The Implementation of Multi-literacy of Literature Based on Mother Tongue Model in Reading Historical Narrative Text to The Elementary Students’ Higher Order Thinking Skill

  • Evita Meylani Awalia Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Rahman Rahman Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Prana Dwija Iswara Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: high order thinking, multi-literacy, mother tongue


High order thinking skill is a sign of intelligence that is needed the most in 21st century education. Meanwhile, the result of the research in real life like PISA , shows that students‟ thinking ability is still categorized to „low‟. This research is aimed to know the students‟ high order thinking skill trough multi-literacy of mother tongue based model. Through literature study method, researcher find out that: (1) the use of multi-literacy model can improve the students‟ higher order thinking skill; (2) the syntax of multi-literacy based on mother tongue model; (3) benefit and minus of multi-literacy based on mother tongue model

How to Cite
AwaliaE. M., RahmanR., & IswaraP. D. (2020). The Implementation of Multi-literacy of Literature Based on Mother Tongue Model in Reading Historical Narrative Text to The Elementary Students’ Higher Order Thinking Skill. International Conference on Elementary Education, 2(1), 202-210. Retrieved from

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