Exploring trends in augmented reality research for science education: A bibliometric mapping analysis

  • Arif Muzakki Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Firmanul C Wibowo Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • I Made Astra Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Keywords: Augmented Reality, Science Education, Bibliometric Analysis, Research Trends, R Software


Augmented reality (AR) has emerged as a captivating research area in science education. This study seeks to analyze bibliometric trends in the past nineteen years by mapping content and articles related to AR's use in science education. The research employs descriptive quantitative bibliometric mapping, accessing 354 sources from 594 documents, with 35 documents selected to examine literature on AR in science education. Through bibliometrics, we evaluate the most prominent sources, authors, cited documents globally, frequently used words, and literature development trends on this topic. Recent literature on using AR in science education has garnered significant attention. Research trends demonstrate a steady rise in publications discussing AR's use to 1) enhance scientific learning, 2) increase student engagement and present concepts more concretely, 3) motivate learning and critical thinking, 4) facilitate collaborative learning, and 5) offer simulation opportunities to students.


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