Integrasi RUSLE Berbantuan GIS untuk analisis estimasi erosi tanah di kabupaten ciamis

  • Levya Dewi Aistrin UIN Sunan Gunung Djati
  • Riki Purnama Putra UIN Sunan Gunung Djati
  • Rena Denya Agutina UIN Sunan Gunung Djati
Keywords: Analisis resiko, Bencana, Erosi, GIS, RUSL


Indonesia is a country that is prone to erosion because it is in a tropical climate with relatively high rainfall intensity and is supported by hilly topographic conditions in most areas. This research aims to determine estimates of soil erosion using the GIS-assisted RUSLE method in the Ciamis district area. This method focuses on five Factors, namely Rainfall erodibility Factor (R), Soil erodibility Factor (K), Topographic Factor (LS), Cropping management Factor (C) and Practice support Factor (P). Based on the Morgan classification, the estimated results of soil erosion in the Ciamis  district are classified as high erosion with the highest soil loss value being 33.9645 tons ha-1 year-1.


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