A bibliometric analysis of microlearning video for physics online learning research (2013–2023)

  • Fani Anggraini Uni
  • Firmanul C Wibowo Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Hadi Nasbey Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Keywords: video microlearning, physics education, scopus database, trends, bibliometric


Challenges in the future that can be competitive, namely by using interactive learning media based on the internet and technology, one of which is microlearning video learning. This research was conducted by analyzing the "Video Microlearning" model. Bibliometrics retrieved from several document types, document sources, top contributing countries, top authors, top affiliations, top source titles, top relevant or trending keywords, research citations that include research findings along with recommendations, and a visualization of the top research mappings that quoted over the past ten years. The results of this study used a quantitative descriptive method of 166 Scopus database metadata documents that were used, processed, and analyzed with Biblioshiny and a mapping application using VOSviewer. In general, the United States (USA) is the country with the most publications, and Cui T is the figure who contributes the most to research. Trends in microlearning video research over the years (2013-2023) resulting from bibliometrics show several trends, namely education, e-learning-based learning, video recording-based learning, human experiment-based learning, teaching-based learning, social media-based learning, motivation-based learning, problem-solving based l_earning, and various other trends


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