Profil Angin Udara atas di Bandara Kualanamu Berdasarkan Data Pengamatan Pilot Balloon (Pibal) Tahun 2014-2022

  • Immanuel Jhonson A. Saragih BMKG – Stasiun Meteorologi Kualanamu, Deli Serdang
Keywords: Kualanamu Airport, Vertical wind, Hodograph


The observation of upper air, scientifically referred to as aerology, constitutes a process aimed at vertically measuring meteorological parameters. The observation of upper air profiles is essential for comprehending the vertical movement of air masses within the atmosphere. One of the methods employed in wind observations across various atmospheric layers is through Pilot Balloon (Pibal) observations, whereby data on azimuth and elevation obtained through the use of a theodolite are converted into information regarding wind direction and speed. Currently, the utilization of Pibal data to support weather forecasting operations remains notably limited. For Bandara Kualanamu, a newly established airport, understanding upper air wind profiles becomes crucial in facilitating weather forecasting operations. This study was conducted to assess the vertical wind characteristics at Bandara Kualanamu based on Pibal observation data spanning the period from 2014 to 2022. The data processing for Pibal observations employed statistical methods and Hodograph analysis. The research findings reveal that the average wind speed at 18 UTC is higher compared to 06 UTC. There is a discernible trend of increasing wind speed with rising altitudes, with average wind speeds at altitudes ranging from 1000-3000 ft being approximately 6-7 kts, at 5000-7000 ft around 7-8 kts, and at altitudes above 10000 ft being at least 9 kts or higher. Monthly wind direction frequency distribution and Hodograph analysis indicate the presence of two alternating wind patterns, namely, northwesterly to northerly (NW-N) and east-southeastern (E-SE) winds. These patterns recur annually and are particularly pronounced at altitudes of 1000-3000 ft.


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