <p>This article aims to illustrate the importance of the ethical value of Hinduism in elementary education students as a guide for building a harmonious life between religious people. Harmonious life is indeed hoping for the Indonesian nation, but the existence of radical understanding and acts of intolerance is undoubtedly a threat. Thus, the internalization of ethical values for students in elementary education, of course, is a strengthening of religious moderation. This conceptual article was studied using the literature review method by analyzing relevant literature on Hindu religious education and religious moderation in elementary education. Based on the study's results, Hindu ethical values are essential in building students' character. Ethics is a guide in strengthening the internalization of religious moderation because Hindu ethics aims to make individuals behave well and respect differences. This is an essential foundation for strengthening religious moderation. Hopefully, this study will become a reference for research or relevant studies for strengthening religious moderation in the elementary education process and other levels of education.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> I Wayan Agus Gunada Copyright (c) 2023 I Wayan Agus Gunada 2023-06-27 2023-06-27 5 1 325 336 Analysis Of The Montessori Method In Beginning Reading Skills Of Indonesian Subjects In Of Students Sd Negeri 1 Jatiwaringin <p>The Montessori method is a method in the realm of child development education and is formulated based on Montessori theory. This method emphasizes the activities that are raised by the child by emphasizing the process of adapting the child's learning environment according to the stage of development. Mastery of reading skills in schools is one of the language competencies that must be taught. This study aims to describe how the Montessori method improves beginning reading skills in SD Negeri 1 Jatiwaringin students. This research method uses descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques in the form of oral, written test results, interviews and direct observation. The Montessori method seeks to help students develop cognitive, psychomotor, and affective abilities in students, by enabling children to learn according to their level of development.</p> Ika Ayudya Purnama Sary Tatat Hartati Rony Wirachman Copyright (c) 2023 Ika Ayudya Purnama Sary, Tatat Hartati, Rony Wirachman 2023-06-27 2023-06-27 5 1 337 342 Analysis of Communication Skill 5th-Grade Students on Fire Materials Through RADEC Learning <p>Communication skills in science learning need to be developed. This is because through communication students can organize their thinking. The purpose of this study was to determine the communication skills of elementary school students through the RADEC learning model. This research was conducted using a qualitative approach with a qualitative descriptive design. The subjects of this study were 18 fifth-grade students at one of the public elementary schools in the city of Bandung. Data on science communication skills were obtained through questionnaires and documentation and analyzed descriptively using percentage calculations. The results showed that the student's communication skills belonged to the visible category. The highest percentage on the indicators of clarity of speech and choice of words is 88%, while the lowest percentage is on the indicator of using library sources (printed books, internet, newspapers or magazines, TV, radio, etc.) according to the material being studied, which is 59%. The RADEC learning model has a good influence, especially on the discussion process . Keywords: Communication Skills, RADEC Learning, Fire.</p> Ika Rosmiati Atep Sujana Wahyu Sopandi Roni Wahyu Wandani Copyright (c) 2023 Ika Rosmiati, Atep Sujana, Wahyu Sopandi, Roni Wahyu Wandani 2023-06-27 2023-06-27 5 1 343 347 Comparison Analysis of Elementary Science Curriculum in Indonesia and Singapore <p>Education in Indonesia and in Singapore is different. The curriculum in Indonesia and Singapore has its own advantages and disadvantages. Especially in science subjects in elementary schools. This study aims to (1) see the fundamental differences between the curricula in Indonesia and in Singapore, (2) so that further it can be seen whether something that is said to be better can be adopted in Indonesia (3) the next goal is the opportunity for improvement with this comparison can be a reference for continuing to make improvements. This research is a literature study (Library Research). Sources of data are divided into primary data and secondary data and then use descriptive analysis techniques to provide a better picture for the purposes of this study. This research resulted in findings that (1) in the curriculum in Indonesia, it prioritizes socio-cultural and religious-based applications, while the science curriculum in Singapore prioritizes the context of understanding and applying science. (2) Understanding the concept and character development of students to be active and interested in science is something that is very good. (3) The application of the Science Curriculum in Singapore provides an opportunity to improve the education system in Indonesia so that it is properly systemized and has more specific goals.</p> Intan Eka Pratiwi Suwaji Ari Widodo Babang Robandi Tri Pebriati Copyright (c) 2023 Intan Eka Pratiwi Suwaji, Ari Widodo, Babang Robandi, Tri Pebriati 2023-06-27 2023-06-27 5 1 348 360 Study of Mathematics Self Efficacy Ability Students in Critical Thinking Ability <p>Self-efficacy will help students encourage themselves to feel able to complete tasks from simple to complex problems and maximize their creativity until the problem is resolved. This article aims to examine students' mathematical self-efficacy abilities in critical thinking. The method used is qualitative by collecting library data. Self-efficacy plays an important role in everything, especially for students who find it difficult to solve mathematical problems through critical thinking activities. With high self-efficacy, students are expected to be able to successfully solve mathematical problems and be able to think critically. Students with high selfefficacy believe that they can do well on math tests, understand the most difficult material, perform tasks with the best effort in math, and are able to master competencies in math class, and tend to have superior math achievements. On the other hand, students with low mathematical self-efficacy tend to be vulnerable and give up easily in solving math problems and students' failure to solve math problems is assumed to be due to their lack of mathematical abilities.</p> Italyani Nurhaifa Turmudi Copyright (c) 2023 Italyani Nurhaifa, Turmudi 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 361 371 Application Of Quantum Teaching Learning Model To Improve Creative Thinking Ability Of Elementary School <p>The use of learning models to improve students' creative thinking.The objective of this research is to observe the student learning activities and the raise of students' creative thinking ability after using the quantum teaching model in 4th Graders at one of SDN Purwakarta Regency. Using the class action research model of John Eliot Darmadi in two cycles, with each cycle including four stages: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. Observation, tests, and documentation obtained the data, with 28 students were selected as the sample. The results showed an average of 66.5 or 32% in the initial condition stage; an average of 70.2 or 57% in the pre-cycle stage; an average of 74.8 or 61% in the first cycle stage;and an average of 87.6 or 96% in the second cycle. According to the findings of the study research, there were increases of 25% in the initial condition stage to the pre-cycle, 4% in the precycle stage to the first cycle, 35% in the first cycle to the second cycle, and 39% in the pre- cycle stage to the second cycle. It is concluded that the quantum teaching method can help students develop their critical thinking abilities in social studies learning.</p> Jennyta Caturiasari Srie Mulyani Erny Marito Sirait Copyright (c) 2023 Jennyta Caturiasari, Srie Mulyani, Erny Marito Sirait 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 372 379 Implementing Self-Paced Learning Method To Increase Critical Thinking Skills And Mathematics Concept Mastery Of Grade 1 Students In XYZ School <p>Education is an important factor in the formation of a new, superior generation. Education is dynamic because every generation is different and the situations they face also change. In classroom learning, teachers often find problems in the concept mastery, interest, and critical thinking skill of grade 1 students, especially in Mathematics. In this journal, the researcher discusses the implications of implementing self-paced learning using activity centers in grade 1. This journal was made using the literature research method and class experiment. Class experiments that are carried out include central activities that are presented in various activities that accommodate various student learning styles. The researcher found that implementing self-paced learning in Mathematics for grade 1 students through activity centers could increase students' motivation, interest, concept mastery and critical thinking skill in completing their Mathematics lesson in classroom. The final result of this study is that it can improve students' critical thinking skills and concepts mastery abilities by applying the self-paced learning method in the classroom for grade 1 students.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Juniarsih Sinaga Yeppy Sihotang Copyright (c) 2023 Juniarsih Sinaga, Yeppy Sihotang 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 380 385 Development of Flood Disaster Management Module as a Means of Elementary School Learning Enrichment <p>This study aims to develop a flood disaster management module as a means of enriching elementary school learning. This development research aims to develop a flood disaster management module and the feasibility of the flood disaster management module media as a means of enriching elementary school learning. The method in this study was carried out using the Borg and Gall Research &amp; Development model which has been modified by Sugiyono covering 7 stages, namely: 1) potentials and problems, 2) collecting data, 3) product design, 4) design validation, 5) design revision, 6) product trials, 7) product revisions. The results of this study indicate that the results obtained from the validation of material experts obtained an average of 81% with the "Easy" criteria. validation of linguists in the flood disaster management module obtained an average percentage of 85% with very decent criteria. The average percentage of student responses to the flood disaster management module is positive. Students respond that the module is easy to understand, gives a feeling of pleasure, is presented in an orderly and systematic manner, illustrations support imagination, and can increase knowledge about flood prevention. This shows that the flood disaster management module as a means of enriching elementary school learning produced in this study is considered appropriate for use as learning enrichment material in elementary schools</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Kiki Aryaningrum Arief Kuswidyanarko Ali Fakhrudin Aldora Pratama Husnil Kirom Siti Rachmi Indah Sari Ahmad Adi Suhendra Ahmad Adi Suhendra Copyright (c) 2023 Kiki Aryaningrum, Arief Kuswidyanarko, Ali Fakhrudin, Aldora Pratama, Husnil Kirom, Siti Rachmi Indah Sari, Ahmad Adi Suhendra, Ahmad Adi Suhendra 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 386 391 The Use Of Powerpoint Media On Interest In Learning PKN In Class IV SDN Batubantar <p>This research aims to investigate the effect of media Power point use on the interests and outcomes of Civics in grade IV SDN Batubantar. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive study conducted at SDN Batubantar. The subjects of this study were teachers and fourth grade students. As for the object of this research is interest and learning outcomes through the use of power point media. Data collection techniques are used in the implementation of this research with interview techniques, observation and documentation. Checking the validity of the data is done by using triangulation techniques, namely by checking the information from interviews with documentation and observation. The results showed that it was significantly proven that learning using power point the media could have a positive effect on students' interest and learning outcomes in Civics lessons at SDN Batubantar. Therefore, it is recommended for classroom teachers to increase the use of media, one of which is power point media in Civics learning and other learning in order to increase student interest and learning outcomes.</p> Laila Hayati Copyright (c) 2023 Laila Hayati 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 392 396 Perceived Quality of Home Literacy Practice in Elementary School Students’: Parents’ Roles Toward Students’ Reading Literacy Achievement <p>The pandemic COVID-19 that began in 2019 has changed the learning system. During the pandemic, parental involvement contributes to students' academic performance, including reading literacy. Besides that, based on the research results from students’ tests in PISA 2018 and Puspendik reveals data that nationally homogeneous distribution of in students' reading literacy ability in Indonesia is 46.83 in the poor category. This research aims to examine relationship among parents’ education, family literacy practice, and students’ achievement of reading literacy in fifth grade. Data were collected through questionnaires and interviews. Participants involved were parents and teachers of fifth-grade students from nearby elementary schools in Surakarta. Data presentation (summary and code) and conclusions are used to analyze the data. Results of this study indicate that parental involvement is very important for the success of children's learning, especially reading literacy skills for pupils of elementary schools. They believe that directing, controlling, motivating, and reviewing children's assignments and influences on increasing their learning outcomes. It is expected to contribute the positive social change by providing useful information that can assist schools and teachers develop effective strategies to encourage parental involvement in home literacy and it has an impact on improving student academic outcomes at school.</p> Liana Mumrikoh Djono Nur Arifah Drajati Copyright (c) 2023 Liana Mumrikoh, Djono, Nur Arifah Drajati 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 397 403 Analysis Of The Application Of Pancasila Student Profile In The Character Forming to Students In Elementary School <p>This study aims to determine the strategies used by the teacher in implementing the Pancasila student profile to shape the character of students. This research was conducted at SD Santa Ursula Bandung. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative, which describes the implementation of the Pancasila student profile and the strategies used by the teacher in making it happen. The subjects studied were first-grade students consisting of 26 students. Data collection techniques used are Observation, Interview and Documentation. From the observations, the researchers found the strategies used by teachers in implementing the Pancasila Student Profile, including; differentiation learning, learning by project and habituation. From the results of research conducted by researchers, the teacher has implemented the strategy well. This is evidenced by the existence of data on the value of lessons and documentation of student activities. In the successful application of this strategy, the teacher must be creative in designing learning. In addition to the role of the teacher, the family and social environment also play a role in shaping the character of students.</p> Maria Margareta Sartika Wilasih Tjio Dedy Copyright (c) 2023 Maria Margareta Sartika, Wilasih, Tjio Dedy 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 404 413 The Effectiveness of 3D Visual Media Based on the Realistic Mathematics Education Approach in Mathematics Learning in Elementary Schools <p>3D visual media is media whose appearance can be observed from any point of view and has dimensions of length, width, and height/thickness. There are still many teachers who teach using conventional methods even though there are many contextual media that can be used to deliver learning materials so that students better understand the material being taught. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of a 3D visual media based on the Realistic Mathematics Education approach in grade 5. The method used in this research is experimental research. Data collection is done by determining the population and samples are carried out before the research is carried out. This research was conducted in Class 5C of SD Negeri Cipocok Jaya 1. From the results of the study it can be concluded that the use of 3D visual media can improve student learning outcomes in Class 5C of SD Negeri Cipocok Jaya 1.</p> Masnur Tatang Herman Wahyu Naldi Copyright (c) 2023 Masnur, Tatang Herman, Wahyu Naldi 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 414 422 Analysis of Emotional Intelligence of Class V Students Through the RADEC Learning Model <p>Social conflicts such as bullying, anti-patience, and individualistic attitudes among elementary school students are caused by students' lack of emotional intelligence. This study aimed to analyze the emotional intelligence of grade 5 elementary school students through the RADEC learning model. This study uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive analysis method. The instruments used were student activity observation sheets, student interviews, and documentation of learning activities using the RADEC model. The data analysis is data reduction, presentation, describing, and verifying conclusions. The participants in this study were 29 grade 5 students at one of the public elementary schools in the city of Bandung. Based on the research, it can be concluded that emotional intelligence can be grown through the RADEC learning model. Refers to the five elements of emotional intelligence possessed by students, namely self-awareness, which is shown by recognizing the emotions being felt. Managing emotions is demonstrated by knowing the response that must be given to an event, utilizing emotions productively, which is characterized by understanding the attitude that must be done towards a phenomenon, empathy, which is shown by caring for others, and fostering relationships which are demonstrated by liking interactions with other people.</p> Mia Komariah Nurnaningsih Wahyu Sopandi Atep Sujana Copyright (c) 2023 Mia Komariah, Nurnaningsih, Wahyu Sopandi, Atep Sujana 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 423 430 Disaster Literacy based on local wisdom to instill Disaster Response in Selo, Boyolali Regency <p>The planting of early disaster education in the Merapi area is a must in the midst of the great potential for disaster in it. This awareness planting can be strengthened by literacybased learning by paying attention to the local wisdom adopted by the people who live in it. This study aims to determine the understanding of elementary school teachers about disaster literacy in social studies learning associated with understanding local wisdom in preparing learning and disaster response attitudes on the slopes of Merapi. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research approach by taking the location at SD Jrakah 3 Selo , Boyolali Regency. Based on the results of the research that has been carried out, it can be concluded as follows: 1) Social studies learning by planting disaster literacy based on social studies teaching materials and local wisdom has not fully used the latest learning media in improving students' skills for developing disaster response attitudes. 2) Teacher understanding and interest in disaster literacy and understanding local wisdom in the development of disaster education affects the growth of disaster response for students</p> Mukhlis Mustofa Goddess Liesnoor Setyowati Juhadi Suwito eco Pramono Copyright (c) 2023 Mukhlis Mustofa, Goddess Liesnoor Setyowati, Juhadi, Suwito eco Pramono 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 431 436 The Effectiveness Of Implementing SBT (Students Behavior Target) Books In Improving The Character Of Student Learning Responsibility <p>This study aims to determine the effectiveness of using SBT (Student's Behavior Target) Books in improving character of student learning responsibility. The book is basically a book used as an independent character control book used by students in internalizing the character values taught in the skeolah. By implementing the book, students carry out a series of activities that allow students to stay in controlled activities. Students carry out planning of character target activities, Students plan character target activities, students actualize them and students conduct assessments or measurements on the achievement of the results of internalizing their respective character values, conduct evaluations and relections to see their individual achievements. With this activity book, students can find obstacles or problems in internalizing values, so that in the end they come up with ideas to solve problems that arise independently. This type of research is field research. This type of research is field research. The method used in this study is the experimental method, quantitative data analysis approach, and through pretest and posttest design. The number of samples in this study was 45 students. The results showed that the difference between pretest and posttest value of responsibility scores shows an increased score. Pretest score the responsibility of the student is at a moderate/sufficient level, Posttest score at a high level of responsibility. This means the use of SBT Books proven to increase the value of student learning responsibility. As for the criteria for the effectiveness of the book be in the moderate category.</p> M. Naelul Mubarok Kama Abdul Hakam Aceng Kosasih Momod abdul Somad Sri Mulya Nurhakiky Copyright (c) 2023 M. Naelul Mubarok, Kama Abdul Hakam, Aceng Kosasih, Momod abdul Somad, Sri Mulya Nurhakiky 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 437 445 Students' Science Process Skills in Virtual Practicum in Science Learning <p>Online learning system causes students and lecturers to be capable of implementing long distance learning. By the presence of this system then there must be an alternative of science practicum through online in the laboratory. However, it does not guarantee the students to be capable of obtaining the whole knowledge and skill. The purpose of this research was to find out the implementation of virtual practicum method using PhET simulation on the skill of students’ science process in style and movement practicum. The method used in this research was qualitative descriptive applied on students of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education Study Program in the amount of 38 students. The techniques of data collection used in this research were observation and interview. Based on the data obtained, then the indicators of science process skill which could run well during the virtual practicum were observation, conducting communication, planning the experiment, and using the tool, material, and source. Overall the result of virtual practicum method implementation assisted by PhET simulation in science learning was in quite good category.</p> Nahdiati Rabiatul Khairiyah Nur Inayah Syar Latifah Alimuninggar Copyright (c) 2023 Nahdiati, Rabiatul Khairiyah, Nur Inayah Syar, Latifah Alimuninggar 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 446 453 Implementation Of Teams Games Tournament (TGT) Type Learning Model To Improve Mathematics Learning Outcomes Of Class IV Students <p>This research is aimed to improve the student outcomes study on fourth-grade student Dayah Tanoh in Mathematics in the chapter on the least common multiple and greatest common divisor Team Games Tournament (TGT) cooperative learning model. This study is action research. The subjects of this study were 28 students of four grade classes. This research was done in two cycles through four steps. The data of this study was collected by an observed and objective test. The analysis data of this study used quantitative descriptive and qualitative descriptive. The succeeded indicators were determined when the average of the student's outcomes in Mathematic improved from cycles I to cycles II. The results of the analysis data in this study showed that there was an enhancement in every cycle. Those can be seen in cycles I of classical completeness was 56% and cycles II improved to 88%. The averages of students' activity increase from 3,4 to 4,8 in cycles II. We can conclude that implementation of the TGT Model could increase the student outcomes in Mathematic Subjects and student activities for fourth-grade students in Dayah Tanoh.</p> Nazira Maghfira Al Jupri Babang Robandi Copyright (c) 2023 Nazira Maghfira, Al Jupri, Babang Robandi 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 454 461 The Effect of the Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) Learning Method on Student Learning Outcomes in Citizenship Education for Grade IV students at AL Khansa Rengat Elementary School <p>This study aims to determine the effect of the STAD type of cooperative learning model. The method used is descriptive quantitative. Data obtained from tests and questionnaires. The source of the data from this study was a sample of 31 from the control class and 31 from the experimental class. The results of this study are that learning before using the Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) learning model is still monotonous learning and lack of activity in class so that it affects student learning outcomes. but after applying the Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) learning model it can be stated that it has increased. This is evidenced by Based on the calculations that have been done, the average value of the control class is 85.07 and the average value of the experimental class is 90.48. Based on these average values, it can be seen that the average experimental class = 90.48 &gt; average control class = 85.07.</p> Ningrum Melihayatri Udin Syaefuddin Sa’ud Copyright (c) 2023 Ningrum Melihayatri, Udin Syaefuddin Sa’ud 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 462 468 Needs Analysis of Student Worksheets to Develop Collaborative Skills in Learning Science <p>Learning in schools must develop students collaborative skills, student worksheet as a learning tool is considered capable of encouraging students to develop these skills. The purpose of this study was to describe the needs of student worksheets that develop collaboration skills in learning science in elementary schools. This research was conducted using a qualitative descriptive method involving teachers. Data collection was carried out using instruments in the form of questionnaires and student worksheet assessments from the questionnaire fillers. Research data is processed by determining the percentage value of the results of questionnaires and analysis of student worksheet based on structure, preparation standards, based on certain models and the emergence of collected collaboration skills. The results showed that most of the existing student worksheet did not meet standards, were not based on a particular learning model, and had not trained students' collaboration skills. This research shows the need to develop worksheets that are able to train students' collaboration skills.</p> Nurul Saadah Agustina Wahyu Sopandi Atep Sujana Copyright (c) 2023 Nurul Saadah Agustina, Wahyu Sopandi, Atep Sujana 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 469 477 Application of the Self Organized Learning Environments Model to Improve Critical Thinking Skills of Grade VI Elementary School Students <p>This study was motivated by the low level of students' critical thinking skills in the learning process. This is based on the findings when researchers made observations, where during learning activities students were unable to provide a simple explanation of the material being studied, unable to conclude, unable to provide an explanation of the material being studied, and unable to identify assumptions. This is because applying a learning model is less able to develop students' critical thinking skills. This study aims to determine and get an overview of the improvement of critical thinking skills of grade VI elementary school students by applying the SOLE (self-organized learning environments) learning model. The method used in this research is Classroom Action Research (PTK) model Kemmis and Mc. Taggart model. This research was conducted in grade VI elementary school, as many as two cycles. Each cycle consists of one lesson and four stages, namely, planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The instruments used in this research are observation sheets, field notes, test question sheets, and documentation. The results of this study showed an increase in the percentage of students' critical thinking skills in cycle I by 63% with a good category, in cycle II to 82% with a very good category. From these results it can be seen that there was an increase from cycle I to cycle II by 19%. This proves that the SOLE (Self Organized Learning Environments) learning model can improve the critical thinking skills of grade VI students in one of the elementary schools.</p> Oktafianti Kartika Sapriya Copyright (c) 2023 Oktafianti Kartika, Sapriya 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 478 484 Theoretical Aspects of Social Sensitivity in the Study of Social Ecology in Elementary Education <p>Social sensitivity is defined as the level of individual concern for others. Social sensitivity is a person's ability to react quickly and appropriately to certain social objects or situations around them. The environment around the child will greatly affect the child's social sensitivity. Contemporary social problems caused by current scientific and technological developments are a lack of social sensitivity. Most people in this era tend to be more selfish or individualistic. Whereas in principle, humans are social beings who cannot live without the help of other humans. Social sensitivity is able to improve a person's ability to make moral judgments, moral decision-making, and moral actions which are then applied in everyday life. form a person who has a high social awareness spirit. Social sensitivity starts from an adult person, and is able to direct it according to the moral values that exist in society. A person's personal maturity will be able to improve the quality of life he has both as an individual being and a social being. Therefore someone who is able to understand the moral values that exist in society will have a high level of social concern for the suffering of others and tends to have a high level of social sensitivity. The purpose of this research is to describe the aspects of social sensitivity in social ecological studies, namely empathy, prosociality and morality. Where this research method uses literature review which produces an overview of social sensitivity in social ecological studies in elementary schools.</p> Pajar Sugilar Nadiroh Herlina Usman Copyright (c) 2023 Pajar Sugilar, Nadiroh, Herlina Usman 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 485 489 Long-Division Problems for Elementary Students <p>The operation of counting numbers is one of the basic mathematical concepts that must be mastered by students. The arithmetic operations consist of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The operation of dividing whole numbers is considered difficult to learn and teach. However, it is very important for students because many aspects of mathematics are needed in daily life. In the current situation, it was found that many students had problems learning the concept of long division. This study aims to describe the problems experienced by elementary school students and the factors that cause students difficulties in completing long-division operations. The method used is qualitative by collecting library data. The subjects in this study were articles related to the problems faced by elementary school students in completing long-division operations. Documenting data collection and the use of articles related to students' problems in solving long-division operations. Based on this study, the problems experienced by students were not mastering the concept of multiplication, errors found in counting, not being fluent in using operations or procedures, and not understanding the origin of the long division concept. Factors causing these difficulties are external factors that come from the teacher and the environment. While the internal factors come from the students themselves.</p> Perawati Tri Nanda Al Jupri Copyright (c) 2023 Perawati Tri Nanda, Al Jupri 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 490 497 STEM Education Through Mini Water Filter Based on SDGS Approach on Water Polution <p>One of the important components of the fourth sustainable development goal is enhancing human populations' knowledge of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). Many countries are facing challenges to implement STEM education. Start from the problem of water pollution, student learn how to prevent the harmful effect of toxic subtance to water environment. This study aims to exercise STEM model. Descritive method used as the research method, and twenty two students chosen by purposive sampling. Learning activities using STEM were make students enthusiastic to learn about science related to the water polution. First, students learn from the water enviroment around school. Second students do the experiment by using fish and polluted water. Third, students design the innovation to prevent the toxic subtance to water environment. Fourth, students make an innovation. Five, students give reflection, and the last student do the exercise based on the activities. The total average results from the students’ cognitive test about the material show a score of 90. Based on encouraging knowledge and life skills regarding the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and making connections in education to primary school students depends heavily on the learning process from early awareness of the SDGs. Students can learn about environmental issue directly.</p> Putri Sekar Melati Lilit Rusyati Copyright (c) 2023 Putri Sekar Melati, Lilit Rusyati 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 498 502 The Application of the Window Shopping Model Can Improve Science Learning Achievement in Class V SDN 20 Gumarang, Agam Regency <p>The purpose of this study is to prove that the cooperative learning model of the window shopping type is influential , Does using the window shopping type learning model increase learning science in V SDN 20 Gumarang class , Agam Regency? A very important factor for influencing student learning achievement is through the use of suitable models with lessons, thus then student learning achievement increased. This research uses classroom action research through qualitative and quantitative approaches . The way to collect data is observation and the researcher's own teaching experience and discussions with colleagues who act as observers when researchers carry out learning activities . Once the data is obtained then analyzed by means of qualitative and quantitative. As for the research subjects, namely fifth grade students at SD N 20 Gumarang . This research proved that the students ' science learning outcomes increased because of the average value of cycle I, which was 7.5.48 with a percentage of 75% and there was also an increase in cycle II, which was 91.83 with a percentage of 99%. So from these results it can be concluded that the cooperative learning model is a window shopping type used occurs student learning achievement increased in science learning.</p> Rahma Taher Risda Amini Copyright (c) 2023 Rahma Taher, Risda Amini 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 503 509 The Use of Flipbook Multimedia on Narrative Writing Ability and Creative Thinking Skills of Grade VI Elementary School Students <p>The ability to write narratives is one of the things that need to be developed for students at the elementary school level. The flipbook contains cartoon images of several story parts that students can develop themselves. This study aims to analyze the effect of flipbook multimedia on the ability to write narratives and creative thinking skills of grade VI elementary school students. This study uses a qualitative design with a descriptive analysis method. The research was conducted at one of the public elementary schools in Kasomalang District, Subang Regency. The participants of this study were 13 grade VI elementary school students. The data collection instruments were student activity observation sheets, teacher interviews, and activity documentation. Based on the results of the analysis carried out, it was found that multimedia flipbooks can facilitate students in learning to write narratives and improve students' creative thinking skills, this is evidenced by the results of student writing that are more varied than before, and students can work on narrative writing in less time than before.</p> Rifa Nurhanifa Atep Sujana Wahyu Sopandi Iswara P Arrum A.H Copyright (c) 2023 Rifa Nurhanifa, Atep Sujana, Wahyu Sopandi, Iswara P, Arrum A.H 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 510 518 The Emergence of The Pancasila Student Profil Through The RADEC Learning Model Using E-learning on Soil Materials at Muhammadiyah 6 Palembang Elementary School <p>The emergence of the Pancasila Student Profil through the Radec Learning Model Using E-Learning on Soil Materials at Muhammadiyah 6 Palembang Elementary School. The purpose of this study was to see the emergence of the Pancasila Student Profil at each stage of the RADEC learning model at SD Muh 6 Palembang. This type of qualitative research is descriptive using a purposeful sampling technique. From this study, the results obtained: The dimensions that arise when students follow the stages of reading learning are faith, fear of God Almighty, and noble character, independent, mutual cooperation, global sustainability, critical reasoning, and creative. The dimension that arises when students follow the answer learning stages is faithful, devoted to God Almighty, and has noble character, is independent, mutual cooperation, is globally sustainable, has critical reasoning, and creative. The dimensions that arise when students take part in the discuss and explain learning stages are faith, fear of God Almighty, and noble character, independent, mutual cooperation, global sustainability, critical reasoning, and creativity. The dimensions that arise when students follow the create learning stage are faith, fear of God Almighty, and noble character, independent, mutual cooperation, global sustainability, critical reasoning, and creative.</p> Rifatul Mahmudah Atep Sujana Babang Robandi Wahyu Sopandi Copyright (c) 2023 Rifatul Mahmudah, Atep Sujana, Babang Robandi, Wahyu Sopandi 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 519 529 Active Learning Using The STEM Approach Improves Critical Thinking Skills Of Elementary School Students <p>Students are facing challenges in an era where they are required to master science, technology and engineering. The industrial revolution 4.0 demands critical thinking patterns in being competent and absorbing information. The reality that occurs in elementary schools shows that thematic learning lack of develop critical thinking skills. The purpose of this study was to find out (1) how the application of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) learning to the critical thinking skills of elementary school students; (2) measuring the increase in students' critical thinking skills after learning by using the STEM approach. The research is a quasiexperimental (quasi-experimental) design. This research was conducted at SDN Cipagalo 01, Bandung Regency. Data obtained from test and non-test data. This study uses data collection techniques in the form of multiple choice critical thinking test questions. While the non-test used student worksheets and observation sheets. The results showed that the application of active learning using the STEM approach to improve critical thinking skills of elementary school students in science subjects was quite effective. Analysis of paired sample t-test shows the value of sig. (2- tailed) of 0.000 &lt; 0.005, which means that there is an increase in students' critical thinking skills.</p> Rika Sukmana Nuri Annisa Duhita Wardani Copyright (c) 2023 Rika Sukmana, Nuri Annisa, Duhita Wardani 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 530 538 Speed Reading Skills by Using Skimming Techniques In Digital Newspaper Articles <p>The purpose of this study is to analyse student’s speed reading skill after participating the learning of reading by Skimming technique of digital newspaper at 5th grade in Elementary School. This study was practiced at one of Elementary School in Kecamatan Sumber, Kabupaten Cirebon. The subject of this activity is 25 students of 5th grade. This study used Action Research Method. Based on the results of the analysis, there was an increase in the aspect of student test scores in the pre-research with a score of 70 by 40%, at the end of the first cycle a score of 60% was obtained, and at the end of the second cycle the score increased to 84%. The results of speed reading skills in cycle II have exceeded the specified target. Based on the results of observations made, data were obtained that showed success in improving speed reading skills and increasing student’s understanding in the learning process using the Skimming technique. Thus, it can be concluded that the Skimming technique is able to improve the speed reading skills of 5th grade students in one of the public elementary schools in Kecamatan Sumber, especially in the text contained in digital newspapers, in addition to increasing speed reading skills, there is also a better change in the attitudes of participants students as a form of habituation of discipline in speed reading activities and implemented in other activities in the learning process.</p> Rizka Rahayu Prana Dwija Iswara Tatat Hartati Babang Robandi Copyright (c) 2023 Rizka Rahayu, Prana Dwija Iswara, Tatat Hartati, Babang Robandi 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 539 544 TPACK Component Analysis (Technology, Pedagogics, Content Knowledge) in Elementary School Teachers as a Framework for Teacher Competence in 21st-Century Learning <p>21st Century Learning requires teachers to learn that is adaptive to the challenges and needs of the times. TPACK is one type of knowledge that must be mastered by teachers in the 21st century. This study aims to analyze the components of TPACK for elementary school teachers. His research uses a descriptive quantitative approach. The sample used in this study were elementary school teachers who had participated in the Teacher Professional Education Program. This instrument was developed from previous research which has high validity and reliability. Collecting data using a questionnaire with a Likert scale. Data analysis used descriptive statistical analysis test. The results show the average value of the Technology Knowledge component is 3,15, Pedagogical Knowledge is 3,25, Content Knowledge is 3,20, Technological Content Knowledge is 3,35, Pedagogical Content Knowledge is 3,40, Technological Pedagogical Knowledge is 3,41 and Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge is 3,50. All components are in a good category. TPCK has the lowest average value among other components. The teacher's ability to integrate all components is easy. There needs to be a balance between the knowledge aspects of technology, pedagogy, and content.</p> Rizki Fuji Handika Mubiar Agustin Gifari Jakawali Copyright (c) 2023 Rizki Fuji Handika, Mubiar Agustin, Gifari Jakawali 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 545 551 Introduction of STEAM for Preparing Innovative Elementary Teachers in Science <p>21st-century competence was always been a concern in this era. It was very important to full fill student and teacher competence. It is called 4Cs, namely creative thinking skills, critical thinking skills, communication skills, and collaborative skills. There was one of the learning that in accordance with the 21st century, was STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics). Before preparing students to gain this competence to introduce STEAM, it is important to needed preparing for innovative teachers soon in university or lecturers about STEAM. One of the lecturers in PGSD was called Learning Plan in Elementary or “Perencanaan Pembelajaran SD” which introduced STEAM in science and its implementation of it. The objective of this research was to know the capability of college students to prepare and practice STEAM in science matters. It used the descriptive quantitative method by the percentage of identifying implantation STEAM in science matter. 35 College student of PGSD as a subject of this research was taking Learning Plan as Elementary lecturer. The result shows that about 80% of college students have been planning STEAM as evidenced by designing STEAM and practicing teaching aids. It can be concluded that introducing STEAM for a college student can be applied to innovative teachers soon.</p> Rizki Putri Wardani Chumi Zahroul Fitriyah Copyright (c) 2023 Rizki Putri Wardani, Chumi Zahroul Fitriyah 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 552 558 The Influence of Reading Activities on Grade VI Elementary School Students’ Reading Skills Regarding Electrical Energy via RADEC Learning <p>Reading is one of post activity stage activities in the RADEC model. This study aims to investigate the impact of reading on reading skills. The methodology is descriptive quantitative and makes use survey techniques and learning evaluation tests. Intentionally employed in the sample were 26 students from a Bandung elementary, 12 of whom male and 14 years old. In order to conduct reading activities using Google Forms and assess the practicality of reading, this study's analytical technique comprises figuring out the average value of content comprehension on pre-learning examinations and evaluation tests. The analysis's results show that typical student's pre-learning understanding was demonstrated by their average evaluation test scores, which were 80 and 8 when they read 75% of the material, 76.7 and 67.8 when they read 50% of the material, and 62.5 and 42.5 for those who read 25% of the material. The study's conclusions indicate that the reading activities in the RADEC model have an effect on students' comprehension skills. How thoroughly and effectively you read the content will determine how well you will understand it. The results of this study will be utilized as research material to evaluate how effectively classroom training prepares students for reading-related activities.</p> Robby Candra Firmansyah Wahyu Sopandi Atep Sujana Copyright (c) 2023 Robby Candra Firmansyah, Wahyu Sopandi, Atep Sujana 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 559 567 The Effect of the Mastery Learning Model on Learning Outcomes and Collaboration Skills Elementary School Students <p>This study examines the effect of using mastery learning models on learning outcomes and collaboration skills of fifth-grade elementary school students. This quantitative study used the pre-experimental method with a one-group pretest-posttest design. This research involved 11 elementary school students from a school in Subang Regency. The research data were obtained using instruments in the form of multiple choice test sheets and descriptions given before and after treatment and collaboration skills observation sheets. Data analysis used descriptive statistics and inferential statistics, namely the normality test, homogeneity test and hypothesis testing paired sample t-test. From the research results, it is known that the t-test tcount is 21.133 &gt; ttable 1.812. From these results, it can be seen that applying the mastery learning model has a significant influence on student learning outcomes. Acquisition of student collaboration skills obtained, starting from the criteria of being entirely collaborative to very collaborative. Then the use of mastery learning models affects student learning outcomes and student collaboration skills.</p> Roni Wahyu Wandani Sutisna Permana Wisnu Zakaria Wahyu Sopandi Copyright (c) 2023 Roni Wahyu Wandani, Sutisna Permana, Wisnu Zakaria, Wahyu Sopandi 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 568 576 Traditional Based Education Basandi Syarak Syarak Basandi Kitabullah Facing the Era of Smart Society 5.0 <p>Education is a conscious effort that assists humans in increasing their intellectual and mental abilities in increasing creativity as individuals and social beings in facing and adapting to changes and developments of the times. Until now, humans have arrived at the era of smart society 5.0 which is marked by the increasingly centralized role of technology in human life. The concept of smart society 5.0 allows humans to live side by side with technology in order to improve the quality of life in a sustainable manner. The religion of Islam has never prevented its followers from following the progress and developments of the times, including advances in communication technology. Many Minangkabau people embrace Islam. Basandi Syarak Syarak Basandi Kitabullah adat is a guideline for the Minangkabau tribe in carrying out their daily lives. Basandi Syarak Syarak Basandi Kitabullah adat is a hereditary culture that is firmly held by the Minangkabau people.</p> Siska Tresia Oktari Darmansyah Copyright (c) 2023 Siska Tresia Oktari, Darmansyah 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 577 580 The Relationship Between Family Support and Students' Interest to Continue Education to SMKN 2 Woyla Aceh <p>Students' interest in continuing education is strongly influenced by parental support. This study aims to determine the relationship between family support and students' interest in continuing their education. The approach used is descriptive quantitative. The population of this study were students of SMPN 1 Woyla and MTSN 5 Aceh Barat Class IX, totaling 95 students with a sample of 95 students. The sampling technique used the formula of Taro Yamane and Slovin. The sampling is done by using purposive sampling technique. Data was collected using questionnaires. The results showed that there was a positive relationship between family support and student interest with a correlation coefficient of 0.334 (p=0.001; p&lt;0.05).</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Siti Maryam Rosmala Dewi Indani Siti Wardah Copyright (c) 2023 Siti Maryam, Rosmala Dewi, Indani, Siti Wardah 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 581 586 Analysis Of ESD-Based Critical Thinking Attitude Assessment Rubric In Elementary Schools <p>ESD (Educational for Sustainable Development) is one of UNESCO’s priority programs as an alternative in the education field and it is expected to direct students to realize a sustainable life as well as develop students’ critical thinking in their following life. Critical thinking is one of the eight key ESD competencies. The research objective was to determine the application of attitude assessment used by educators in elementary schools. This research was qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The subjects of this research were 6 elementary school classroom teachers in one of the schools in Pangandaran Regency. Data collection techniques used interview techniques and documentation studies on the attitude assessment rubric used by the teacher. The results indicated that there were 3 domains of ESD (Educational for Sustainable Development) that were related to the applicable curriculum (2013). The analysis results showed that there were 50% of the rubrics covering social, economic, and environmental. However, only 25% of the assessment rubrics used critical thinking indicators to assess students’ attitudes. Furthermore, the development of an instrument for assessing critical thinking based on ESD (Educational for Sustainable Development) was required</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Siti Nadia Herdianti Ernawulan Syaodih Ahmad Wahid Fudhaily Copyright (c) 2023 Siti Nadia Herdianti, Ernawulan Syaodih, Ahmad Wahid Fudhaily 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 587 595 The Urgency of Sex Education in Primary School <p>One of the problems that shake the world of education in Indonesia today is the problem of sexual violence against children. Children have always been a vulnerable object for perpetrators of sexual crimes. In terms of law enforcement, it has not been successful in dealing with this problem. So the only way is through education. Education serves to provide sexual knowledge for children. This means that children are no longer protected, but protect themselves with their knowledge. Sexual knowledge will be able to fortify children by recognizing symptoms that can occur anytime and anywhere against them of sexual deviations from adults. So, in this writing, the author aims to explain how important sexual knowledge is for children, especially for elementary school age children. The age range of children during elementary school education is very suitable to be equipped with various knowledge about the world of sexuality, of course with their age level and thinking ability to understand it. In selecting the method, the author chose to use the Literature Study Research Method. The author will summarize various theories about the importance of sexual knowledge for children. With this writing, it is hoped that policy makers will begin to pay serious attention to how important it is that sexuality knowledge and materials are included in elementary school learning.</p> Muhammad Sofyan Lubis Muhammad Halimi Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Sofyan Lubis, Muhammad Halimi 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 596 603 The Implementation Of Blended Learning Method In The Post-Covid-19 Period In Teacher Profession Course At Langlangbuana University <p>This study aims to analyze the use of the blended learning method or the combination of face-to-face learning and online learning in the post-covid-19 pandemic in the Teacher Profession course Langlangbuana University. The university provides the opportunity for 2 courses for each department to hold limited face-to-face lectures (Offline). Offline lectures are accompanied by a faculty operator who will operate IT. During lectures, students can attend limited face-to-face lectures offline and online. Students who meet the requirements can take online lectures directly on campus (face to face) and students who do not meet the requirements can take online lectures. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The data were obtained from observations and interviews with lecturers and students which were then triangulated. The findings revealed that the synthesizing of knowledge and acquisition of information syntax is maximized during face-to-face meetings and the seeking of information syntax is maximized during online learning. The learning assessment used are assessment of attitudes, knowledge, and skills. Factors supporting the blended learning method include the government, teachers, technology, and parental support. The inhibiting factors for the blended learning method include time, unstable internet connection, lack of motivation to learn, and parents.</p> Sri Rohartati Copyright (c) 2023 Sri Rohartati 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 604 612 Implementing Kurikulum Merdeka: Strengthening Scientific Literacy <p>The learning process has evolved from face-to-face to online, hybrid, and back to face-to-face. This change resulted in a number of changes, particularly in the learning curriculum, which began as the Kurikulum&nbsp;2013, evolved into the Kurikulum Darurat, and is now being implemented as the Kurikulum Merdeka. The purpose of this research is to reinforce the importance of scientific literacy in the implementation of the Kurikulum Merdeka. The results of published research on the relationship of scientific literacy to Kurikulum Merdeka&nbsp;achievements are the subject of this study. The PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) method was used in this study. According to the findings, there is a relation between scientific literacy and the Kurikulum Merdeka. According to the findings of this study, students in the Kurikulum Merdeka&nbsp;for Elementary Schools are expected to cultivate environmental awareness and life skills. Meanwhile, scientific literacy necessitates an explanation of facts for all scientific phenomena. Thus, through scientific literacy, students are able to protect nature through scientific phenomena.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Suci Perwita Sari Edy Surya Ismail Saleh Nasution3 Baihaqi Siddik Lubis Mawar Sari Copyright (c) 2023 Suci Perwita Sari, Edy Surya, Ismail Saleh Nasution3, Baihaqi Siddik Lubis, Mawar Sari 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 613 622 The effectiveness of the problem-based learning model with mind map supplements improves the critical thinking ability of grade IV students of SD Inpres Roja 2, Ende City <p>The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of problem-based learning learning models with mind map supplements to improve the critical thinking skills of grade IV students of SD Inpres Roja 2 Kota Ende. The type of research used is pre-experimental design with one group pre-test -post test design design. The population of this study was all grade IV students of SD Inpres Roja 2 Kota which amounted to 24 people. The sampling technique used is non probability sampling with a saturated sampling type. Data collection techniques in this study are in the form of multiple choice tests and essays. Data on the implementation of the problem-based learning model with the supplement of mind maps improved critical thinking skills at meeting I with a score of 75% in the good category and the second meeting with a score of 85.4% in the excellent category. Data on the critical thinking ability of students were tested for normality by the kolmogorov smirnov method and then tested for homogeneity in the variance test. The results of this test show that the distributed data is normal and homogeneous. Hypothesis testing using the t-test obtained a t-count of 11.445 while the t-table at a significant level of 5% was 2,019. The results show that the t-count is greater than the t-table so that it can be inferred Ha in the received and H0 in the rejected.&nbsp; The effectiveness of the Problem Based Learning Model learning model with mind map supplements Improving critical thinking skills Grade IV students of SD Inpres Roja 2 Kota Ende were tested for effect size using the cohen's effect size formula, the results showed 2.62 with a range of criteria in the cohen's formula, which is 0.8-2.0 which is classified as high based on the classification of the effect size test, which means that the problem-based learning learning model with the supplement of the mind map is effective in improve critical thinking skills.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Sunimbar Suni Ummu Aiman Farhan Syuhada Copyright (c) 2023 Sunimbar Suni, Ummu Aiman, Farhan Syuhada 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 623 628 Development Of Web-Based Interactive Game Media Application Wordwall Material Odd Numbers Even Mathematics Subjects Grade II Elementary School <p>Teaching a new concept in mathematics to students requires more attention from the teacher. That teaching will be very risky if it is not implemented as much as possible so that students are able to understand the new concepts correctly. The concept of odd-even numbers is one of the concepts in mathematical numbers and is often taught with less attention and seems sober to finally make students less understanding of the concept. The purpose of this study is to develop a web-based interactive game learning media wordwall application in mathematics subjects the concept of odd-even numbers for the second grade of elementary school. The research uses the ADDIE development method which has five stages of research, namely analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation.&nbsp; Learning media was declared feasible from the validation results of media experts with a percentage of 87.5% and material experts with a percentage of 88% and questionnaires filled by students with 97%, in addition to tu there was also an increase in test scores in limited trials from an average pre-test score of 75 to an average post-test score of 95.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Susilo Sudarsono Sapriya Copyright (c) 2023 Susilo Sudarsono, Sapriya 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 629 639 Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery by Using Flash Card at Third Grade Students in SD Islam Athirah 1 Makassar <p>According to preliminary research conducted in the third grade of SD Islam Athirah 1 Makassar, the majority of students lacked vocabulary mastery. This research discussed about improving students’ vocabulary mastery using flash cards. The aims of the paper are: (1) to find out whether and to what extent the use of flash cards can improve students' vocabulary and (2) to describe the strengths and the weaknesses of using flash cards to teach vocabulary. The writer conducted a classroom action research within three months from September to November at the third grade of SD Islam Athirah 1 Makassar in the academic year 2018/2019. The sample of this study was 120 students which was divided into 5 classes. The data of the research were collected by using quantitative collection of data techniques. The mean of pre questionnaire was 21 %. Then, the mean of post questionnaire was 70 %. It improved 49 %. After processing the data, it can be stated that flashcards can improve English student’s vocabulary mastery. The usage of flash cards may be successful in keeping the students' attention during a class. It may also increase student engagement in learning. They were no longer timid and were eager to participate in the instructional process.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Syahriyanti Copyright (c) 2023 Syahriyanti 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 640 644 How to Teach IC Timer NE 555 for Future STEM Teachers Through Virtual Lab <p>The use of simulation can help the learner to understand complex topics, such as signals and systems. This paper presents how to teach the IC Timer (NE 555 model) for future STEM teachers. This IC is a popular active component used in various fields; it can generate square wave signals and vary the Duty cycle. This paper proposes a course consisting of eight materials; it can be taught to future STEM teachers to understand the IC Timer NE555 concept carefully. The virtual laboratory practicum was chosen as the primary approach to provide initial understanding to future teachers about the square wave generator and Duty cycle controller. Besides, virtual laboratories are the right choice in engineering courses because they can minimize the risk of damage to electronic components and measuring instruments. Once future STEM teachers pass this proposed course, they can teach students using a virtual laboratory (simulation setup) before being forwarded to a hands-on laboratory. Circuit Wizard<sup>TM</sup> is the best option as a virtual laboratory because it provides the needed properties: passive components (i.e., virtually fixed resistors, electrolytic Capacitors, and Ceramic Capacitors), Active components (IC NE555), DC Sources (e.g., Battery), and Instruments (i.e., Virtual analog Oscilloscope)</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Syifaul Fuada Devi Puspita Dewi Copyright (c) 2023 Syifaul Fuada, Devi Puspita Dewi 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 645 652 Teaching Materials Based On Local Wisdom Ogan Komering Ilir Regency Sub-Theme Of The Uniqueness Of The Region Where I Live In Class IV Elementary School <p>Learning based on local wisdom, especially in Ogan Komering Ilir Regency, has not yet established a curriculum. It is necessary to carry out education based on local wisdom as an increase in knowledge, integrating a sense of love for the local wisdom of the area, and equipping students with manners and attitudes compared to the values and regulations that apply around or in the size of the students. Therefore, the development of teaching materials based on local wisdom was carried out. The purpose of this study was to produce a product, determine the validity, and determine the practicality of developing teaching materials based on local wisdom in Ogan Komering Ilir Regency, with the sub-theme of the uniqueness of where I live at SDN 1 Lebung Batang. Model development uses a 4D model with 3D modifications (Define, Design, Develop). The result of the research is a product of thematic teaching materials. Then, the validation results show very valid criteria. Furthermore, the results of development testing on 16 students showed very practical achievements. These results show that the teaching materials developed focusing on Ogan Komering Ilir Regency's local wisdom are feasible and can be used in elementary school learning.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Taslim Siti Dewi Maharani Copyright (c) 2023 Taslim, Siti Dewi Maharani 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 653 665 The Paradigm of Conflict Resolution Educational Model in Building Peace Life Competency Based on Sabilulungan Local Wisdom in Primary Education Students <p>The current state of society is in an unstable position or there is national instability and emerging fights among students, gang fights, maltreatment, and bullying cases. School must be a place to instill peaceful character values which become a learning house that is able to provide knowledge, peace and comfort for all school members. The research method in this study used a qualitative descriptive approach with a research site in Cikondang traditional village. Based on the discussion result of the paradigm study of conflict resolution educational model in building peace life competency based on sabilulungan local wisdom in Primary Education, it can be concluded that the information obtained from field studies shows that: a) Schools must be a place to instill peaceful character values which are always faced with unstable social conditions or national instability, for example there are many fights among students, gang fight, maltreatment, and bullying cases, b) Conflict resolution education as the most likely medium for learning conflict resolution as a skill; has a clear and structured method and can be applied in elementary schools, c). Sabilulungan as the tradition of Sundanese people provides local wisdom that has philosophical values that is to build peaceful character, it is considered to be social capital, d) For the benefit of conflict resolution learning by combining contextual problem approach, thinking skill, affective development, student-centered values instilling base.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Tuti Istianti Enok Maryani Bunyamin Maftuh Dinie Anggraeni Dewi Copyright (c) 2023 Tuti Istianti, Enok Maryani, Bunyamin Maftuh, Dinie Anggraeni Dewi 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 666 673 Islamic Education Teachers and the Process Approach: Challenges in Islamic Education Instruction at Inclusive School of SD Muhammadiyah 12 Pamulang <p>Recently, the interest of parents who have children with special needs with various diagnoses has increased to send their children to SD Muhammadiyah 12 Pamulang. It is the school's duty to approach students to get special treatment in facilitating the learning process at school. However, PAI teachers do not have special expertise in inclusive education. This study is to discuss the challenges faced by PAI teachers who teach in inclusive schools. The data collection technique used in this study was through interviews with school principals, vice principals for curriculum, and all Islamic education teachers. The data obtained were analyzed through the stages of data reduction, presentation of patterned data, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the challenges faced by PAI teachers were difficulties in communicating and controlling the behavior of children with special needs even though children with special needs have a good level of academic intelligence, including memorizing the Qur'an. Another challenge found is experiencing a bad mood while studying, teachers are required to have full patience because sometimes children with special needs are indifferent and stare blankly. After conditioning children with special needs to have a good mood, the PAI teacher slowly returns to delivering lessons.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Ummah Karimah Rusjdy S. Arifin Siti Shofiyah Azie Fahrazie Yabes Nisdiar Dwi Nugraha Copyright (c) 2023 Ummah Karimah, Rusjdy S. Arifin, Siti Shofiyah, Azie Fahrazie Yabes, Nisdiar Dwi Nugraha 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 674 682 Efectivity of the Open Ended Approach to Increasing Students' Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability in Elementary Schools <p>The need for an innovation in learning that must be done by the teacher to achieve the expected learning outcomes. On the other hand, sometimes students do not like mathematics because they find it difficult to determine how to solve a math problem, especially word problems. The ability to think creatively mathematically is needed by students in solving problems. With the Open Ended Approach it is hoped that it can assist students in solving problems so that their mathematical creative abilities will increase. This article aims to conduct a literature review related to the goodness of the open ended approach to improving students' mathematical creative thinking abilities in elementary schools. This study is qualitative and the method used in this research is SLR (Systematic Literature Review). Data collection was carried out by reviewing all articles related to the open ended approach to improving students' mathematical creative thinking abilities in elementary schools which were published in the 2018-2022 period. The articles used in this study were 15 journal articles. Based on this research, it was found that the open ended approach can improve mathematical creative abilities.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Vidanisa Nurkhotimah Turmudi Italyani Nurhaifa Copyright (c) 2023 Vidanisa Nurkhotimah, Turmudi, Italyani Nurhaifa 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 683 692 Implementation of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) Approach to Elementary School Mathematics Problem Solving Ability <p>Problem solving skills are indispensable asa part of 21st century skills. The lpw problem solving ability of students who have not been able to develop now knowledge actively in the classroom is caused because learning is still teacher-centered. The use of a learning approach can be a solution to train students’ problem solving abilities. This study aims to conduct a literatur review related to the implementation of the Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) approach in problem solving abilities in elementary schools. Data collection is done by documenting and reviewing all articles related to the Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) approach publish ed in the last 5 years. The results showed that the Realoistic Mathematic Education (RME) approach; 1) give real and practical math problems, 2) facilitate students’ understanding of problem solving skills, 3) Improving students’ cognitive and character aspects, and 4) increase students’ interest and learning outcomes. Form the date obtained, it can concluded that the Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) approach can improve mathematical problem solving abilities in elementary schools.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Wahyu Naldi Tatang Herman Masnur Copyright (c) 2023 Wahyu Naldi, Tatang Herman, Masnur 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 693 704 Epistemological Obstacle Of Students In Solving Hots Questions In Terms Of Van Hiele's Theory In Analysis Level <p>Lack of information regarding mathematical knowledge obtained by students can result in these students experiencing epistemological obstacles. The main goal of this study is to describe the epistemological obstacle faced by students Van Hiele's level of analysis when attempting to solve HOTS Questions. This study uses a qualitative, descriptive methodology. The instruments used are Van Hiele Geometry Test and HOTS questions. Data is collected through interviews and student work. the research subjects were two participants who have reached analysis level according to Van Hiele’s theory in the 4th grade. In this study the data were analyzed by identifying the answers of 2 respondents to the indicators of epistemological barriers that had been done by the students, then interviewing the respondents. The results of this study were students who reached the level of analysis according to Van Hiele's theory encountered epistemological obstacles, such as conceptual, procedural, and operational technical obstacles, for various indicators. The difficulties and obstacles that these students encountered can be used as a guide when creating learning strategies, particularly for the content of geometry.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Widi Candika Pakaya Fattah Hanurawan Ade Eka Anggraini Copyright (c) 2023 Widi Candika Pakaya, Fattah Hanurawan, Ade Eka Anggraini 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 705 711 The Influence of Self-Efficacy on Mathematical Understanding Ability in Elementary School Students <p>The discovery of students who feel anxious, doubtful, and do not have confidence in learning mathematics has an impact on the low component of affection and also student achievement, the importance of Self-Efficacy is the trigger for this research. The purpose of this research is to determine the phenomenon of the influence and linkage of Self-Efficacy on the mathematical ability of elementary school students. This type of research is pre-experimental research with one-shot case study design. Data analysis using a mix of quantitative and qualitative analysis methods. Data retrieval techniques are taken with test techniques to measure mathematical understanding ability and non-test techniques such as filling out questionnaires and interviews. The results of this research were shown from inferential correlation and linear regression tests and concluded that: (1) self-efficacy has a significant relationship with students' mathematical understanding ability; (2) self-efficacy positively affects students' mathematical understanding ability; and (3) The findings show that students' self-efficacy is still low, as well as their learning outcomes, the trigger for low self-efficacy is thought to be due to the socio-cultural and economic background of students, aggravated by learning styles in schools that do not pay attention to the realm of student affection.</p> Wisnu Zakaria Turmudi Copyright (c) 2023 Wisnu Zakaria, Turmudi 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 712 720 21st Century Learning Based on 4C Skills (Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration and Creativity and Innovation) Against Literacy Culture in Elementary Schools <p>21st century learning is learning that prepares the 21st century generation with three main subjects in learning, namely: 1) Learning and Innovation Skills, 2) Information, Media, and Technology, and 2) Life and Career Skills. This study aims to conduct a literature review related to 21st century learning based on 4C skills (Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration and Creativity and Innovation) on literacy culture in elementary schools. The method used in this research is SLR (Systematic Literature Review). Data collection is done by documenting and reviewing all articles related to 4C Skills published in the period 2018-2022. The articles used in this study were 20 journal articles. Based on this research, it was found that the 4C skills (Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration and Creativity and Innovation) 1) had a positive influence on increasing students' HOTS abilities, 2) developing one or several potentials that existed in students, 3) increasing interest and student learning outcomes, 4) improve literacy culture in the school environment, 5) improve literacy in various subjects, 6) improve understanding and mastery of subject matter concepts, and 7) improve students' awareness of sustainability skills effectively. So that 4C skills can be used in elementary schools, especially in terms of literacy culture.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Yana Erlita Hakim Rahman Copyright (c) 2023 Yana Erlita Hakim, Rahman 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 721 735 Urgency of 21st Century Skills in Elementary Schools <p>This study aims to examine the urgency of 21st century learning skills in elementary schools. The type of research that will be used is library research with descriptive analytical methods, namely a series of activities related to the method of collecting library data to describe the situation in what way. Data analysis will be used, namely content analysis. In the 21st century, students are required to have creative thinking skills, critical thinking and problem solving, communication and collaboration. The problem-based learning model can be an alternative solution to improve 21st century skills. PBL has six syntaxes, namely oriented students to problems, organizing students to learn, guiding individual and group investigations, developing and presenting work, and analyzing and evaluating the problem-solving process. . Through this research it was concluded that 21st century skills can grow and improve cooperation in a group to solve certain problems, increase tolerance for differences in friends' opinions, try to think critically and creatively to solve problems about connecting things.</p> Yoga Prayuda Copyright (c) 2023 Yoga Prayuda 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 736 743 Implementation of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics (STEAM) Learning Model on Wayang Puppet Materials to Improve Student Creativity in the 21st Century <p>This research is motivated by learning that only uses the lecture method, causing students to lack interaction and creativity on wayang puppet material in elementary schools. In addition, the lack of implementation of science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics (STEAM) learning in elementary schools also impacts the achievement of learning outcomes. Therefore, this study aims to determine the increase in student creativity by applying the STEAM model to wayang puppet learning in elementary schools. The type of research used is classroom action research (CAR), carried out in two cycles. Each cycle has four stages: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The subjects of this research are the fourth-grade students of Muhammadiyah Suronatan Elementary School, Yogyakarta, with a total of 20 people. Data collection techniques were carried out through observation, questionnaires, and documentation. The analytical technique used in this research is descriptive qualitative analysis. The results of this study indicate that the application of the STEAM learning model to wayang puppet materials can increase the creativity of fourth-grade students at Muhammadiyah Suronatan Elementary School, Yogyakarta. This is evidenced by the results of cycle 1, where the percentage of student creativity reaches 50%, and the percentage of student creativity increases in cycle 2, reaching 85%.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Yopi Malagola Eryneta Nurul Hasanah Siti Nurjannah Copyright (c) 2023 Yopi Malagola, Eryneta Nurul Hasanah, Siti Nurjannah 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 5 1 744 755 Write and Move Learning Model Based on Digital Literacy <p>The culture of literacy in Indonesia is very low. Reading and writing had not been made a necessity in daily life.&nbsp;People had not been accustomed early to love reading and writing. The problem of digital literacy then appears and becomes a new problem when the problem of language literacy was unfinished in Indonesia which demands to all to be able to utilize and minimize all negative impacts of technology&nbsp;itself.&nbsp;In this article, researchers used research studies which explained about alternative of the problem-solving that was experienced by teachers and students by explaining about the&nbsp;write and move&nbsp;models that were modifications of the&nbsp;cooperatives learning model, writing processes and computer media.&nbsp;The&nbsp;write and move&nbsp;learning model can motivate students and teachers to continuously develop their language and digital literacy skills.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Indra Suhendra Rahman Lina Marlina Nur Rizkiya Copyright (c) 2023 Indra Suhendra, Rahman, Lina Marlina Nur Rizkiya 2023-06-30 2023-06-30 5 1 756 762 Self-Study Platform (SSP) Based Solar Cell As A Solution In Improving The Learning Quality In Outermost, In Frontier and Under Develop Area <p>Unbalanced teacher distribution, limitations of learning media, incomplete library book so there are not many students who are interested in literacy, the lack of educators and educational labor, the teacher’s quality also is an important issue in 3T area. (Education and Culture Policy Research Center, Kemdikbud, 2013). This results in the quality of learning very low and need to find the right solution effectively. The use of the right technology is a solution to improve the learning quality in 3T areas and unravel the educational gap that still exists between regions where they occur. A combination of a self-study platform (SSP) and solar cells is designed to enhance the learning quality of 3T areas because it is equipped with various learning materials that use fun methods and media. This research is used two research approaches, namely qualitative and quantitative, qualitative approach is done by using the sociology approach and collective memory analysis (Berg, 2007; Biernacki, 2005; Zerubavel, 2003; Nash, 2001). Quantitative approach is used to analyze the data required by schools in the 3T area. The aims in this research are to produce the reconstruction of teacher’s experience, school documents, learning reference to increase the learning quality. In addition, to see the relation of the concept that has been developed to improve the learning quality in 3T region school. Self-Study Platform (SSP) Based Solar is a platform designed to be used offline and allow students to learn themselves by choosing the material that wants to be learned or that has been arranged by the teachers to study. SSP also considers the students learning style by audio, visual, and audio visual because the features in it are equipped based on the student learning need. Learning content via SSP can be designed by the teacher, practitioners of education or other teachers from various regions, and being put in SSP to be studied by students in other areas in general or in 3T region where the SSP is provided. The limitations of electricity flow in 3T area are no longer an obstacle because it can take advantage of solar cell. Self-Study Platform (SSP) based Solar is a platform that can bridge the intensity of systemic relations and synergy between teachers, students, learning situation, and learning media in producing optimal processes and learning results in accordance with the curricular terms, especially in the 3T area that has not been handled.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Muhammad Sarlin Ikhsan Hidayat Muhammad Yasser Arafat Candra Cuga Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Sarlin, Ikhsan Hidayat, Muhammad Yasser Arafat, Candra Cuga 2023-06-30 2023-06-30 5 1 763 772 Ability to Write Explanatory Text in Grade VI Elementary School Students Using Picture Media <p>The ability to write explanatory text is a process of expressing ideas and thoughts written in the form of sentences based on facts and phenomena that occur so that the reader knows the information. The purpose of this study was to describe students' ability to write explanatory texts in grade VI elementary school students using the aid of media images, explain students' obstacles in writing explanatory texts and find solutions given to overcome students who are less able to write explanatory texts. The type of method used in this research is to use a descriptive method with a quantitative approach. The sample of class VI Elementary School students is 32 people. The research technique is by tests, observations, and interviews. The assessment guide includes aspects of the suitability of the theme with the content, text structure, use of language, and punctuation. Based on the research results obtained an average of 69.75. The suitability of the theme with content is 18.28, text structure is 21.00, language use is 15.24, and punctuation is 15.23. The lowest score is in the use of language and punctuation. Students still do not understand the use of punctuation marks in a sentence, and the use of language is not yet structured, because students lack confidence, lack knowledge, and language in making an essay. Requires varied methods, writing experience, and literate culture to stimulate students in writing.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Nena Purnamawati Prana Dwija Iswara Yana Erlita Hakim Copyright (c) 2023 Nena Purnamawati, Prana Dwija Iswara, Yana Erlita Hakim 2023-06-30 2023-06-30 5 1 773 785 Evaluation Of Mathematics Learning In Elementary School Grade IV: The Importance Of Numeracy <p>The obligation of a teacher in improving the learning process is to compile an assessment. This study aims to describe the evaluation of the assessment of learning for class IV mathematics learning on numbers material. This research method uses a descriptive method. The subjects of this study were 14 students of grade IV elementary school consisting of 8 men and 6 women. The data in this study consisted of mid-examination questions, answer sheets, and the results of interviews with teachers and students. Based on the results of the assessment carried out, the average processed is 58. The number of students who have a score &gt;70 is 3 students, while those who get a score ≤70 are 11 students. Based on the results of the assessment and interviews that have been carried out, mathematics learning on the number material and place values has not been mastered by students, some of the factors that cause this to happen are: 1) the learning process that still prioritizes remembering skills, so that the learning carried out has not been meaningful by students; 2) lack of application in daily life; 3) the lack of material meaning across sciences, and 4) Assessment items are generally at a low cognitive level. The main goal of learning mathematics is to develop problem-solving skills. For this goal to be achieved, the process of learning mathematics must be to relate to everyday life and also across sciences. This mathematics learning process is called numeracy.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Refiona Andika S Hendri M Masniladevi Z Zuryanti Copyright (c) 2023 Refiona Andika, S Hendri, M Masniladevi, Z Zuryanti 2023-06-30 2023-06-30 5 1 786 792 Continuing Professional Development Needs: Are Elementary School Teachers in Rural Areas Ready to Take the Online Training? <p>Continuous professional development (CPD) has a significant impact on the competency of elementary school teachers. This study aimed to investigate the readiness of elementary school teachers in rural areas to attend online training based on their professional development needs—quantitative research methods with a descriptive approach. The research sample was 94 elementary school teachers in a rural area of one of the districts in West Bandung Regency, West Java, which were taken using a purposive sampling technique. Data was collected through a questionnaire using the Guttmann scale and focused group discussion (FGD). The questionnaire consists of 8 questions in 3 indicators to be studied. While the discussion was concentrated, five questions were asked of the respondents. The study results show that elementary school teachers in rural areas are ready to participate in continuous professional development through online training according to their level of need and mastery of the subject matter. It can be a reference for further research to develop online training that does not only involve teachers from urban areas and can also involve teachers from rural areas.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Yudi Yanuar Wahyu Sopandi Udin Syaefudin Sa'ud Cepi Riyana Copyright (c) 2023 Yudi Yanuar, Wahyu Sopandi, Udin Syaefudin Sa'ud, Cepi Riyana 2023-06-30 2023-06-30 5 1 793 801 Developing An Inclusive Culture Through “Utari Sendakeb” At UPT SD Negeri 263 Gresik <p>One of the efforts to create a comfortable and friendly school social environment at the Inclusive Education Provider School (SPPI) is to develop an inclusive culture at the school. In fact, an inclusive culture at UPT SD Negeri 263 Gresik has not materialized or has not been developed properly. This is indicated by the continued bullying attitude towards Children with Special Needs (ABK) by regular students and some students do not want to associate or interact with ABK. This study aims to identify and describe the inclusive culture developed by UPT SD Negeri 263 Gresik through "Utari Sendakeb" in order to create a comfortable and friendly school environment. The method used in this research is a qualitative research method with a case study type of research. The informants were school principals, teachers, regular students, students with special needs, and parents/guardians of UPT SD Negeri 263 Gresik students. Meanwhile, data collection techniques used in-depth interviews with informants, participant observation, Forum Group Discussion (FGD), and documentation studies. Based on the data collected, it is known that through habituation activities in the morning before the teaching and learning process begins, "Utari Sendakeb" namely Ceremony, Tartil Al Quran, Self Evaluation, Gymnastics, and Community Service, an inclusive culture at UPT SD Negeri 263 Gresik can be realized or developed well. This is indicated by the school community having implemented inclusive cultural values ​​well. However, there are indicators of inclusive cultural values ​​that need to be developed and become program priorities in the future, namely the indicators that everyone feels welcome at school and that everyone must have the character of caring, empathy and helping each other.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Badrut Tamam Yatim Riyanto Erny Roesminingsih Copyright (c) 2023 Badrut Tamam, Yatim Riyanto, Erny Roesminingsih 2023-07-09 2023-07-09 5 1 802 808 Self-Regulation Learning and Self-Awareness in The Classroom <p>The purpose of the study is determined research trends related to self-regulation learning and self-awareness in the classroom. This finding carried out in October 2022 by conducting Pop from the Scopus data bases using Bibliometric VoSviewer analysis in RIS format which resulted in Network Visualization, Overlay Visualization and Density Visualization. Based on the results of the analysis, it is necessary to increase student competence in various aspects, including research using a mix method, the relationship between self-regulation learning and self-awareness reviewed in a social-humanities manner, and can be applied to every level of education.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Mikhael Klemens Kedang Setya Yuwana Hendratno Suhartono Copyright (c) 2023 Mikhael Klemens Kedang, Setya Yuwana, Hendratno, Suhartono 2023-07-09 2023-07-09 5 1 809 816 Green Consumer Behavior Profile Of Elementary School Students In The City Of Bandung <p><strong>. </strong>&nbsp;The purpose of this study was to obtain an overview of the green consumer behavior profile of elementary school students in the city of Bandung, to what extent they apply the concepts of green consumer behavior and how potential elementary school students implement green consumers in their daily lives. Students with good green consumption behavior whose actions are always in harmony with nature and are responsible for the surrounding environment, consider the effect of their consumption activities on the environment which is reflected in how these students search for, buy, use, evaluate, and dispose of products. This study uses a quantitative approach with the survey method, with the instrument in the form of a Green Consumer Behavior questionnaire. The population used in this study were public elementary school students in the city of Bandung, the samples were taken using probability sampling technique. Sampling of members of the population is done randomly and members of the population are considered homogeneous (simple random sampling). The research procedure consists of three stages, namely: (1). preparation phase. At this stage it is carried out by compiling research instruments, compiling research instruments; (2). Data Collection Stage. This stage begins by distributing questionnaires to respondents in the form of a Google form. Respondents filled out/answered a questionnaire in the form of a Google form via their mobile phone or laptop/PC, then the respondent's data was sent automatically via the researcher's Gmail account for further processing and analysis; and (3). Completion Stage. The completion stage is the final stage of the research, namely researchers processing and analyzing research data to draw conclusions. The results of the research from 400 student respondents with 6 questions distributed showed that 1 question was included in the very good category, 2 questions were included in the good category and 3 questions were included in the sufficient category. These questions are an illustration of the profile of green consumer behavior in students. The profile of green consumer behavior of elementary school students in the city of Bandung shows that the behavior of choosing/buying food/goods that do not harm the body is very well done, while the behavior of bringing cutlery and drinking from home and sorting wet/dry waste is well done by school students Base.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Deasy Rahmawati Nana Supriatna Sapriya Copyright (c) 2023 Deasy Rahmawati, Nana Supriatna, Sapriya 2023-07-09 2023-07-09 5 1 817 826