Pengaruh pendekatan inquary based learning science education (IBSE) terhadap kemampuan berpikir kreatif dan kemampuan komunikasi peserta didik pada materi kinematika

  • Aulia Febian Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Firmanul C Wibowo Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Esmar Budi Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Keywords: IBSE, Creative thinking, Learning outcomes, Kinematics


The demand for quality human resources, capable of competition and character, is the challenge of 21st century education as stipulated in the Partnership 21st Century (P21) framework, students are expected to be able to survive by using the skills they have to develop learning skills, innovation, technology and median information. The application of the Inquiry Based Science Education (IBSE) approach can have a positive influence on students' creative thinking abilities and communication abilities in the context of kinematics material. In the implementation of IBSE, students are actively engaged in the learning process through experiments, observations, and discussions, which encourages them to develop better creative thinking and communication skills. The results of the research indicate that students who learn with the IBSE approach have higher scores in creative thinking and communication abilities compared to those who learn with conventional approaches. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that the application of the IBSE approach as a teaching method in kinematics material can enhance students' creative thinking and communication abilities. It is important to note that the specific impact of the IBSE approach may vary depending on various factors such as the proficiency level of students, the teaching environment, and the instructional methods used. Nonetheless, overall, the IBSE approach has shown promise in promoting creative thinking and communication abilities among students in the context of kinematics material. Initial data is taken from the final exam results of XI SMA Negeri 50 Jakarta students in the 2022/2023 school year. The study uses pre- and post-test results as a data collection tool, using descriptive questions related to creative thinking indicators. By analyzing the difference between scores before and after the test and calculating the normalized pass, the study aimed to identify improvements in critical thinking skills in both grades.


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