Implementasi VTR/GO 4C’s untuk meningkatkan kemampuan HOTS siswa kelas VIII pada materi gerak

  • Elsa Anggiya Nurinsani SMPIT Nurul Fikri Bogor
  • Kresna Susilo Zaelani SMPIT Nurul Fikri Bogor
Keywords: HOTS, VTR/GO 4C’, Motion 5


The implementation of HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) learning in learning often experiences problems in stimulating students, because HOTS tends to be related to difficult questions. Apart from HOTS being applied in questions, HOTS stimulus in learning must be applied. The results of a preliminary study conducted on class VIII students by giving multiple choice questions related to motion material showed an average score of 50. This research aims to improve the HOTS abilities of class VIII students in learning physics on Motion material. By applying VTR/GO 4C's in learning, students will fill in each column of VTR/GO 4C's, namely (Connectionion, Challenge, Concept Change). In the "Connectionion" column, students are given a stimulus from a video about movement phenomena, then students Connection it with everyday life based on experience or information they have obtained (C3). After writing in the "Connectionion" column, students are expected to be able to create several questions from the video stimulus or from the learning that has been carried out and can be written in the "Challenge" column (C6). In the "Concept" column, students write and analyze important keywords from the results of the explanation given by the teacher (C4). The teacher gives practice questions and students reflect on the learning they have done or write down insights from the learning they have done in the "Change" column (C5). The results of the analysis using VTR/GO 4C's can be used as an alternative in improving students' HOTS abilities in learning the physics of Motion material.


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