A bibliometric analysis of problem-based learning and physics education research (2013–2023)

  • Ahmad Fakhri Burhanudin Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Firmanul C Wibowo Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Hadi Nasbey Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Keywords: problem-based learning, physics education, learning models


The development of learning models of education is increasing. Teachers can use various methods and learning models to convey learning material to achieve learning goals at school, one of which is the Problem-Based Learning model. This research aims to discover the research trends of Problem-Based Learning and physics education in the last ten years, which have continued to increase. This research is quantitative research conducted by analyzing the bibliometric "Problem-Based Learning and physics education" model taken from annual publications, countries, institutions, authors, journals, references, and keywords in the field which are processed visually using R software The results of this study were 121 Scopus database metadata documents used and analyzed with Biblioshiny. In general, China has the most publications, Fi Y is a figure who often researches PBL and physics education, and PBL is a learning model that focuses on problem-solving, critical thinking, and student independence. This research provides readers with an understanding of PBL and physics education and serves as a reference for further research


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