Pembelajaran fisika model levels of inquiry bermuatan nilai ketuhanan untuk meningkatkan attitudes towards physics dan sikap spiritual siswa SMA

  • Annisa Nurjanah Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Andi Suhandi Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Taufik Ramlan Ramalis Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: Levels of Inquiry, Divine Values, Attitudes towards Physics, Spiritual Attitudes, High Level Cognitive Ability


The purpose of this study was to get an overview of increasing attitudes towards physics and growing spiritual attitudes of high school students as the effect of applying the levels of inquiry model with divine values in learning physics on static fluid subject matter. The research method used is a mixed method (mix-methods) which includes quantitative and qualitative research using embedded experiment design. The research subjects were 64 students of class XI at a private high school in Subang district, West Java. The data collection instruments used included an attitudes towards physics scale and a spiritual attitude questionnaire. The results showed that the application of the levels of inquiry model with divine values could change the attitudes towards physics of the majority of high school students in a more positive direction and could foster the spiritual attitude of most high school students. These results indicate that there is quite good potential for the levels of inquiry model with divine values when used to improve high school students' attitudes towards physics as well as cultivate spiritual attitudes.


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