Pengembangan tes diagnostik berbasis seamleap untuk mengidentifikasi keterampilan literasi sains pada materi gerak harmonis sederhana
This research aimed to develop a two-tiers diagnostic test to measure high school students' level of scientific literacy skills in the topic of simple harmonic motion; and SeamLeap application as a digital-based learning evaluation medium. The research design conducted was a mixed-methods approach with an exploratory sequential method. The sample for this study was determined using purposive sampling technique, involving 52 students of XI IPA of a public high school in Bandung, divided into 21 participants for the limited test group and 31 participants for the large-scale test group. Additionally, one physics teacher from the same school was included in the study. During the development process, the SeamLeap-based diagnostic test received assessments from expert validators, resulting in 97% (deemed very feasible) for the media aspect, 87% (deemed very feasible) for the material aspect, and 92% (deemed very feasible) for the instrument aspect. The revised version from the developmental process was then implemented to measure students' level of scientific literacy skills in simple harmonic motion, revealing that the students’ scientific literacy skills generally achieved 51% or a moderate level. The characteristics of the diagnostic test instrument were analyzed using the Partial Credit Model (PCM). This analysis indicated that the test instrument was reliable for assessing students with abilities ranging from -3 to +3 (from very low to very high), and the majority of items fell within the range of -0.68 to 0.83, indicating a moderate level of difficulty. Furthermore, based on the questionnaire feedback from users, the SeamLeap application achieved a feasibility rating of 75% and 76% respectively, indicating that SeamLeap was suitable for use as a medium for physics learning evaluation.
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