Karakteristik Tes Two-Tier Keterampilan Proses Sains Ditinjau dari Aspek Hipotesis Berdasarkan Graded Response Model

  • Mira Maulida Fitria Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Didi Teguh Chandra Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Taufik Ramlan Ramalis Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: science process skills, science process skill test, two-tier test


Science process skills in learning physics is one of the competencies that students must have. It’s because physics is part of Sains which has the essence of a way of investigating related to the scientific method approach. In a learning proces,it is necessary to develop instruments test that capable to assessing the achievement of student’s science process skills. The purpose of this research is to develope a two-tier multiple choice test for measuring science process skills of senior high school student using the graded response model (GRM) approach. This research used mix method with exploratory sequential design. The research participant used was 168 students at three of the public schools in the city of Tasikmalaya. The instruments in this study were 19 items of two tier multiple choice questions on science process skills. However, only 3 items were discussed, it's on aspects of science process skills in making hypotheses. The research data obtained was analyzed using the response item theory approach with the Graded Response Model (GRM). The results showed that science process skills test had good location parameters, a good discriminant index, a fairly good information function that is suitable for measuring students' science process skills in the moderate category. The two-tier multiple choices science process skills test in this study can be used as an alternative for teachers to identify students' science process skills in high school.


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